Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, but it was Dong Xiaoyu who was beside Lin Feng, showing her figure, bowing her head and whispering a few words in Lin Feng's ear.

  "This part of the bridge is a bit familiar. By the way, it seems to be the plot of Yan Tan." Lin Feng frowned, but he didn't expect that things could happen in this barren mountain.

  "What's wrong?" Seeing Lin Feng frowning, Lin Jiu asked.

  "Senior brother, Xiaoyu and the others found something interesting over there, why don't we go see it together." Lin Feng grinned. As a disciple of Maoshan, since this kind of thing happened, it was naturally impossible to ignore it. .

Chapter 89

  "Interesting thing? What's the matter?" Lin Jiu frowned, but from Lin Feng's tone, he sensed a trace of killing intent.

  "You'll know if you watch it, tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see such a good show in the deep mountains and mountains."

  Naturally, Lin Feng would not give Lin Jiu a vaccination in advance. These things can only cause the greatest shock when they are seen suddenly without expecting them.

  "Good show? Okay, then go have a look and tell you, it's late at night, the show isn't good, and I'm going to trouble you."

  Lin Jiu lifted the Zhuxie bow beside him, put the quiver on his back, and then stood up.In the wilderness, the danger is thick, and the guy who eats must take it with him and cannot stay here.

  "lead the way."

  Lin Feng nodded, and Dong Xiaoyu flew towards the depths of the dense forest ahead.

  Lin Feng and Lin Jiu followed closely behind.


  Among Lin Feng's men, Wang Po fell behind Lin Feng, about ten kilometers away, waiting for Lin Feng's call at any time.

  As for the old man Ren and the royal zombies, they were kept in the jungle by him, and they came out at night.

  And all the ghost soldiers were kept in the yellow-skinned gourd by Lin Feng during the day, and they were released to hunt lonely and wild ghosts at night.

  As for Little Ali, he was spreading around in the jungle without a trace, but Lin Feng was not afraid that the little guy would run away.

  Well, it has already tasted the sweetness, and it will not run. After all, for a human mage who can play like Lin Feng, I am afraid that in this world, I will not be able to find a second one.

  And this time, the good show in the deep forest was discovered by ghost soldiers hunting in the jungle.

  Because the other party looks dressed, it is Maoshan Taoist priest.

  Looking at the breath on the body, it is also the way of Mao Shanshu.

  Therefore, Dong Xiaoyu didn't dare to act rashly, and let all his subordinates watch where he was, and he hurried back to report.

  That place is not counted from the place where Lin Feng and the others rested, so soon, Lin Feng saw a group of walking corpses in the dense forest with their backs against tree trunks.

  These walking corpses were all restrained by Huang Fu, and they looked no different from the customers of ordinary corpse hunters. They were all corpses that were temporarily enchanted by mana.

  However, Lin Feng, who was at the full level of corpse refining, could feel that the grievances in their bodies were much heavier than the grievances of ordinary walking corpses.

  If such a big resentment is not resolved, once the yellow talisman on the forehead is uncovered, it will immediately turn into a real corpse, turning into a white zombie in one fell swoop.

  "Walking corpse, I didn't expect to meet the same door in this barren mountain." Looking at the walking corpses, Lin Jiu's eyes lit up.

  Maoshan is a well-known faction in western Hunan. In the whole of western Hunan, almost all the business of expelling corpses is taken over by Taoist priests in Maoshan.

  Therefore, Lin Jiu's first reaction will be a surprise. After all, although there are many disciples in Maoshan, it is not so easy to hit them when they are sprinkled in the whole of Xiangxi.

  However, immediately, he reacted, Lin Feng brought him to the show, not to bring him to meet friends.

  "No, why isn't the Taoist who chased the corpse here?"

  "It's at the back." Dong Xiaoyu pointed to the front.

  "I don't keep staring at customers when I'm out in the wild. What if I'm stolen by a lonely ghost or a beast spirit?"

  Lin Jiu frowned, but he was a little dissatisfied with this classmate who had not yet met.

  "Senior brother, keep your voice down, or you won't have to watch the good show."

  Lin Feng motioned to Lin Jiu not to get excited, and in front of him, Dong Xiaoyu had stopped and pointed his finger inside the dense forest, but he turned his back and didn't want to take another look.

  At this moment, Lin Feng also saw a group of his ghost soldiers, and they were ambushing around.

  And Ah Li, who had been missing for almost half a day, sat on a branch like a person, dangling his short legs and watching the show.

  Aware of Lin Feng's approach, Little Ali's two front claws that had been supporting the trunk of the tree came to him in an instant, covering his eyes.

  "Oh, Lin Feng is here."

  "Looking at this kind of excitement, how can Lin Feng see it?"

