"Master Ren, Zhuzhu, it's human nature to live, get old, get sick and die. Everyone will go through such a situation sooner or later, so there's no need to be too sad."

  Lin Feng comforted and waved to the servants beside him, "Okay, seal the coffin!"

  Immediately, Jiading carried the coffin and closed it.

  Immediately, a group of people carried the coffin and walked towards the haunted house that had been prepared for Nintendo.

  "Zhuzhu, I didn't expect us to meet again." Lin Feng walked to Ren Zhuzhu's side.

  "So you're a Taoist priest." Ren Zhuzhu didn't look very happy, but listening to the tone, she was a little dissatisfied with Lin Feng's identity.

  "What? Is the Taoist bad?" Lin Feng was a little confused. What does this girl mean?

  "Taoist, can't you get married and have children?" Ren Zhuzhu asked the question she cared about.

  "Whoever said that, Taoist priests are also divided into two kinds of monks. The monks live in the palace, and they don't marry, but fasting; the Taoists of Huoju don't pay attention to these, they can get married and have children."

  "Then are you a monk or a Huoju Taoist?"

  "I am young, so naturally I am a Taoist priest Huoju."

  "What is the relationship between monkhood and Huoju and age?"


  The two chatted, and soon followed the crowd to the outside of the town, in the already dug in the dark house.

  "It turns out that the Yin House is here!"

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and he immediately activated the cockroach secret technique.

  Immediately, the cockroaches around gathered together, and under the cover of darkness, they entered the tomb.

  "Three mages, here it is."

  Knowing that Lin Feng and Lin Jiu are both Mamadi's juniors, and people with real skills, Master Ren is very enthusiastic.

  "This piece of land was chosen by the feng shui master in our town. He said that it fits well with the old man's character. If the old man is buried in it, it will definitely shelter our Ren family.

  Originally, Mr. Feng Shui was supposed to come tonight, but he also had business in other places outside the town tonight. Thinking that there was a master here, he went there and didn't come. "

  "Well, let's go and see."

  Lin Feng nodded, picked up a torch from the housekeeper's hand, and walked forward.

  The crowd also followed.

  "what sound?"

  Before they got close, everyone felt that something was wrong.

  When he came to the tomb, Lin Feng swept away the torches, and immediately, the scene in the tomb appeared in front of everyone.



  ... ...

  Master Ren's feet were soft, and if the servants next to him had not supported him in time, he would have inevitably dropped his butt.

  And Ren Zhuzhu is also not much better.

  Fortunately, she was right next to Lin Feng and was held by Lin Feng, so she didn't fall down, but her legs were weak, and she hugged Lin Feng's arms so hard that she didn't dare to look this way.

  The servants on the side also trembled.

  In the tomb, densely packed cockroaches look quite scary.

  If they didn't know that there were three mages here, they would have turned around and ran away.

  "Good trick."

  Ma Ma couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Although he didn't know why there were so many cockroaches in this pit, he also knew that this must be the ghost of Lin Feng.

  "Master Ren, there's something wrong with the location of this yin house. I'm afraid it won't be buried here." Lin Jiu stepped forward, calculated twice with pretentiousness, and made an attribution.

  "Master, this, is that Mr. Feng Shui, do you want to harm our Ren family?"

  Master Ren calmed down, a trace of anger flashed across his face.

  No wonder that Mr. Feng Shui didn't come tonight, he was waiting for him here.


  Lin Jiu was stunned for a while, but he knew that once he said it was the problem of the feng shui master, the job of the feng shui master who had not yet met would be ruined.

  There may even be a life-threatening danger. After all, the Ren family, as a local squire, is rich and powerful, and it is not something that an ordinary Feng Shui master can bully. .

Chapter 103

  "No, there is no problem with this land. It is indeed a suitable feng shui treasure land selected according to the old man's birthday. That feng shui master shouldn't mean to harm your Ren family."

  Lin Feng said, this incident was originally his fault, and this incident was also caused by Mamadi's master and apprentice. Naturally, he couldn't harm the innocent Feng Shui master because of this.

  "That mage, there are dense cockroaches in here."

  Ren Fa pointed at the pitch-black grave, his hands trembling, obviously fear was still in his heart.

  "This, it should be that there is a problem with the luck of your Ren family, so there will be a warning from the ancestors to ask you to find another good acupoint to suppress the luck. After all, although this place is not bad, if the family's luck goes out If there is a problem, the atmosphere of this place cannot be suppressed.”

