Undoubtedly, these two people knew each other's secrets. If they were on the other's side, they would definitely not let Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian go.

  "You take them out of here first, I'll stop later!"

  Maybe it was because he was said to be a monster just now, so Zhiqiu Yiye became very angry now and rushed forward.

  He didn't successfully cast the spell just now, and he was going to try it.

  It's just that the next two times are still the same. No matter what kind of spell he uses, the speed of the Buddha statue is faster than him, and it can interrupt his spell casting every time.

  Seeing this, Lin Feng used the soul-sucking method directly on the golden Buddha!

  The orthodox Zhiqiu Yiye has no way to deal with the golden Buddha, so Lin Feng will come!

  Once the full-level soul-sucking method is released, it does not require any casting time, and it can be used directly.

  The Golden Buddha was originally transformed by the Master, so the Soul Absorption Dafa was still useful to him.

  As soon as the strong suction came out, a strong yin wind was directly drawn around.

  "I didn't expect you to be a real demon heretic, and today I will save you well!"

  "With each other, the two of us don't want the second brother to talk about the big brother!"

  The other party is also from the sorcerer Lin Feng's faction, so Lin Feng is naturally not afraid.

  It's just that Jinfo is more difficult to deal with than he imagined. Even if he uses the full-level soul-sucking method, he can only trap the opponent and cannot act.

  It is almost impossible to defeat the mage just by virtue of the soul-sucking method.

  Zhiqiu Yiye knew that the opportunity had come.

  The time when Lin Feng and Jinfo were deadlocked was the moment when he made his move!

  "Wind and thunder, water and fire, break!"

  Finally, Zhiqiu Yiye was able to release the spell completely this time.

  Aiming at several vital points on the golden Buddha, after the explosion, the golden Buddha was finally shaken.

  Several souls were directly absorbed by Lin Feng.

  At this time, Lin Feng also saw the most essential part of this golden Buddha.

  Jinfo is not a mage alone, but a group of them were formed together just now, and it can be blamed why the soul-sucking method can't exert all its effects.

  Facing so many people at the same time, this is the weakness of Soul Absorbing Dafa.

  But fortunately, Zhiqiu Yiye made a loophole just now, and successfully made the Golden Buddha not so invincible.

  As long as there is a gap, the next step is easy.

  Lin Feng continued to use the soul-sucking technique, absorbing several souls one after another.

  In this way, the overall strength of the Golden Buddha will be greatly attenuated.

  I thought that I could kill the opponent by this method, but I didn't expect that the golden Buddha suddenly shouted, and a strong and irritating golden light radiated out, making everyone have to avoid.

  Without the soul-sucking method, the Mage pleases the predicament.

  Before the golden light dissipated, the mage actually ran away!

  When all the golden light dissipated, Lin Feng noticed that Fu Tianqiu, Fu Yuechi, Zhiqiu Yiye, and Nie Xiaoqian had been kidnapped by the mage!

  "Damn guy!"

  Lin Feng wanted to catch up, but there were still injured Ning Caichen and Fu Qingfeng. It was really uneasy to leave them here alone.

  You must know that there are still a large number of enemy troops outside the villa, and the two of them are not opponents at all.

  Moreover, the mage escaped very fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  With a little hesitation, if you want to continue chasing it, it is almost impossible.

  Not long after, I heard the voices of many soldiers from outside, it seems that the mage bewitched the soldiers to attack the villa.

  Unable to bear, Lin Feng could only take Fu Qingfeng and Ning Caichen to run towards the back mountain first.

  Fortunately, I have been here before, and I am relatively familiar with the terrain here, so the group of three quickly escaped the pursuit of the enemy.

  Ning Caichen was just a scholar, not a martial artist, and was frail.

  So the injury just now had a big impact on him.

  After such a tossing just now, he was already unconscious.

  Although it was not that serious, Fu Qingfeng was also injured.

  Now the two are completely relying on Lin Feng. .

Chapter 478

  In a nearby village, when no one was paying attention, I quickly found an inn and stayed there.

  Putting Ning Caichen on the bed made it a little easier.

  "Master Xiahou, Ning Caichen should be fine, right?"

