Because in his perception, the young man in mid-air is unfathomable.

  He waved his hand to blow himself away.

  Such strength.

  This young man, at least, is a powerhouse at the half-step human-immortal level.

  Well, speaking of young people, it simply refers to her face.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Once the cultivation base has reached the level of a Celestial Master, he will be able to maintain his youth forever before the deadline.

  Therefore, when they reach their level, they don't look at their faces, they look at their cultivation, and they look at their strength.

  From the point of view of cultivation and strength, there is nothing wrong with her little guy.

  "Little Dingmao, you came just right, I feel that the power of the guardian is insufficient."

  Lin Feng looked at the little Ding Mao.

  When he arrived at the corpse sect, he had already notified the little Ding Mao.

  The little Dingmao arrived at this time, and it was already very slow.

  However, as long as it doesn't delay the business, it doesn't matter.

  "This formation!"

  Little Dingmao looked at the great formation of Ascension to Immortals that had already been launched, and there was a bit of strangeness in his eyes.

  Then, she looked at Lin Feng: "I will help you today, and you will help me in the future, this is a deal!"


  Brothers, settle accounts.

  Although she felt the same way about Lin Feng because of Yue Qiluo's memory.

  But in essence, she is still the fifth son who is aloof.

  Although human.

  But when faced with a major decision, divinity is still greater than human nature.


  Lin Feng nodded.

  In this world, there is no such thing as a pie from the sky.

  Moreover, the little Ding cat is coming to an end.

  Force the shot, the deadline will definitely come faster.

  If she asked for nothing else, Lin Feng might panic.

  "Another strong man suspected of being a human being, how many secrets does this kid hide!"

  The black-robed old man has a heart, more and more relaxed.

  Worry about the future is a little less.

  Because the power that Lin Feng has gathered now far exceeds that of ordinary holy places.

  If this can't support the corpse sect to reappear in the world, then it is the corpse sect that is going to die.

  Fate is so, it cannot be changed.

  Time, little by little.

  In the distance, there are more and more peeping eyes.

  Lin Feng didn't care about those eyes.

  Soon, from the moon to the middle of the sky, the power in the Immortal Ascension Formation also accumulated to its limit.

  "it's time!"

  Lin Feng nodded to the little Ding Mao and the black-robed old man, got up, and stepped into the big formation.begging.

Chapter 441


  The little Ding Mao nodded, his eyes swept into the distance.

  Many mountain spirits and wild monsters who were attracted by Yuehua Starlight were stopped by the corpse sect at a distance.

  However, after all, the sect of the corpse sect is limited, and the surrounding mountains and forests are too dense, after all, there are still many powerful people who sneak in and peep on the side.

  At the same time, on the farther hilltop, there are two Heavenly Master-level existences, watching the movement here from the air.

  "Maoshan Li Qilong, the other one, is the monk of Tianjing Temple?"

  Little Dingmao moved in his heart, but did not take it to heart.

  This time for Lin Feng to protect the law, she has already prepared for full firepower.

  The mere Celestial Master was not in her eyes yet.

  There are only human beings who deserve her attention.

  "It's about to start!"

  The black-robed old man clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves.

  Although he had absolute confidence in Lin Feng, when the moment really came, he couldn't help but be nervous.

  "Pay attention to vigilance, trespassers, kill without mercy!"

  Xuankui glanced around, and the order was conveyed.

  The zombie army moved on the wind, and the eight golden lock formations were running, blocking all directions.

  "That outcast boy from Maoshan has moved!"

  In the distance, monk Jingran's eyes flashed, and he had a panoramic view of the scene in the valley.


  Li Qilong was silent.

  Although he hasn't contacted Lin Feng yet, he already knows that the situation has changed.

  The agreement with Lin Feng in the past was probably innumerable.

  And Mao Shan's idea of ​​going to the top of the corpse sect was doomed to fail.

  Snakes, Swallows, Normal.

  Be brave, it is not impossible to swallow chicken.

  Desperately, the sheep can't be swallowed.

  Elephant can be swallowed.

  just forget it.

  Li Zhanlong once thought that the corpse-hunting faction that had been silent for thousands of years was no longer fierce, and even if it still maintained its inheritance, it was nothing but a sheep.

  It is not impossible for Maoshan to swallow it and become a dragon.

  But now it seems that, with the size of the corpse sect, this is a sheep, it is clearly an elephant.

  "Send a future immortal to a hostile sect with your own hands."

  Li Qilong was expressionless, the fists hidden in his sleeves were clenched tightly, but his fingernails had already penetrated deeply into his palms.

  If it weren't for his whim, he would come up with this stupid plan.

  Now, Lin Feng should be Mao Shan's genius disciple.

  The person who will lead Maoshan to glory in the future.

  And now, Lin Feng has become an abandoned disciple of Maoshan.

  After taking charge of the corpse expulsion faction, if he does not fight against Maoshan, he is already thinking about the love of incense.

  Back to Maoshan?

  What are you thinking!

  Isn't it fragrant to be a good master of the Holy Land?

  Of course, the premise is that the corpse sect can resist the blow of the Holy Land in the world.

  At this level, top sects like Maoshan can no longer play a decisive role.

  The competition at the level of human beings and immortals is the key to the matter.

  "Fourth Ancestor, are you ready?"

  Lin Feng stepped into the formation and looked at the old zombie who had been standing in the formation, adjusting his state.

  "bring it on!"

  The old zombie nodded, his dark eyes full of eagerness to try.

  "it is good!"

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at the three zombie kings next to him: "You wait for me and the Fourth Ancestor to protect the Dharma first, and when the Fourth Ancestor succeeds, I will help you and wait!"


  The three zombie kings nodded.

  In a formation of three talents, Lin Feng and the old zombie were surrounded.

  So far, inside, there are three peak zombie king guardians.

  Outside, there is a zombie army, a small cat, and a group of corpse hunters.

  Even if it is a human being, if there are only one or two, I am afraid that they will not be disturbed.

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