  Lin Feng opened his mouth and came. These things are mysterious and mysterious. Even people in the same way have their own words, so there is no problem with how they say it.

  "Then what should we do?" The matter of luck was not to be taken lightly, and Mr. Ren panicked.

  "It's okay, we'll just find a piece of land for you nearby." Lin Feng waved his hand, indicating that the problem was not a big deal.

  "Then I will trouble the three mages. After this time, we must thank you very much." Seeing that Lin Feng had responded, Master Ren breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly promised.

  "I didn't expect that I could make another fortune." On the side, Ma Ma's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that after this operation, there would be such a benefit.

  Unwilling to do so, Lin Jiu stood up: "Master Ren, this matter is included in the cost of sending the old man home, so there is no need to add extra money."

  He is a person who obeys the rules. This time, he has already broken the rules. Naturally, he will not let the Ren family spend more money.

  "It's one thing to send the old man home, but it's another thing to choose another yin house." Master Ren quickly shook his head. He knew the rules and knew that every yard was a yard. If the money was not spent, he would not feel at ease.


  So, the coffin was carried back to Ren's residence.

  There are a lot of rooms in Ren's house, and after Ren Fa's repeated efforts to keep them, the three of them simply stayed.

  Ren Fa also arranged food and drinks for supper, so that the three of them could eat and drink well.

  Satisfied, the three returned to the room.

  "Mumidi, this old man is a good man, and this time, it stands to reason that we should lose money, so when the time comes, we must not accept the extra money..."

  "Che, do you think he can settle down if you don't accept the money he gives?" He said with disdain, he couldn't stand Lin Jiu's fake and arrogant look.

  "Okay, Senior Brother, you really have to take this money, otherwise he won't feel at ease. All we can do is to choose a decent land for him in the Yin Mansion, so that he won't lose any money. "

  Lin Feng opened his mouth to persuade.

  "Alas, a good place that just fits and is so easy to find."

  Lin Jiu shook his head, he really didn't like doing this kind of errand, because most of the time, it depends on luck.

  If you are lucky, you can find it when you go up the mountain, but if you are not lucky, those legs will be broken.

  "It's okay, I recently developed a bat secret technique. I can really control the bat to take a look around. At that time, it will not be better than running around the mountains and fields aimlessly."

  Lin Feng grinned, and the mana in his body swelled, sending out inaudible sound waves that spread out around him.

  Immediately, in the darkness, countless wandering elves were alerted, fluttering their wings, and gathered towards the sky above Renfu.

  "This is, the master is calling for bats."

  In an inn in the distance, Wang Po's heart moved, and she opened the window, and saw shadows passing by in the darkness.

  "The bat secret technique, and those cockroaches just now, how many secrets are hidden in this kid."

  Lin Jiu looked at the bats gathered in the sky, and was secretly shocked.

  "Good boy, you can do everything, but you can compare your senior brothers."

  Ma Ma Di was also muttering aside, but that was all, no other thoughts.

  Soon, the dense bats were like dark clouds covering the stars and closing the moon, blocking the moonlight over the Renfu.

  "This is too many."

  At first, I didn't feel anything numb, and my scalp felt a little numb.

  At this time, he really realized the perception between himself and Lin Feng.

  If nothing else, just if these bats are thrown down, he will definitely peel off his skin if he doesn't die.

  "I used the eyes of these bats to take a look at the surrounding mountains, and asked two senior brothers to protect the Dharma for me."

  Seeing that the number of bats was almost there, Lin Feng stopped calling and sat down with his legs crossed.

  "' "Okay."

  Lin Jiu and Ma Ma nodded.

  Immediately, Lin Feng pinched the seal, and in the sky, the eyes of the bats turned bloody, divided into eight groups, and dispersed in all directions.

  Looking down at the ground, the surrounding mountain-shaped landforms suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

  The pictures in the eight directions kept changing in his mind. At first, Lin Feng only felt that the world was spinning.

  But soon, he got used to it, controlled the bat swarm, and began to look carefully.

  After half an hour, the bats in the mountains dispersed, and in the Renfu, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

  Getting used to the top-down view, this time I returned to my body, and a sense of dizziness swept over.

  "Are you okay?"

  Lin Jiu's eyes were quick, and he supported Lin Feng's body, so he didn't fall on the bed.

  "It's okay." Lin Feng shook his head.

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