The woman in front of her looked extremely familiar with water, and even floated on the water without any problem.

  And this big night, who would dive into the water to hide?

  Lin Feng said to Xu Xian, "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

  After speaking, before the other party could respond, Lin Feng had already left the school with his belongings.

  Not long after walking forward outside the school, turn left at the next intersection, and you can see a brothel.

  After Lin Feng came in, the store saw many dancers from the Western Regions dancing here, constantly attracting the attention of customers and making them continue to indulge in beauty.

  However, among the many dancers in the Western Regions, a woman from the Central Plains suddenly appeared.

  Moreover, the other party's demeanor was a bit strange, and the body seemed very soft, and even lay directly on the body of a dancer from the Western Regions. With the twisting of the other party's body, the two women danced against their bodies.

  If such a scene is put in the eyes of ordinary people, it would be very novel, and most men will look at it twice, wanting to have a feast for the eyes.

  But in Lin Feng's eyes, he saw another situation.

  If you guessed correctly, the woman with a particularly soft body should be Xiaoqing, and the woman who was hiding at the bottom of the water before should be Bai Suzhen.

  Both of them are snake monsters with high cultivation, but because they have just transformed into human figures, they are not very familiar with human postures.

  Especially Xiaoqing, whose cultivation base is not as high as Bai Suzhen, so it will become more difficult to adapt to people's mentality.

  When I came to the brothel this time, I wanted to learn how a human woman dances.

  And Bai Suzhen hid in the water because she wanted to take a peek at Xu Xian.

  The cherry blossom petals that suddenly appeared just now were also done by Bai Suzhen. Only in this way can people be drawn to the guardrail and Xu Xian's appearance can be clearly seen.

  Lin Feng did not directly point out that Xiaoqing in the center of the stage was a snake demon, but left the brothel by himself.

  It was just that it was getting late, and with the memory in his mind, Lin Feng returned to his residence to rest for the night.

  The next day, although I knew that Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen had appeared, they did not go to them directly, but came to a bamboo forest in the suburbs.

  There is a pavilion here. According to the current timeline, there is a spider spirit under the pavilion that has been recovered by Fahai.

  This spider spirit has two hundred years of Taoism.

  After Lin Feng came to this world, because of the limitation of the long river of reincarnation, there was no way to use the sorcery he learned in the previous world.

  But it is impossible to be unarmed without martial arts.

  So I thought of getting in touch with this spider spirit first. If he could pass on the spells he had learned, Lin Feng would not be helpless in this world.

  After finding the pavilion, I will consider how to save the spider spirit.

  However, Fa Hai pressed the spider essence under the stones of the entire pavilion. It is impossible for a normal person to turn Liang Ting over, and now Lin Feng can't do this, so he has to find another way.

  This pavilion is nothing more than being pressed by stones, and the tools that Lin Feng brought are just usable.

  There is no way to destroy or remove the pavilion directly, but a passage can be dug through the soil under the pavilion, so that the spider spirit can be rescued.

  Lin Feng picked up the shovel and started digging the soil. After an hour or two of hard work, he finally found the rice bowl that sealed the spider spirit.

  After taking a closer look, the spider spirit was still lying inside, and there was no way to escape.

  Fortunately, the original form has not yet appeared, which means that his cultivation has not been abolished, and it should still be around two hundred years.

  If it comes a little later, I am afraid that the cultivation base will be abolished by half.

  Spider Jing saw someone coming and became very excited. .

Chapter 488

  "I didn't expect that someone would be able to find me. No matter how you found it, please let me out quickly!"

  The spider spirit has been suppressed here for a day or two, and it is very uncomfortable.

  Moreover, he can also feel that his cultivation has gradually decreased. After finally practicing for two hundred years, he does not want to be destroyed like this.

  "I came this time to save you, but before that, I have one more condition. If you don't agree, I will put you back where you were."

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, the spider spirit immediately became nervous.

  He was pressed here by Fahai, and there was no third party on the battlefield at that time.

  So it stands to reason that no one but the two of them knew that he was being held here.

  Now that a human has suddenly appeared, he will naturally seize this life-saving straw.

  After all, the spider spirit didn't think that Fahai would let him go, otherwise, he would not have made any changes when he begged so hard.

  "Just tell me what conditions you have!"

  "After I let you out, I want you to teach me all your exercises!"

  "no problem."

  Everything is under the control of Lin Feng.

