Lin Jiu directly kicked Wen Cai's ass.


  In a valley three hundred miles away from the corpse sect, Jiujianxian was practicing swordsmanship.

  He felt a lot about taking Lin Feng's sword.

  At this moment, I am integrating these feelings into my kendo.

  Outside the valley, a Taoist stepped forward.

  "You old guy, you're not dead yet!"

  The Taoist looked at Jiujianxian and split his mouth.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "You immortal, you are not still alive."

  Jiujianxian collects his sword.

  Waving his hand, a stone table appeared in front of him.

  On the stone table, there are tea cups and teapots.

  Silky white smoke spilled out from the teapot.

  Accompanied by the attractive tea aroma.

  The Taoist stepped forward and sat down unceremoniously.

  Wine Sword Immortal poured a glass for him.

  The Taoist took a sip and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, wait for me to take away ten jins and eight jins."

  "If the world knows that the old heavenly master admired by the world is such a virtue, the incense of your Longhu Mountain will be at least halved."

  "If the world knew that Shushan's Jiujianxian didn't drink at all, the signboard of Shushan would be covered in dust!"


  The two teased a few words, and the face of the old Tianshi finally became serious.

  "Have you tried it? How about the corpse sect now?"

  The old master was going to go straight to the corpse sect, but on the way, he received a letter from Jiujianxian, so he changed his route here.

  "On the bright side, there is one flying yaksha, three half-step flying yakshas, ​​and in the dark, I also noticed the aura of gluttony."

  Jiujianxian spoke, but did not regard Lin Feng as an opponent.

  Because Lin Feng has only the power of a sword.

  The power of a sword, in the eyes of Jiujianxian, is not enough.

  "Taotie, this is troublesome, what should I do now?"

  The old master frowned.

  One Flying Yaksha and three half-step Flying Yakshas are powerful, but they are still a little short of being the enemy of the whole world.


  But gluttonous, it is different.

  That's a ruthless one who can easily devour human beings and immortals.

  "Let's talk about it when everyone arrives, it's not just our family's business."

  Jiujianxian shook his head.

  This is really troublesome.

  If you don't pay attention, the world of cultivation will be violent again.

  Even the Holy Land may be destroyed.


  Outside the corpse sect, on the hilltop in the distance, darkness surged, and a figure with a ghost mask appeared.

  He stood there, looking at the fiery corpse hunters in the distance.

  In order to ensure the progress of the project, the corpse-hunting sects are now working day and night.

  At night, bright torches drive the darkness.

  Let the mountain where the corpse sect sit is like daylight.

  "Broken Army Sword, right in front!"

  "One Flying Yaksha, three half-step Flying Yaksha, and a Sect Master who, although his cultivation is only at the level of a Celestial Master, but with the help of a broken army sword, he can fight against the Wine Sword Immortal."

  "The corpse sect is now the climate again!"

  The Lord of Hell's face was a little ugly.

  When he first got the news of the Po Junjian, he was in high spirits and wanted to make all the mice from the Zombie Sect disappear.

  But not long ago, the information about the corpse sect spread.

  As the Taoist master of hell, he naturally received a summons from his subordinates immediately.

  In terms of strength, he is naturally not weaker than Jiujianxian.

  But I dare not say that it is stronger than Jiujianxian.

  Even the Wine Sword Immortal was forced back.

  Naturally, he would not rush forward recklessly.

  After all, judging from the strength that the Corpse Chasing Sect is showing now, a human immortal rushes past alone, and if it is a little careless, it may be folded inside.

  However, he was still a little unwilling, so he sneaked over to see the truth of the corpse sect.

  Under his eyes, over the corpse sect, the dragon of luck is in the shape of a black dragon, hovering and perching there.

  From the point of view of luck, it is no weaker than their hell.

  Even more powerful.

  "No matter how strong you are, is it possible that you can still be the enemy of the world?"

  "Thousands of years ago, the corpse-hunting faction that almost unified the rivers and lakes fell apart overnight."

  "Is it possible that you are stronger now than you were a thousand years ago?"

  The eyes of the hell master were full of hatred, and he turned around and wanted to leave.

  This place is too close to the corpse sect.

  Not a good place.

  In order to avoid extraneous branches, it is better to leave early.

  He stepped out.

  In the void, a ripple flashed.

  His figure disappeared immediately.

  "I was involved in the realm by the Fourth Ancestor!"

  In the distance, Lin Feng's figure came out of the darkness.

  He held the hilt of the broken army sword in his hand, and his spirit was highly concentrated. The power of the soul blocked every corner of the void, and he was always ready to burst out the strongest sword at any time.begging.

Chapter 451

  "not good!"

  The Taoist Master of Hell only felt that the world was spinning and the stars were moving.

  One step out, everything came too fast.

  It was so close that he didn't respond at all.

  When he realized that something was wrong, he had come to another world.

  Everything is too late,

  It's dark, it's a dark place.

  The wind roared, and the clouds in the sky lowered and rolled.

  Under his feet, was the blood-stained pitch-black ground.

  There was a foul odor in the air, and between his breaths, his human and immortal body felt uncomfortable.

  In the distance, it was dark and dark, and it was impossible to see it.

  The strange and evil power was entangled, and the face of the Lord of Hell changed greatly: "The field of Dacheng!"

  On his body, black light surged, and the power of the domain radiated.

  The realm is the standard of human beings.

  However, like the old zombie, he has already comprehended the realm before stepping into the realm of flying Yaksha.

  When stepping into the realm of Flying Yaksha, the realm directly exists, but it is very rare.

  Obviously, the Lord of Hell is not such an existence.

  The realm that shrouded him was dark, and under the suppression of the old zombie Dacheng realm, it could only cover a range of thirty feet.

  However, it is enough.

  The space within [-] feet isolated the power of the old zombie's domain.

  click -

  At this moment, in the sky, a black shadow fell.

  He was enveloped in black air, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

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