"Lin Feng and Shimen have reconciled, and Shimen has to go overseas with Lin Feng, and it is still dominated by the three veins..."

  Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Jiu's mind.

  Many problems made it difficult for him to decide for a while.

  So, he raised his head and looked at Shi Jian.

  He's not good at handling this kind of thing.

  But Shi Jian is good at it.

  As a senior, this is something he should also consider.

  "As for going overseas, I'll go!"

  "After I leave, all the affairs of Sanmai will be handed over to Lin Jiu!"

  Shi Jian glanced at Lin Jiu and saw what Lin Jiu was thinking.

  Overseas expansion will inevitably involve fighting and killing.

  He, Lightning Dharma King Shi Jian, is a good player in this regard.

  As for Lin Jiu, he can, perhaps even better than himself, catch ghosts and demons.

  Fight and kill, he can't.


  Lin Jiu opened his mouth.

  want to refuse.

  Let him hunt ghosts and demons, he is naturally responsible.

  Let him manage the affairs of Sanmai.

  He has a headache just thinking about it.

  But after thinking about it, Shi Jian went overseas. If he doesn't stand up, who will support Sanmai?

  No way, if that day really comes, you can only bite the bullet.

  "it is good!"

  Li Qilong nodded.

  His original intention was to let Shi Jian go.

  After all, when it comes to attacking and attacking, Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist, it is the number one in Maoshan.

  Moreover, Shi Jian is decisive in killing, which is also suitable for doing this kind of thing.

  "Also, not only Sanmai, but Maoshan's affairs, Lin Jiu, you have to learn to handle it with the head, and in the future, you will be in charge of Maoshan's main sect.

  As for the foreign sect of Maoshan, that is, some of the troops who went overseas, you will be in charge of Shi Jian.

  Both inside and outside, support each other and fight for the Holy Land together. "

  Li Qilong continued.

  Putting Shi Jian and Lin Jiu of Sanmai on top is a way for Mao Shan to show his favor to Lin Feng.

  At the same time, it is also compensating for the three pulses.

  The major and second meridians do not suffer.

  After all, there are very few people in the third line, and many things are still done by people from the main line and the second line.

  If Maoshan can really be upgraded to a holy place, then the three veins of Maoshan will benefit.

  "Has Lin Feng's influence reached this level?"

  Shi Jian sucked in a breath of cold air.

  With his intelligence, he naturally immediately thought that all of this must be because of Lin Feng.

  Otherwise, Lin Jiu would not be able to ascend.

  After all, he's already on top.

  After several decades, the internal and external sects of Maoshan were all run by people from their three veins.

  How far will the three veins develop?

  There is no problem at all when it comes to pressure on the major and second meridians.

  Without huge pressure, it is impossible for people from the main channel and the second channel to agree to this matter.

  "I... I think Senior Brother Deng is more suitable than me!"

  Lin Jiu suddenly stood up.

  To be the headmaster, he once thought about it.

  If Sanmai wants to rise quickly, it is enough to have a head.

  Once, for the rise of Sanmai, he very much wanted to be the head.

  For this reason, he would rather live up to Aunt Cane.

  Now that Lin Feng has grown up, and Shi Jian is in front, the rise of the three veins is unstoppable.

  He cut off his dream of being a leader.

  Wouldn't it be good to sleep peacefully with Aunt Cane in your arms?

  Waiting for another baby next year.

  Wife and children are hot on the kang head, isn't that better than being the head of the house?

  "I'm going overseas too."

  Deng Mo smiled.

  Staying in the mountain gate as the head, can only be defended.

  Keep it up, that's your duty.

  If you can't keep it, you're a sinner.

  He longed to conquer the city.

  "The younger generation, the three of you are the only ones who can take the lead. Shi Jian and Deng Mo are going overseas. You can only sit in the position of the head."

  Sect Leader Yang Daozhen said with a smile.

  In order to be the head of others, it can be said that the means are used, and the conditions must be created if there are no conditions.

  But when he arrived at Lin Jiu's place, he pushed the position of the head out.

  This is really...


  Shi Jian glared at Lin Jiu.

  This is a major event related to the development of the Three Veins.

  And, it's still a good thing.

  Can you push this too?

  "But...but Aunt Zhe and I are already married!"

  Lin Jiu Lao's face flushed.

  In Maoshan, getting married means giving up the identity of the true biography automatically.

  It's not a true biography. According to the rules, he is not qualified to be the head.


  Shi Jian's face was a little complicated.

  What a great opportunity!

  Just because of the love of the children, they were ruined.

  Thinking of this, he had the urge to strangle Lin Jiu to death.

  This matter has not spread, you don't mention it, pay attention in the future, no one will pursue it at all.

  And if you say it directly now, then this matter is really out of the question.


  Yang Daozhen's face froze.

  Something was beyond his expectations.

  "It's alright, the rule of automatically giving up your true identity when you get married should have been changed a long time ago. Just in time for this big move, some of the original rotten rules will be changed one by one.

  After all, times are changing, and we can't keep eating the past without changing, right? "

  Li Qilong's expression did not change, the rules were set by people.

  In front of the opportunity for Maoshan to be upgraded to a holy land, everything has to make way for this matter.


  Shi Jian was speechless.

  What did Lin Feng promise you?

  In order to please him, you are willing to change the rules of the division.

  Is this rule so easy to change?

  Well, it's usually not easy to change.

  However, if the sect is in a state of transformation, it seems that it is really easy to change.


  Lin Jiu opened his mouth and wanted to refuse.

  However, he could no longer find a reason.

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