  This spider spirit is not a bad monster, as long as it's not something that hurts the world, this request will definitely not be refused.

  Put Fahai's rice bowl upside down, and after releasing the spider essence, it immediately returned to its original state.

  Turning into a human appearance, the spider spirit said to Lin Feng, "Thank you so much, but I'm curious, why do you know that I'm here?"

  "You don't need to ask more, remember our agreement just now, and give me the spells you know."

  "Since you don't tell me, then I won't ask."

  After all, the spider spirit taught Lin Feng the spell.

  "Ding! Sorcery detected - Pansi escapes!"

  "Pansi escapes to the ground, automatically full level."

  "Ding! Demonic magic detected - Pansi Feitian!"

  "Pansi Feitian, automatic full level~々."

  "Ding! Detected a sorcerer----the floating dust technique!"

  "Floating and sinking exercises, automatic full level."

  With the sound of the system prompt, Lin Feng instantly understood the spell taught by the spider spirit.

  Although this spider spirit worships at the foot of the Great Golden Buddha in Fulingtai Temple, it is considered a sorcery by the system because it belongs to a monster, and its cultivation base is greatly reduced, and it is about to show its true body.

  It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng decided to save the spider spirit.

  "Thank you very much for saving me this time. If you need any help in the future, you can come to me!"

  After speaking, the spider spirit left.

  Looking at the figure of the other party leaving, Lin Feng came to the pavilion and familiarized himself with the spells he had just learned.

  Escape from the sky is an auxiliary method, but this floating and sinking technique can save one's life.

  Back to Qiantang.

  As soon as I came back, I suddenly saw that many people in front were watching the shore, not knowing what they were looking at.

  When I walked over, it turned out that so many men here were all looking at a pair of sisters on the other side of the river.

  This is Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen!

  It's just because they have just transformed into human form for a long time, and they are not very familiar with such a posture, so Zhou Lu came to twist and shake, shaking from side to side.

  If you don't know, in the eyes of others, these two seem to be tempting others.

  However, these men on the shore and in the boat made people feel a little helpless. They stared at the two sisters for a long time, and their eyes kept reminding them that they were a group of lechers.

  And because they were too focused on staring at the two sisters, the two boats that were placed in front and back actually collided with each other, causing everyone on the boat to fall directly into the water.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing on the other side of the river couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

  No matter where the two sisters go, they will attract the attention of the men around them and are very conspicuous.

  Taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng came directly to the two sisters.

  Seeing someone blocking her, Xiaoqing quickly asked, "Who are you? What are you doing waiting for us to go?"

  "I'm not a bad person, I just want to know [-]D."

  "But we don't want to know you, hurry away!" Xiaoqing's temper is not very good, maybe because he just turned into a human form, so he feels a little tired.

  However, Lin Feng didn't mind it very much. Instead, he said to the two: "I just transformed into a human form, and I'm really not used to it, but the two can use crutches to get familiar with the current appearance more quickly."

  After speaking, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

  Bai Suzhen asked, "What are you talking about, son? We don't understand."

  "If you really don't understand, only you yourself know. I'm just here to give an opinion, and I have no other intentions. I also want to remind the two of you that it's best not to provoke Xu Xian, otherwise it is very likely that The two bring suffering."

  Lin Feng directly stated the purpose of transforming the two people into human figures.

  Bai Suzhen finally couldn't hold back at this time.

  "¨~Who are you and why do you know so many things?"

  Bai Suzhen is a snake demon who has practiced for thousands of years. She has profound mana, and she can see many things directly.

  But the man in front of her not only stated her purpose, but also made her unable to see through it.

  "The two of you just need to know that I'm not malicious. As for other things, we'll see you later."

  After speaking, Lin Feng left immediately.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing wanted to step forward to stop them, but because so many people were watching at the scene, they didn't make a move.

  Otherwise, the fact that the two of them are monsters will be immediately revealed.

  This has just been transformed into a human form, and has not officially met Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen will definitely not give up like this.

  According to the memory of the original owner of this body, he has to go to the school every day to study, and he will have to take the exam in the future.

  Although Lin Feng was not interested in this (Zhao Li's) matter, but he could see Xu Xian when he went to the school, so he was still happy to go.

  It's just that today's luck is not very good, Xu Xian did not come to the school, and everyone studied by themselves.

  When everyone heard the news, someone suggested going to the river to put lanterns tonight.

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