  "I can't see, I can't see, I can't see anything."

  "I can't see him, and he can't see me either."


  Little Ali was thinking about where he was, and through his open paws, he was relieved to see that Lin Feng was not looking at him.


  There was a faint sound of gasping after strenuous exercise.

  This is also the reason why the ghost soldiers under Lin Feng came to this place, and all the crickets, frogs and insects around them were silenced, making the place extremely quiet.

  Otherwise, on a normal night, it is impossible to hear this sound so clearly at night.

  "What voice?" Lin Jiu had a puzzled look on his face. He had a boy body of more than [-] years, and naturally he couldn't understand what the voice meant.

  "See for yourself."

  Lin Feng took a step forward and immediately saw the figure in the grass ahead.

  Because of his too much involvement, the Taoist priest didn't notice any abnormality around him at all.

  "This... He Chong, how dare you?"

  Lin Jiu stepped forward and looked at it, his face flushed with anger, his body trembled with anger, the mana in his body ran wild, and the aura that belonged to the archmage was unreservedly released, coercing the audience.


  Because of his impatience, his mana was rampant in his body, and he accidentally hit and hit by mistake, allowing him to break through the bottleneck that had stuck him for several years.


  "When you get angry, you can break through the realm, and you really deserve to be the son of luck in this world." Lin Feng secretly clicked his tongue: "Also, this Taoist priest, brother, he actually knows it, it seems that it is indeed our Maoshan. People no doubt."

  "Who is it?" He Chong was shocked by Lin Jiu's explosion, and then he was rushed by the momentum of Lin Jiu's body, and the whole person fell directly from the female corpse.

  In a panic, he grabbed the clothes next to him and put it on, and then got up in embarrassment. He looked at Lin Jiu not far away, his face was full of horror, and he stuttered when he spoke.

  "Lin, Senior Brother Lin..."

  "Shut up, you scum, you are not worthy of being our Maoshan disciple. Today, I will clear the door for our Maoshan."

  Lin Jiu's face was ashen, and even his face had begun to twist, but he was already angry to the extreme.

  He took off the Zhu Xie bow hanging on his body, and picked up a talisman arrow, just to make this guy look good.

  "No...Lin Jiu, I'm a disciple of the second line, I am with the senior brother Fang, you are a person from the third line, you can't control me..."

  He Chong's face changed greatly, but he didn't expect that Lin Jiu'er would take his life without saying a word. .

Chapter 90

  "Senior Brother Fang? Don't say that Fang Ming is dead. Even if he is not dead, he can't protect you today."

  Lin Jiu sneered, the mana in his body poured into the Zhuxie Bow, and suddenly a clear light flashed from the arrow, and a sharp breath pointed directly at He Chong.

  "Elder Brother Fang is dead?" He Chong's face changed greatly, "Why..."


  Before he could finish speaking, Lin Jiu's fingers on the bowstring had already loosened.

  With a flash of the arrow, it has come to He Chong's chest.

  This arrow pointed directly at the key point. Indeed, Lin Jiu had really moved - killing intent.

  "Do not……"

  He Chong's eyes widened at the boss, and the mana in his body was madly poured into the robe on his body.And on the chest of his Taoist robe, there is also a gossip mirror.Aura flashed on the Taoist robe, and all of them merged into the gossip mirror.

  In the gossip mirror, Qingguang released his light and resisted the fatal arrow.


  With a crisp sound, the gossip mirror was shattering directly, and He Chong also staggered and sat on the ground.

  He was a little wizard in the middle stage of the wizard, and in a hurry, he actually blocked the violent blow of a strong man who had already completed the realm of the great wizard.

  Lin Feng looked regretful: "It's a pity that there is a precious mirror."

  But it was seen that the broken gossip mirror was unusual, and it was a treasure that could penetrate his eyes.

  If he missed a hit, Lin Jiu did not hesitate to take the arrow and draw the bow again.

  "No...Senior Brother Lin, spare me, I was also fascinated for a while..."

  He Chong got up and knelt down, kowtow like garlic, but he knew that the magic weapon he was relying on was broken, but it was impossible to resist Xia Lin Jiu's attack.

  "When you bullied customers, did you ever think that although they can't speak, there are still souls left in the flesh, and I must be begging you to let them go."

  Lin Jiu was unmoved, all the killing intent in his heart was condensed in the arrow.

  "Senior Brother Lin, I really know what's wrong..."

  He Chong was horrified, and the talisman arrow flashing with cold light had already arrived in front of him.


  At this moment, a black whip appeared out of thin air, and when the arrow was about to hit He Chong's face, it swept it away.

  The arrow rubbed He Chong's cheek and landed on a small tree the size of the mouth of a bowl behind him.


  The trunk was directly blown off, and the small tree fell directly.

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