Just let the grandmother of the locust tree go?

  After finally finding her nest, just pretend that nothing happened?

  Why did you work so hard before?

  Just seeing Lin Feng's expression, Yan Chixia seemed to understand something.

  "Joke, do you think I will believe what you say?" Grandma Huai Shu sneered, "I advise you to put down your weapons and surrender!"

  The grandmother of Huaishu is an old fritter, and she can't be deceived by a few words.

  "I count to three, if I don't put down my weapon, Nie Xiaoqian will never be born again!"

  Grandma Huashu roared, and the whole cave was filled with her voice. .

Chapter 467




  As the grandmother of Huaishu slowly counted down, Yan Chixia and Lin Feng could only quickly put down their weapons in the end.

  Seeing the two give up the attack, Grandma Huai Shu can be said to be smiling.

  "Just because the two of you still want to do something with me, it's just wishful thinking!"

  "It's just a golden tower. I didn't expect you two to lay down your weapons. It seems that Xiaoqian is very important to you!"

  Speaking of this, Grandma Huai Shu glanced at Nie Xiaoqian.

  "Since Xiaoqian is so important to you, then you should follow her to death!"

  The grandmother of the locust tree showed a fierce look, opened her hands, turned into two vines, and rushed towards Yan Chixia and Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng was furious. If it wasn't for the golden pagoda, he would have killed Grandma Hua Shu, but now that the other party has taken an inch, he can't bear it!

  "Old monster, your time of death is here!"

  After finishing speaking, Lin Feng rushed directly to the other party.

  The Xiahou Sword, which was on the ground, flew directly into his hands under the urging of Lin Feng.

  The arm of the grandmother of the locust tree was cut off, and it was divided into several parts, which was close to the grandmother of the locust tree.

  Yan Chixia on the other side also held back her own sword and aimed at the waist of Grandma Hua Shu.

  "If you guys dare to take a step forward, I'll go back to the Golden Pagoda immediately!"

  Grandma Huai Shu still didn't give up, and wanted to use the same moves to deal with Yan Chixia and Lin Feng.

  Unexpectedly, Nie Xiaoqian said at this time: "Two people, don't worry about me. The big deal is that you can't be reincarnated, I don't care!"

  "I only hope that I can destroy my grandma and give me back my freedom!"

  This is Nie Xiaoqian's last wish.

  She knew that if Grandma Hua Shu always threatened the two with the golden tower, then everyone would be in a passive state.

  There is simply no need to pray for anything, just hope to be free.

  After hearing Nie Xiaoqian say this, the most excited was grandma.

  Grandma knew 24 things, and neither Yan Chixia nor Lin Feng would let her go, so they saw the golden pagoda fall to the ground.


  The golden pagoda was smashed to the ground heavily, and it shattered directly to the ground.

  The ashes inside were also scattered, and when the wind blew, they were blown away directly.

  Now that the golden pagoda has been destroyed, Lin Feng and Yan Chixia don't have to worry so much anymore. With the cooperation of the two, they directly assassinated the grandmother of Huai Shu!


  With the scream of Grandma Hua Shu Shu, the evil spirit in her body slowly leaked out and could no longer gather.




  Several evil spirits emanated from grandma's body, all of which were absorbed by Lin Feng.

  In this way, the grandmother of Hua Shushu was killed, and the ghosts controlled by her were finally freed.

  Including Nie Xiaoqian, was instantly liberated.

  And Lin Feng, who also absorbed the evil energy just now, finally got his original blood essence, and returned to his original human appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In the blink of an eye, the terrifying appearance before was completely gone, and it looked much better.

  Yan Chixia and Nie Xiaoqian came to Lin Feng, and Nie Xiaoqian asked, "Grandpa, are you alright?"

  "It's okay, it's just that the essence and blood have been recovered, and it takes time to recuperate."

  Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and saw a lot of ghosts gathered around him.

  Yan Chixia explained: "These are all ghosts controlled by the old monster. I didn't expect there would be so many. But now, they are all free."

