Lin Feng heard everything they said just now, so what he just wanted to deceive Lin Feng's trust has been revealed, so he immediately became nervous.

  "How could it be you? Why did you follow me?"

  The lizard spirit directly told Xiao Wei that Lin Feng was the one who found him.

  Hearing this, the latter frowned instantly.

  "what do you want to do?"

  "I was just eavesdropping on you, so don't be so nervous. But this lizard spirit seems a little dishonest. Did you forget what you promised me before? Or do you need me to remind you again?"

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, Lizard Jing's legs began to tremble, and he couldn't wait to take a few steps back.

  Seeing such a situation, Xiao Wei quickly stepped forward and stopped in the middle of the two.

  "You're just a mere human being, and you still want to deal with the two of us alone, isn't it a bit idiotic!"

  "Just because the two of you together are not my opponents, and I didn't find you to kill you, it's what I said before, you lizard spirit will tell you well. I'm just here. I want to remind you that I only give you five days to think, and if you haven't figured it out after five days, then I will come to understand your life."

  If it is a lizard spirit, after hearing this sentence, it will definitely tremble.

  But Xiao Wei is a little different. She is very powerful and a little arrogant, so she was instantly furious when she found out that someone didn't take her seriously at all.

  Even though the lizard spirit reminded him repeatedly, Xiao Wei finally decided to take action.

  He spit out a cloud of white air directly from his mouth, then changed to draw a figure, and rushed directly to Lin Feng.

  Seeing that the other party used such an offensive method, Lin Feng sneered, standing in place without even moving.

  The moment the white figure slashed over with a white knife, Lin Feng instantly turned into nothingness, and then regrouped in another place.

  There is no need to fight back at all, and the other party has no way to touch him.

  After playing with the white figure for a while, Lin Feng didn't want to waste any more time. Anyway, he had already shown his strength. What the other party would do next, he could just think about it himself.

  A cloud of evil energy was released, directly dissolving Xiao Wei's spell.

  "Just because you are not my opponent, I have already said it very clearly, and I will give you time to think about it, so don't toast, eat or drink fine."

  After saying this, without giving the other party any chance to refute, Lin Feng left the scene directly.

  If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Wei and the Lizard Spirit were slightly stronger, Lin Feng wouldn't talk nonsense with them and let them think about whether to join the corpse sect.

  After leaving the palace, I suddenly saw a man without armor walking out of the palace.

  And the other party is holding a wrapped weapon. At a glance, he knows that he is very skilled. Presumably this should be Pang Yong. He should have been the general of the entire army, but he left many years ago because of certain things. .

  Unexpectedly, it has reappeared in the palace now, which is indeed a little surprising.

  It's just that he should have stayed in this mansion that belonged to him, but he still insisted on leaving.

  This Pang Yong has extraordinary skills. Although he does not know any magic, his martial arts are definitely second to none.

  Lin Feng wanted to get close to the other party and talk to the other party, but he didn't expect that at this time, several soldiers in armor suddenly appeared and approached Pang Yong.

  "Brother Yong, we went to find you just now, but Brother Sheng said you were gone."

  Before these generals could say a few words, Pang Yong said to them, "Don't talk so much, I'm hungry, get me something to eat first."

  After that, he pointed to the place selling buns next to him.

  Obviously, Pang Yong's life is now in embarrassment, and he doesn't have much money on him, so he can only take this opportunity to let the people under his original hands get him some food.

  I don't know how he has been in the past few years, and what happened, so that a general who used to be heroic has become this way now.

  Just thinking about it makes me feel a little embarrassed.

  The people under his hand quickly brought him some buns, and when Pang Yong was eating, he also asked his own questions.

  "Brother Yong, where have you been in the past two years, you have no news of you."

  "This time you came back suddenly, is it because you heard some wind?"

  Pang Yong already has a very keen intuition, so after hearing what his brothers said, he immediately asked: "What happened here?"

  Obviously, he himself is not very clear.

  At this time, the brothers realized that it was their misunderstanding.

  Maybe it was because they thought about not making things too loud, so when everyone answered Pang Yong's question, they all said that nothing happened.

  In fact, at this time, Pang Yong had already realized that something terrible must have happened in the city.

  He has also brought this group of people under his command, so he is still very clear about what everyone is thinking.

  But it didn't say it directly. .

Chapter 523

  The brothers under their hands also seemed to have felt something was wrong, so after saying hello and a few words, they quickly left the scene, for fear that there would be a place where things would be revealed.

  After all, they also knew very well that Pang Yong was their eldest brother anyway, so they couldn't hide many things.

  The more you say this, the more wrong you will be.

  Rather than that, it would be better not to say.

  After all these brothers left, Pang Yong, who wanted to leave, decided to stay.

  Pang Yong took his horse to an inn to prepare for accommodation.

