He abandoned his subordinates and resisted the evil blow, and finally escaped.

  But he didn't expect that when he bumped into Si Mu and this monk, he was trapped in a ghost again in an instant.

  "Give you one more chance, put down the magic weapon, follow me up the mountain, and apologize to my king, otherwise, I will only bring your soul to see my king."

  Lin Feng grinned and moved out of the back again, the trumped-up owner, the king of this place.


  Simu and Yixiu were all stunned.

  Just now, they thought that it was Lin Feng's amazing strength, who overwhelmed Fang Ming, and then they chased him and fled in embarrassment.

  However, now it seems that this is not the case.

  The reason why Fang Ming fled was not because he was defeated, but because of fear.

  Fear of the "king" in Lin Feng's mouth.

  The so-called king, of course, is the king.

  The king is the powerhouse at the level of the Heavenly Master, the existence standing at the top of this world.

  Ghost King, Demon King, Zombie King...

  In this world, that king is not a ruthless character who can stop crying at night.

  However, they have lived at the foot of this mountain for so long, how could they not know that there is still a king on this mountain.


  "In this barren mountain, there really is a king."

  Fang Ming had a look of fear on his face, gritted his teeth, and took out a bead from his arms: "This lord, I really don't mean to offend, and I do have important matters that need to be dealt with immediately, so please also ask. The adults open the net, and this Yin evil pearl should be regarded as a salute from below."

  On the yin fiend pearl, yin fiend gas is strong, whether it is for Li Gui or jumping stiff, it is a very good treasure.

  This is also under his collection, originally intended to raise a female ghost to play with.

  But now, they can only reluctantly part with love.

  "It seems that you can really only take your soul away."

  Lin Feng sneered, a chain of ghost fires stretched out from behind him, clattering non-stop.

  The terrifying aura emanated from his body, but it had already reached the limit of an archmage and touched the level of an earth mage.

  A trace of coercion only possessed by the strong at the earth division level radiated from his body, coercion in all directions.

  dong dong dong-

  In the rear, the old man Ren and the royal zombies also caught up, and they became three talents with Lin Feng, trapping Fang Ming in it.



  The horrific roar made the heavens and the earth lose their voices, and everything fell into fear.

  "How to do?"

  Fang Ming had no intention to fight.

  He knew that even if the opponent's strength was close to that of the earth division, and there were still two jumping stiffs to help out, if he did his best, he would definitely have the power to fight.

  However, he did not dare to act.

  If you lose, you are finished.

  If they win, the "king" behind the opponent will probably provoke the king behind them.

  He knows the horror of the king.

  Even if you hold a whisk in your hand, the geographer can fight.

  But in the eyes of the king, it was nothing but a bigger ant.

  Can be pinched to death.

  "By the way, whether it's the red-clothed ghost just now, or the evil spirit who can't see the details, they didn't even show up, but let me follow them to see the king behind them."

  "Could it be that the king has a request for me, or that something needs someone like me to do it?"

  Suddenly, Fang Ming's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered the truth in the fog.

  PS: Make up for yesterday's, please beat it lightly! .

Chapter 68

  "King, even our Maoshan, as far as I know, is the only one, if you can hug this big guy's thigh..."

  Fang Ming's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent.

  If this big guy really wants to mess with me, where is the need for such trouble.

  It can kill me with just one hand.

  He must have taken a fancy to me, so he asked his men to invite me over.

  However, the way of the invitation was a little too rude.

  However, for ghosts, the requirements cannot be too high.

  After all, most ghosts are absolutely killing people when they see them.

  Thinking about it this way, these evil spirits are still talking so much to him, this is completely different from the evil spirits.

  After thinking about this, Fang Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his hands, and shouted, "Sir, wait a minute, I am willing to follow you to see the king."

  "Very good." Lin Feng's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that if he did this casually, he really stunned Fang Ming, "Then, hand over the magic weapon in your hand first."

  "This..." Fang Ming was stunned again, the whisk in his hand was the most important treasure of the master, and it was also his support for going down the mountain this time.

  With the whisk in hand, even if he is in the midst of this ghost, he is somewhat confident.

  However, once Fuchen leaves his hand, he will become a piece of meat that can only be slaughtered on the felt board.

  "Why, you can't trust our king?"

  Lin Feng's tone returned to icy coldness again, and the chains of ghost fire danced behind him.

  For a time, the atmosphere at the scene was a little dignified.


  A drop of cold sweat dripped from Fang Ming's forehead.

  His slightly trembling shoulders showed that he was struggling very violently in his heart.

  "Brother Mu, don't let the king wait for a long time, it's really not good, it's the same with bringing your soul back."

  At this moment, a sharp voice sounded from the top of the tree.

  But it was Ahri who came and also played role-playing.


  Fang Ming followed the voice and saw a fox talking at the top of the tree.

  From the breath, it's just a little demon.

  However, a mere little demon dared to urge a big demon whose strength was almost reaching the level of a geographer.

  What gave it confidence?

  Nature is the "king" behind it.


  There was blood in Lin Feng's eyes, but he couldn't wait.



  Grandpa Ren and the Royal Zombies also moved.

  In an instant, a cold murderous aura invaded, making Fang Ming feel trapped in an ice cellar.

  "No... my lord... I'll hand it in... I'll hand over the magic weapon..."

  Fang Ming was horrified, knowing that if he didn't make a decision, the game would be over.

  Immediately, he raised the whisk in his hand high.

  "Very good, maybe in the future, we can still be colleagues."

  Lin Feng grinned, and the ghost fire chain behind him suddenly shot out, reaching the top of Fang Ming's head and rolling up the whisk.


  The clear light on the whisk was surging, burning the chains of ghost fire.

  However, without the support of mana, it is just a magic weapon, and how can it be able to turn a big wave without anyone urging it.

  Immediately, he couldn't break free at all, and was pulled back to Lin Feng by the chains of the ghost fire.


  In the jungle, Qianhe was heartbroken.

  Unexpectedly, Fang Ming actually handed over the whisk.

  "Fang Ming, you..."

  On the side, the four eyes were also stunned.

  Maoshan's baby, you handed it over as soon as you said it.

  This is so special, if you really run into a demon, it doesn't matter if you die, wouldn't it mean that you have lost your master's treasure as well.

  "very good."

  Lin Feng reached out and held the whisk.

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