  Lin Feng did not expect that there would be so many, almost filling the entire cave.

  "You have all recovered your freedom, you can leave here!"

  With a shout, many ghosts bowed to Lin Feng before leaving.

  In the end, only Nie Xiaoqian was left standing there respectfully.

  Yan Chixia asked, "You've already recovered your freedom, why are you still staying?"

  "Master Yan doesn't know anything. I promised my benefactor before that if he can help me regain my freedom, I will promise to follow him forever."

  When Yan Chixia heard this, she said that there was such a thing.

  "You have already become a free body. If you continue to follow Brother Xiahou, wouldn't you become unfree again?"

  This sentence is reasonable, but Nie Xiaoqian has never forgotten her oath.

  "To be able to stay by your side forever, I am willing!"

  "Hey, do whatever you want. Anyway, the old monsters around Lanruo Temple have been eliminated. I can stay here in peace in the future."

  After saying that, Yan Chixia wiggled her sleeves and left the cave.

  After this incident, Yan Chixia knew that Xiahou Jiang was only obsessed with the title of the number one swordsman in the world, but he was not a bad person.

  If he had bad intentions, he wouldn't have cared so much when Grandma Huai Shu used Nie Xiaoqian's Jinta to threaten him.

  Therefore, he no longer cares about the affairs of General Xiahou.

  Anyway, I said before that I won't bother him again in the future.

  Lin Feng looked at the back of Yan Chixia leaving, the corner of his mouth was slightly Colonel, and he laughed.

  Nie Xiaoqian was puzzled. She didn't know what was the relationship between Xiahou Jiang and Yan Chixia before, so she asked, "Why is the benefactor smiling?"

  "It's nothing, I just think this Yan Chixia is also an interesting person."

  "Then where are we going? Or continue to stay in this cave?"

  Nie Xiaoqian knew that Xiahou Jiang was a person who had died and was resurrected, or a living dead person, and could not be called a normal human being.

  "Let's get out of here, Lanruo Temple is no fun. Let's take a look around, not to mention that there is an old black mountain demon. If you let him find it, it will be troublesome."

  After being reminded by Lin Feng, Nie Xiaoqian was a little sad when she remembered the incident when her grandmother betrothed him to the old demon from Montenegro.

  The two left Lanruo Temple.

  Lin Feng has now recovered his original appearance, and because of his own reasons, he is not afraid of the sun and can only walk during the day.

  But Nie Xiaoqian couldn't.

  She is always a ghost, and once exposed to the sun, she will be ashes.

  In order to prevent this from happening, Lin Feng found an umbrella and let Nie Xiaoqian live on this umbrella during the day.

  This way, you won't be afraid of the sun's rays.


  The boat is tired.

  And the sky is getting dark, there is an inn right in front of you, you can stay there.

  Just when I came to the inn, I found that the red lanterns were hanging high, the red cloth of marriage was all over the place, and there were incense candles in front of it. It seemed that someone was doing a wedding.

  However, this does not affect the accommodation.

  Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Feng shouted, "The shopkeeper, stay in the store!"

  "Come with me!"

  A voice sounded, and the shop boy got up from the chair, and it seemed that he fell asleep just now.

  Under the leadership of the second shopkeeper, Lin Feng came to a guest room.

  "If you have nothing else to do, don't bother me." Lin Feng sent the shop assistant away.

  Chapter [-]: Magic Road Auspicious Day, Montenegro old demon grabs relatives

  The shopkeeper Erling was sent away, and he told the other party not to disturb him easily.

  After entering the house, closing the doors and windows, Lin Feng opened the oil-paper umbrella.

  Nie Xiaoqian came out of the umbrella, looking a little tired.

  Although she had already hid in the oil-paper umbrella, if the umbrella was exposed to sunlight during the day, it would still make Xiao Qian uncomfortable.

  But fortunately, after these days, they are all used to it.

  Although it would make Xiaoqian uncomfortable during the day, at night, after getting out of the umbrella, Xiaoqian will slowly absorb the essence of the moonlight and restore her original appearance.

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