Fang Ming's eyes were full of madness, as if he had seen the wonderful performance on Shi Jian's face when he took Lin Feng back to the mountain gate. .

Chapter 58


  Looking at the same kind that suddenly appeared in front of him, the royal zombies were a little irritable.

  From this same kind, it also sensed danger.

  This is so special, there are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

  Chizuru, who had just stepped into the jungle, also stopped.

  In this forest, there is actually a zombie.

  Moreover, looking at the power, this zombie is probably not inferior to the strength of the royal zombie.

  What the hell is this shit luck?

  When will the zombies at this level of jumping stiff be seen everywhere?

  At this moment, in his heart, he was extremely fortunate that Lin Feng was with him.

  If Lin Feng wasn't there, today, I'm afraid that the royal zombies alone would definitely make him suffer a lot.

  Not to mention this wild zombie that suddenly appeared again.

  It's just, if the royal zombies and this wild zombie join forces, will Lin Feng not be an opponent?

  In an instant, Qianhe was worried again.

  Da da da--

  Just when he was stunned, Lin Feng had already followed.

  "Lin Feng, there seems to be another zombie in here. Are you sure? If not, we will withdraw first, and wait until we go up the mountain to find Senior Brother Simu and Master Yixiu, and then come up and clean them up together."

  Chizuru worried.

  "It's okay, I can handle it."

  Lin Feng nodded, but realized that Qianhe didn't know that his subordinates still had a stiff head.

  However, he didn't say anything and went straight in.

  Chizuru quickly followed.

  But in his heart, he made up his mind that if Lin Feng was defeated in a while, he would immediately take him away.

  bang bang bang-

  In the forest, muffled noises continued.

  The two walked a hundred miles forward, and they saw the royal zombie again.

  However, it encountered a well-matched opponent, that is, Mrs. Ren.

  "It's fighting."

  Chizuru breathed a sigh of relief.

  He was really afraid of two zombies joining forces.

  But now it seems that he thinks too much.

  "Bronze armored corpse, really powerful."

  Aside, Lin Feng squinted his eyes, carefully observing the battle situation ahead.

  The two zombies are both in the early stage of jumping and have their own advantages.

  Grandpa Ren, who has been sacrificed for [-] years in the corpse raising ground, and used his blood to see blood, is much stronger than ordinary zombies in the early stage of jumping, no matter in terms of speed and strength.

  And this royal zombie, although the speed is on the level of ordinary zombies in the early stage of jumping, but just by chance, the bronze armor is added, which makes his strength and defense stronger than that of ordinary zombies in the early stage of jumping. .

  The two bosses have their own strengths, but for a while, it is difficult to tell the difference.

  However, sensing Lin Feng's approach, the royal zombies became more and more irritable.

  The fear of Lin Feng made it impatient to get away from here.

  Immediately, it didn't care about entanglement with the old man Ren, and directly resisted the attack of the old man, and drilled into the depths of the forest.

  "This royal zombie has become an elite." A look of shock appeared on Qianhe's face: "Such intelligence, if it really lets it escape, it will be really troublesome."

  "Don't worry, brother, it won't go away."

  Lin Feng grinned and snapped his fingers.

  A crisp sound exploded in the forest.


  The mountain wind suddenly became stronger.

  Also, it was extremely cold.

  The gloomy wind whistled.

  "No, it's so badass."

  Qianhe's face changed greatly.

  He studied under Maoshan, and after going down the mountain, he went south and north. What scene did he not see?

  However, it was the first time he had seen such a strong ghost.

  Immediately, he thought of the vision in the mountain forest last night.

  Could it be said that this is a step of caution, breaking into the field of a certain boss.

  That boss, looking at the posture last night, I am afraid that at least there are ghost kings, demon kings, and flying zombies.

  Immediately, he grabbed Lin Feng: "Feng boy, the situation is not right, let's withdraw first."

  Heaven and earth are big, small life is the biggest.

  If it was just him, he would definitely find out.

  However, now, Lin Feng is also there, so without hesitation, he chose to be safe.

  "Brother, don't panic, they are all my subordinates!"

  Seeing that Qianhe was so frightened, Lin Feng hurriedly showed up.

  In the distance, the figures of a group of ghost soldiers have emerged, surrounding the royal zombies.

  One after another strong ghost energy is intertwined and entangled in the mountain forest, making this mountain forest turn into a ghost in an instant.

  Among the ghosts, the eyes of the royal zombies flickered with blood, and a look of fear appeared on their faces.

  One-on-one, unless it is against Lin Feng, other creatures present, it is not afraid.

  However, what does this dense, dozens of ghosts mean?

  Can't afford it? .

Chapter 59

  "What, your subordinate?"

  Chizuru was stunned for a moment.

  He got news that Lin Feng practiced sorcery, and in less than a month, he went from an ordinary person to an archmage directly.

  Originally, he didn't believe it, but after seeing Lin Feng, he believed it.

  However, he just thought that Lin Feng had some kind of adventure, so he could do it overnight.

  After all, if it wasn't for some amazing opportunity, no matter how evil it was, it wouldn't be possible for people to reach the sky in one step.

  However, now it seems that his adventure is even bigger than he imagined.

  Look at the red-clothed woman, who is full of grievances and is a serious ghost.

  Look at the other ghost soldiers in armor, all of them are full of evil spirits, and they are all evil ghosts.

  Dozens of demons comparable to mages.

  He was also trained in the army and knew how to queue.

  This is a ghost soldier, who would dare not believe it?

  "That's right, don't I raise ghosts? I raise them all." Lin Feng nodded.

  "That zombie?" Qianhe pointed at Grandpa Ren.

  "Yes, it is also my subordinate."


  Thousands of cranes flashed countless lies in his heart, but he had nothing to say.

  It turned out that the younger brother was already so strong.

  This kind of strength, I am afraid that facing the masters, they already have the power to protect themselves.

  No wonder he dared to stay around here and was unwilling to leave.

  "It's a long story at this time, so I won't explain it to my senior brother. When I collect this royal zombie, we'll discuss the wine in detail."

  Seeing Qianhe's strange expression, Lin Feng didn't know what he was thinking.

  But at this point, it's really not the time to talk too much.

  He strode forward and walked into the encirclement of a group of ghost soldiers.

  In the circle, the royal zombies looked left and right, but did not dare to act rashly.

  Because there are dangers everywhere.

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