In the valley three hundred miles away from the corpse sect.

  This valley was originally untouched for thousands of years, but since Jiujianxian chose to settle here, it has slowly become lively.

  In reality, the old master of Longhu Mountain has arrived, and in the follow-up, the most powerful people in the world, the existences of the human and immortal levels, have all rushed there.

  On the fifth day that Jiujianxian settled down in the valley, all the people who should come have finally arrived.

  Righteous and demonic, seventeen strong men and immortals on the bright side, all gathered here.

  They each represent the top sects at the level of seventeen holy places in this world.

  Dao and Buddha represent the right path, and there are eleven holy places.

  The Six Paths of Demon Gate can barely count as six holy places.

  The number of the two holy places of righteousness and demons represents the world at this time, and at this moment, the demons are still growing.

  However, the two schools of Taoism and Buddhism are not without gaps, otherwise there will be no magic door in this world.

  "Hell old man, you are the second immortal from hell, are you going to retire and go to the underworld?"

  Some people saw that the Dao Master of Hell Dao was the Yang God, and could not help but be afraid of Dao Dao.

  Generally speaking, a strong human and immortal person walks outside in the form of the Yang God, which means that he is adapting to the various states of the Yang God and preparing for the underworld.

  This is also what most immortals have to do sooner or later, and have long wanted to do it.

  After all, in the Yang World, they were already at the top.

  If you want to cultivate both soul and flesh, it is almost impossible to go further.

  At present, most of the big guys choose the method, that is, the yang god enters the yin world and continues to practice.

  The environment for cultivation in the yin world is better than that in the yang world. If you go down as an immortal, you can basically go further, and it is not a big problem to cultivate into a true immortal.

  Even angels are not impossible.

  However, the interests of the sect are above everything else, so almost all immortals are suffering.

  Wait, wait for another human immortal from the sect.

  Then the task of protecting the sect will naturally be handed over to the younger generation.

  This is almost what everyone dreams of.

  Of course, there are also a small number of sects, who are immortals in the sect, and maintain the level of two.

  Then it needs the people of the sect to pay more.

  "The fate of heaven favors me in hell~々!"

  There is joy in the words of the Lord of Hell.

  Of course, what he said about the fate of the heavens is not the same as the fate of the heavens that outsiders understand.

  For him, and for Hell Dao, Lin Feng was their destiny.


  "Now you old guy should bring us the fine wine you have collected!"


  The six realms of demons, the realm of heaven and human beings, the realm of human beings, the realm of beasts, the realm of asuras, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of hell are linked together by the same qi.

  The relationship between the six Dao masters is also good, and congratulations are all at this moment.

  "The destiny not only favors my hell, but also favors our six demons at the same time!"

  The Lord of Hell had a weird smile on his face.

  However, under the cover of the evil ghost mask, no one noticed.


  The valley is bustling, and it is difficult for these immortals to gather together so neatly on weekdays, so naturally there are endless things to say at this moment.

  "Everything that should come, let's talk about business first."

  The voice of the wine sword fairy came from the valley.

  He and Lao Tianshi walked out from the depths of the valley together.

  Everyone stopped talking and turned to look over.

  Whether it is Shushan or Longhushan, among the holy places, the strength can be ranked in the top five.

  The strength of Jiujianxian and Laotianshi can also be ranked in the top five among the immortals.

  Besides, this time, it was Wine Sword Immortal who gathered everyone here.

  Therefore, everyone gave Jiujianxian, the host, face.

  "There is no need to elaborate on the grievances between us and the corpse sect. Originally, I thought that thousands of years ago, with the demise of the corpse sect, all these grievances and grievances disappeared."

  "Even if the corpse sect still has an inheritance, there are only two or three cats big and small. They don't dare to take the lead, and they can't make any big waves."

  "Who thought that the corpse sect would give us such a big surprise, and suddenly the gate will be reopened."

