In the entire Yin-Yang world, he is like a supreme and king-like existence, and no one is his opponent at all, and anyone who resists him will be wiped out.

  But now, in such a small town in Yangjiang, things have taken a big turn.

  Maybe it was because he had tried several times before, so the King Yin and Yang knew that he was not Lin Feng's opponent, so he wanted to run away quickly.


  A plume of blue smoke often appeared, and the Yin-Yang Dharma King disappeared directly in place.

  At this moment, the Dharma King of Yin and Yang has returned to the realm of Yin and Yang.

  He thought he would be fearless after returning here, but he didn't expect that in the next second, he suddenly saw Lin Feng's figure.

  "Why are you following?"

  "I'm all thanks to you. I never knew how the Yin-Yang Realm got in, but fortunately I had you lead the way just now. Now I know."

  "Damn guy!"

  While speaking, several fireballs suddenly flew over in the air.

  Lin Feng was not afraid of the danger, and watched the fireballs coming towards him. At the moment when he was about to touch him, he waved his hand, and a gust of yin wind blew past, directly turning all the fireballs against the Yin-Yang King.

  The opponent never thought that his spell would be bounced back, so he could only dodge quickly.

  But this is not the way to do it all the time, always in a passive state, and will eventually be defeated.

  Thinking of this, Dharma King Yin-Yang decided to take the initiative to attack, and after dodging a few fireballs, a sandstorm was directly set off.

  In this world of yin and yang, anything can happen, depending on one's own cultivation.

  In fact, Lin Feng deliberately asked the other party to lead him to the yin and yang realm, which is the intermediate interaction zone between the yang and the underworld, and is basically a place that no one has jurisdiction over.

  So if you build a corpse sect here, there will be a great terrain advantage.

  But before that, the Yin-Yang Dharma King must be dealt with first.

  This guy is too serious about winning and losing, and not only wants to command the entire Yin-Yang world, but also wants to command Yang Jing and the underworld.

  His vision is indeed high, but with his strength, he can't do this at all, and it will bring himself the calamity of death.

  If this kind of person is added to the corpse sect, it is definitely not a good thing.

  Therefore, if you want to establish a corpse-hunting faction in the Yin-Yang world, you must destroy the Yin-Yang Dharma King!

  A burst of sand and dust storms hit, which also added a lot of toxins.

  However, Lin Feng did not dodge at all, and rushed directly into the sandstorm.

  Coming to the center of the sandstorm, Lin Feng found the King of Yin and Yang hiding here.

  The other party never thought that Lin Feng could directly pass through the sandstorm for a while, so there was no preparation at all.

  When Lin Feng made his move, it was an instant success!


  Dharma King Yin-Yang vomited blood, his chest had been pierced by a sharp sword, and not only that, Lin Feng also made up a few knives, making his injury worse.

  Under such a premise, it has become a very difficult thing for the Yin-Yang Dharma King to stand on the ground.

  So it didn't take long for him to collapse directly to the ground.

  It's just that at this time, he hasn't breathed, and he still has a trace of consciousness. .

Chapter 518

  Lin Feng came to the Yin-Yang Dharma King who was still alive, and looked at him straightly.

  "It's not that your strength is not good, it's just that you were unlucky to meet me! What you do in the world of yin and yang doesn't really matter at all, but you shouldn't go to the world to show your desires."

  "If your desire is not so strong, and you can stay in the Yin and Yang world with peace of mind, I may still have a way to live, but you will never have this chance again!"

  After speaking, Lin Feng directly understood the life of the Yin-Yang Dharma King!

  Wait for a while, your last breath is gone.

  Fortunately, several of You Feng and the others had been swept away before, so that Lin Feng could wholeheartedly deal with Dharma King Yin and Yang.

  Otherwise, a few of them will definitely become their burdens.

  Although he has successfully killed the Dharma King of Yin and Yang, this matter has not ended like this.

  He returned to the town with the corpse of Dharma King Yin and Yang.

  At this time, I actually saw You Feng and the others coming back.

  It's just that some changes have taken place in the personnel of the large army at this time.

  Although the number is the same, the elder brother of Taoist Yuqing was replaced by Master Taiyi!

  Everyone gathered together again, and Lin Feng asked them about their previous visits to the Taoist temple.

  After some explanation, it turned out that when You Feng and others went to the temple, the place was already occupied by the people of the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

  At that time, in order to escape from the pursuit, the elder brother of Taoist Yuqing sacrificed himself and provided a space for everyone to escape.

  At this time, Master Taiyi also noticed that someone was pretending to be himself, so he took action to destroy the fake.And because so many people died in the gym, Master Taiyi couldn't bear it, so he decided to kill the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

  Therefore, a group of three people came to the town again.