  "It's okay, just passed out in a coma, there is no fatal injury, just rest for a while."

  "That's good, I didn't expect that the protector of the country is actually a demon, what should we do next?"

  "It seems that we have to find the bearded man from Lanruo Temple."

  At this time, Ning Caichen woke up from the coma,

  The bearded man he mentioned was Yan Chixia.

  "The bearded man told me before that if you need help with anything, you can go to Lanruo Temple to find him!" After speaking, Ning Caichen looked at Lin Feng.

  "I didn't expect that guy to be willing to take care of the world's affairs! Since that's the case, let's take a break and set off."

  With Yan Chixia, it would be a lot easier to deal with Purdue Cihang.

  Once Purdue Cihang turned into a golden Buddha, there was no way to deal with it even with the soul-sucking method, which was indeed quite tricky.

  If he had to be alone, Lin Feng could also deal with Purdue Cihang; but the other party still had hostages in his hands, so he still had to be careful that Purdue Cihang killed him.

  With Nie Xiaoqian in the opponent's hands, Lin Feng would not take such a big risk.

  One more person, one more chance, and one less risk.

  "Objective, tea is ready!"

  At this moment, the shopkeeper came in, put the tea away and left.

  Lin Feng felt that this person was familiar, as if it was the black shop he had encountered before!

  "You two, be careful, don't drink this cup of tea!"

  After telling Ning Caichen and Fu Qingfeng about the situation, they hid under the bed first.

  After a while, the store owner appeared in the house with many people holding swords.

  What they didn't expect was that Lin Feng had already made preparations, and when they came in, he would do it directly.




  Several times in a row, the first few people were directly beheaded.

  The remaining people are a little far away, but there is absolutely no way for them to escape.

  Directly release the evil energy, surround these people, and kill them in seconds!

  All the people who rushed in were not spared.

  "It's safe, you can come out~々."

  Ning Caichen and Fu Qingfeng only got out from under the bed when they heard these words.

  Just now, they saw Lin Feng's skills under the bed, and it can be said to be neat.

  "Master Xiahou, it's not too late, let's go to Lanruo Temple quickly." Fu Qingfeng suggested.

  After seeing what happened just now, she still felt that it was better to start as soon as possible, for fear that something would delay her on the way.

  Lin Feng nodded, the group packed up a little, brought some dry food and set off for Lanruo Temple.

  Going back to Lanruo Temple, even if it is fast, it will take more than ten hours to go back and forth. If you start now, you will not be able to return until tomorrow at the earliest.

  It's just that Lin Feng is a little worried that there will be any problems after such a long time.

  "Ning Caichen, do you still remember the immobilization spell that Zhiqiu Yiye gave you before?"

  "Remember. What's wrong?"

  "I'm afraid that it will take too long to go back and forth to Lanruo Temple, so the two of you will go to Lanruo Temple to find someone. Miss Qingfeng's martial arts are not bad, plus the immobilization spell, you can't do anything about ordinary demons."

  "Okay, then let's hurry back!"

  The two largest ghosts near Lanruo Temple, Grandma Huaishu and the old demon from Montenegro have been killed by Lin Feng, and there will be no monsters of the same level in a short period of time, so there is no need to worry about their safety.

  As for Lin Feng, he should go after Purdue Cihang first.

  That guy is at least at the level of Tianshi, and ordinary people are really not his opponents.

  After several hours of chasing, it was already dark.

  There was light in front of him, and when he got closer, Zuo Qianhu was in front of him, and he was guarding the entrance of Qianglong Hall in front.

  Seeing Lin Feng blowing over on a horse, he stepped forward and asked, "Brother Xiahou, why are you here?"

  With Zuo Qianhu's appearance, it seems that he still doesn't know what happened and is kept in the dark.

  "Zuo Qianhu, Purdue Cihang is actually a demon. He took Fu Tianqiu, Fu Yuechi and others away. I came after him to save them!"

  "Impossible, Master Cihang is the Great Master of Protecting the Country, how can he be a demon?"

  "Believe it or not, we'll find out when we go in and take a look!"

  Anyway, I have to go in and find Purdue Cihang in the end. It is useless to say so much here. It is better to speak directly with facts.

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