  But when he just put the horse at the door, the second shop assistant suddenly stepped forward and said, "This guest officer, please go to the shopkeeper and make an order first."

  "The horses have already been left for you, are you still afraid that I won't order money for you?"

  Suddenly being asked by Pang Yong, the shop assistant was stunned for a moment, thinking that it seemed to be the truth, so he responded immediately: "Okay, I understand."

  "Little Er, don't forget to feed my horse better feed, I am a good horse."

  "Guest officer, don't worry, make sure to feed your horse well!"

  After the conversation between the two ended, Lin Feng came directly to Pang Yong.

  It's just that he just took off his shoes at this time, and a lot of sand was shaken out from the inside.

  Look at this, you should have just returned from the desert, otherwise there would not be so much dust and sand.

  "You are Pang Yong!"

  "Who are you?" Pang Yong looked at Lin Feng.

  "Introduce yourself first, just call me Lin Feng." Anyway, this place is quite far from the previous town, and no one knows Lin Feng, so it is not impossible to use his original name here.

  "I want to invite you to dinner tonight, I want to ask you for help with something."

  Suddenly hearing that someone invited me to dinner, Pang Yong wished for such a good thing, so no matter what the matter was, he immediately agreed.

  Just as the two were talking, a burst of dust suddenly blew from the side, and in a blink of an eye, a woman was hiding from her cloak.

  It's just that the other party doesn't seem to care whether it affects others. After shaking off the dust on his clothes, he prepares to enter the inn.

  Seeing such a situation, Xiao Er also hurried forward and said the same thing to the woman: "This one is objective, please go to the shopkeeper and make a deposit first~々."

  Unexpectedly, the woman said something similar to Pang Yong just now: "I have even left the horse for you, what are you worried about? Take good care of my horse!"

  After speaking, the woman directly entered the inn.

  At the scene, only the second shopkeeper said silently, "I got you."

  Pang Yong felt that something was wrong when he saw this woman from the very beginning. He looked at her with puzzled eyes, but he didn't say anything.

  A few days ago, the streets were already lively enough, because the Chinese New Year was coming soon.

  Therefore, there are not many people left in the inn today, and even the chef has almost left.

  Lin Feng had said before that he wanted to invite Pang Yong to dinner, so he quickly contacted the shop assistant, who prepared a table of meals.

  It's just because most people have gone home for the Chinese New Year today, so the meat in the store has basically been eaten, and there is only some wine.

  But the rest of the wine was not very good, and the last bottle of the really good Jiuyinchun had been taken away by the people at the other table who were eating.

  Lin Feng fixed his eyes and saw that it was the woman he had met during the day.

  Unexpectedly, he was lucky enough to take away the last bottle.

  Lin Feng knew that for Pang Yong, there was no meat, but no wine.

  Therefore, Lin Feng came to the woman and said to her: "This girl, if you don't mind, we two will have dinner with you tonight, and I will treat you, how about it?"

  After hearing this, the other party agreed without hesitation.

  I also introduced her name as Xia Bing.

  I didn't expect this woman to be so forthright, she agreed so quickly, and didn't mind others at the same table as her.

  But that's fine, it saves a lot of trouble.

  While the three of them were eating together, Pang Yong suddenly asked, "Brother Lin, you said before that you asked me for help with something, what is it?"

  "There are things you may not believe, but that is the case. I overheard you and your brothers discussing this this morning, but they seem to have something to hide from you."

  Speaking of this, Pang Yong also recalled what happened in the morning and asked, "Are you following me?"

  Lin Feng quickly shook his head: "That's not the case. I just happened to pass by in the morning. I heard you guys talking about the recent situation. I think of your martial arts skills, you should be able to help solve this matter."

  "¨~How do you know that I know martial arts?"

  Pang Yong is a very alert person, so he often finds some details.

  Lin Feng laughed: "People in the Wang family have already called you eldest brother. Could it be that you don't know martial arts?"

  "Wang Jiajun?" Pang Yong became more puzzled at this time.

  Because in his impression, this is obviously called Pang's army, it is his own army!

  I didn't expect to see him for a few years, but he has already changed his name.

  "Brother Pang, I have already inquired about it. In the years since you were gone, the Pang family army has already become the Wang family army." After a little explanation, the other party immediately understood.

  Indeed, he chose to leave on his own at the beginning, so it's no wonder that things have become like this.

  After reacting, Lin Feng continued to say to him: "Actually, a lot of things have happened in the city recently. Inexplicably (the money is good), a swordsman who digs his heart has appeared, and he has killed a lot of people. Just you When I came back last night, another murder happened."

  "I was chasing this murderer at the time. I had already followed in his footsteps, but I didn't expect to disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye. This is simply not something that ordinary people can do. So I think I want to ask you to help investigate this matter together, I don't want to see more people being slaughtered."

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