And now, given a hundred courage to this holy monk, he would not dare.

  Unless he doesn't want his life, he doesn't care about the lives of all the people in Tianjing Temple.

  Otherwise, he can only serve the devil with his body.

  But the monk Jingran didn't expect that one day he would be able to sit and drink tea with the Celestial Master of the Corpse Sect.

  If this is spread out, the holy name of Tianjing Temple will be destroyed.

  But dare you not drink it?

  Both are king-level characters.

  Your words, my words, but also chat (Zhao Haohao) come.

  Next door, Lin Feng was entertaining Li Qilong.

  Lin Feng had no ill feelings towards Li Chalong.

  At that time, he wanted to get rid of the corpse, and the first plan was proposed by him.

  But obviously, Li Zhanlong's ambition was even greater, and he directly acted in a big play, sending Lin Feng into the corpse-hunting faction.

  "Elder, drink tea!"

  Lin Feng has no tea skills, so he just brews the tea leaves in boiling water.

  But what is his status now?

  In this Yang World, there are not many people who are qualified to let him pour tea.

  "Hey, tell me, what do you think, boy?"

  Li Qilong picked up a cup and took a sip, but he couldn't hold back any longer.

  With the strength that the corpse sect is showing now, it is basically no problem if they want to gain a firm foothold.

  Therefore, it is the forces such as Maoshan, Tianjing Temple, and Laoshan that should be worried.

  One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

  If the corpse sect is in Xiangxi, it will open the mountain gate.

  Those who bear the brunt are the three major factions in Xiangxi.

  "Elder, March and March, I'm almost the head of the corpse sect, so our previous agreement is naturally innumerable."

  Lin Feng said with a smile.

  Li Qilong nodded, but did not speak, waiting for Lin Feng to continue.

  "I don't care what happened to the corpse hunters a thousand years ago."

  "The great grievances and grievances were settled thousands of years ago."

  "This time when the mountain gate is reopened, the corpse sect will change its face and change its name, even if it is torn apart and separated from the first."

  "As for the arrangement of the corpse sect."

  "The land of Huaxia has already been divided up."

  "If the forces are re-divided, there will be chaos in the world. This is what I don't want to see."

  Hearing Lin Feng take the initiative to bring up the problem he was most concerned about, Li Qilong raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, wanting to see if he had any solution. .

Chapter 449

  "My idea is to go out."

  "This land is enduring suffering that has not been endured for thousands of years."

  "Invasion from foreign countries, monks like me, compared to the world, are weak and weak, and can't change the general trend."

  "However, we can do what I can."

  "For example, at the cultivator level, to expand the territory."

  "I wait for the sect, and the pursuit is nothing more than spiritual veins and population."

  "The number of monks on this land has reached the limit that he can accommodate."

  "So, for thousands of years, whenever a sect has risen, it will definitely cause turmoil in the world."

  "After all, the cake is so big. If someone eats more, someone must eat less."

  "So if you want to develop, you must go out."

  "And I am willing to lead the corpse sect and go out."

  Lin Feng looked solemn.

  The monks can intervene in the world.

  However, it can't be too involved.

  He can gather Gu Xuanwu, Zhang Xianzong, Luo Laowai and others to protect the two provinces of western Hunan and southern Gansu, that is the limit.

  If he continues to control ordinary people with sorcery, or influence ordinary people, he will definitely suffer humane backlash.

  This is the iron law of heaven and earth.

  Otherwise, in this world, there is no place for the secular mortals.

  It has long been unified by the monks and established an earthly fairyland.

  However, the cultivation world is closely related to the secular world.

  The secularity of this land has been weak for a long time because of the previous dynasty.

  Even if there are big brothers and intentions in the cultivation world, nothing will change.

  If you can't change the world, then you can change the world of cultivation.

  Destroy all the forces of the enemy's cultivation world.

  Although it is impossible to injure the enemies of the mundane world, it will affect it somewhat.

  At the same time, it can also solve the problems facing the corpse sect now.

  Against the world as an enemy, Lin Feng is not afraid.

  However, it was born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fry each other.

  Moving to the threshold is not a hero.

  Butcher knife, it should be outside.

  "go out?"

  "To those wild places?"

  Li Qilong was confused by Lin Feng.

  Central Plains, isn't it?

  The Six Paths of Demon Sect, but always want to return to the Central Plains.

  However, Lin Feng wanted to go out.

  Those areas occupied by the Six Paths of Demon Sect were already wild places for the famous sects in the Central Plains.

  Further out.

  where the barbarians live.

  Don't say, no matter it is the righteous way or the devil's big brother, he can't see it.

  "Wild Land?"

  Lin Feng smiled: "Elder, do you know that those wild places also have dragon veins and also have a huge population."

  "Even if we don't have many Han Chinese for the time being, we can emigrate, and with a few generations of development, the population will increase."

  "And those alien races, aren't they natural test materials, corpse refining materials?"

  Indeed, for a sect like Maoshan, those so-called wild places are really of little use.

  Because Maoshan takes the road of protection.

  It protects the Han people on this land.

  But the corpse faction is different.

  The main business of the corpse sect is to refine corpses.

  Whether it is the corpse of a Chinese or the corpse of a foreigner, it can be refined.

  Then it makes no difference.

  Even going there, if the local cultivation sects or forces are defeated, no one can stop them.

  "Dragon Vein!"



  Li Qilong muttered to himself.

  Eyes are getting brighter.

  Why did he want to step on the corpse and send him to the top?

  The purpose is not to use this time to enhance Maoshan's reputation.

  In this way, to occupy a larger territory.

  Make Maoshan better luck.

  Thick and thin.

  Step into the Holy Land.

  However, the land of China is so big.

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