  It's just that at this time, Dharma King Yin and Yang has been defeated by Lin Feng, and he no longer needs the help of too many people.

  You Feng and Daoist Yuqing were very surprised. They didn't expect to have a person by their side who could deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

  "Fellow Daoist, since you can deal with Dharma King Yin-Yang, why didn't you just say it directly~々?" Yuqing Daoist expressed his confusion.

  Lin Feng responded: "It's just luck, and the Yin-Yang Dharma King has consumed a lot of skill before I came. I also fought him hard and finally defeated him."

  I randomly found a few reasons, and all these reasons were added together, and it became a very reasonable explanation.

  Others didn't question it either.

  "Miss You, since the Dharma King of Yin and Yang has been defeated by me, then you will be a free body next, and you can reincarnate in reincarnation."

  Hearing what Lin Feng said, You Feng felt like he was living in a dream.

  It seems that Lin Feng said before that it is true that he has the ability to deal with the King of Yin and Yang.

  "Thank you Engong, if you didn't get rid of Dharma King Yin-Yang, I'm afraid I would have lost my soul now. If Engong doesn't dislike it, please let the little girl serve you by your side."

  "Aren't you going to be reincarnated in reincarnation?" Lin Feng asked.

  You Feng shook his head: "I've already thought about it, I didn't think I could defeat the Yin-Yang Dharma King, so I just gave up the idea of ​​reincarnation and reincarnation. And now it's the benefactor who saved me, I must repay it, I can't just do it like this. Leaving inexplicably."

  "Okay, since you've already figured it out, I respect what you mean. The Yin-Yang Realm is now headless, so I'm going to set up a corpse-hunting faction there!"

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, the other three instantly felt a little shocked.

  Could it be that the reason why Lin Feng dealt with Dharma King Yin and Yang so wholeheartedly was to take away his position?

  It's just that this kind of issue is definitely impossible to say face-to-face, otherwise it is very likely to fall out.

  Master Taiyi spoke at this time.

  "This brother, I don't know what you mean by trying your best to get rid of the corpse?"

  "Of course it is to rule the Yin-Yang Realm! The entire Yin-Yang Realm is so chaotic. If there is no leader in the group of dragons and there is no leader, the evil spirits inside are likely to come to the realm to do evil. Those devils!"

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, the other party continued to ask: "I think there is evil in Xiongtai, but I feel a sense of justice, I don't know why?"

  Lin Feng understood the meaning of the other party, so he said directly: "I know what you want to ask, I will tell you directly, I established this corpse sect, I will not let my people come to harm the world casually, this way You can rest assured."

  Master Taiyi nodded in satisfaction.

  But Lin Feng sneered in his heart.

  This guy really has nothing to do with himself, hanging up high.

  I had said before that I wanted to ask him to help, but I simply refused.

  But after the disciples in his temple had killed a lot of Dharma King Yin and Yang, they decided to help.

  And now I have to ask the reason for the establishment of the corpse sect, which makes people feel very disgusted.

  "¨~ Miss You, the Dharma King of Yin and Yang has been defeated. Let's take his body back to the Yin and Yang world and tell other people the news. What do you think?"

  "Of course there is no problem. I believe everyone will be very happy after learning the news."

  Afterwards, Lin Feng said to Taoist Yuqing: "We will meet again in the future. After I have completed the governance of the entire Yin-Yang Realm, I will invite you over for tea."

  "Then I will wait for this day, and I hope you can manage the Yin-Yang Realm."

  Daoist Yuqing and Lin Feng had known each other for several days, and already knew who he was.

  Although he revealed evil spirits, the things he did were always righteous, and he had never done anything that hurt the world.

  As the so-called sorcery is right, the key is not whether the (money) spell used is sorcery, but what the person using it does!

  As long as you have good intentions in your heart, what if you are a monster?

  There are good people and bad people, and so are demons and monsters.

  After saying goodbye to each other, Lin Feng and Miss You returned to the world of Yin and Yang.

  The real yin and yang world battle, because Lin Feng was in the process of fighting with the yin and yang kings, and other people were watching, and everyone had seen the scene of the yin and yang kings being defeated.

  So now there is no need for any publicity, the entire Yin-Yang world already knows about it.

  Those ghosts who were once controlled by the Yin-Yang Dharma King are now finally freed from the rules.

  It's just that the person who defeated the Yin-Yang Dharma King suddenly disappeared just now, so everyone wanted to find the person who successfully defeated the Yin-Yang Dharma King just now.

  You Gu was originally arrested, so many people knew her. .

Chapter 519

  When everyone saw Miss You, they immediately rushed over.

  In the entire Yin-Yang world, everyone knew the news of her disappearance, and everyone thought she had escaped.

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