  "They dared to reopen the mountain gate, of course, they also rely on it. Jiujianxian went to visit the corpse sect, and now let him tell everyone about the current situation of the corpse sect."

  Lao Tianshi sat on the stone bench and presided over this conference that would definitely affect the general trend of the entire cultivation world.

  As for the other immortals, some sat on tree trunks, some sat directly on the ground, some stood with their hands behind their backs, some squatted on the ground and played with ants...

  No one spoke, but everyone turned their attention to Jiujianxian.

  "One flying yaksha, three half-step flying yakshas, ​​a great celestial master who can make a move with me under the full force of the explosion... Behind me, there is the shadow of gluttonous..."

  Jiujianxian didn't hide it at all, and told all of what he had seen and heard, as well as his own speculation and judgment.

  In the valley, the falling needles could be heard, and it was extremely quiet.

  "The master even has a relationship with Taotie."

  The body of the hell master trembled.

  In his eyes, Lin Feng added a bit of mystery.

  "Half-step Flying Yaksha's combat power is already comparable to that of a human fairy. Flying Yaksha's combat power can even reach the level of a half-step true fairy. The corpse-hunting faction has been silent for thousands of years, and its strength has recovered to this level."

  "Although this combat power is not comparable to a thousand years ago, it is almost the same, and the strength of our factions is not as good as a thousand years ago."

  "Fighting a snake won't kill you, you will have endless troubles!"


  A group of immortals have changed color.

  If there was only one immortal, and so many of them swarmed up, the corpse sect would naturally not be able to make any waves.

  But now, if they dared to go, the waves set off by the corpse sect could engulf most of them.

  "Now if we work together as our ancestors did thousands of years ago, we should be able to knock the corpse sect out of the world again."

  "But the premise is that Taotie will not interfere, otherwise we are afraid that we will all have to fold in."

  "Then what should we do? The world is so big, can it be possible to accommodate a Holy Land? Besides, how could the Corpse Sect be satisfied with a Holy Land as simple as that?"

  "Even if the gluttonous taotie doesn't make a move, how many of us will be able to get up intact?"

  "People are dead, and I have already lived enough!"

  "Then you go first, we will cheer for you at the back!"

  "You... haven't cleaned you up for two hundred years, are you itchy?"


  Everyone was talking about it, and when they were talking, they got angry, and they had a big fight.

  After all, many of them originally had grudges.


  The old Tianshi snorted coldly, his body glowing with golden light, and a powerful coercion enveloped the entire valley.

  The golden light is released as soon as it is released!

  The valley was quiet again.

  "Half-step true immortal, this old guy, his strength has improved again."

  "Under such a cruel environment of heaven and earth, it is still possible to take that half step in this world, the old master is really unfathomable!"

  "It's really unreasonable that someone who has inherited the Heavenly Master can take this half step."


  The eyes of everyone looking at the old master changed.

  Everyone was on the same level.

  Even if someone is stronger than the other, that is limited, not to the point of being irresistible.

  And after taking that half-step, ordinary human beings are basically in front of the old Tianshi, and it can basically be said that they have no power to fight back.

  "¨~Although there are flying yaksa in the corpse sect, but if I do my best, I won't be afraid of them.

  But gluttony's deadline should be approaching, we can't annoy him at this time, otherwise there will be big trouble.

  Unless someone above is willing to go down to the realm, take action, and lead the glutton away.

  In this regard, you can also think of a way.

  What really troubled me was the new head of the corpse sect, the young Great Celestial Master, Lin Feng.

  Everyone has Lin Feng's information, so I don't need to say more.

  Such a young great celestial master will surely become an immortal in the future, and it is not even possible to cultivate into a true immortal in this yang world.

  He dared to stand up with the corpse sect, and he must have his backing.

  I'm afraid that if we do make a move and fail to keep him in the end, when he fully grows up, he will definitely be punished by him.

  At that time, all of our sects here will be in great trouble. "

  The old master said solemnly.

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