
  "Go, restore the cemetery."

  Lin Feng nodded, pointing to a messy cemetery beside him.

  Immediately, a group of ghost soldiers turned into laborers and began to cover the coffin and return to the earth.

  On the other hand, Ma Ma Di has been petrified. .

Chapter 105

  What happened to these ghost soldiers?

  One by one, vicious.

  Looking at the momentum on his body, the weakest are all evil ghosts that are comparable to mages, and among them, there are many ghosts that are comparable to great mages.

  "What are you afraid of, these are Lin Feng's subordinates and will not harm you."

  Lin Jiu saw that his body was trembling numbly, and he was about to fall softly to the ground, so he quickly reached out and grabbed it.

  "My subordinate?" Breathing quickly, he looked at Lin Feng with frightened eyes, "He...he is really our little junior brother."

  I felt like I was about to collapse.

  The little junior brother who used to be as cute as a little white rabbit suddenly became vicious.

  Originally, he thought that Lin Feng had just turned into a hungry wolf.

  Now it seems that God is such a hungry wolf, this is simply an evil dragon.

  "If it's a fake replacement."

  Before Lin Jiu could speak, Lin Feng turned around and grinned.

  "If he hadn't been a junior brother, would you still be alive now?"

  Lin Jiu glared at him numbly, so cowardly, saying that he was the true legend of Maoshan, really flattered him.

  "It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, little junior brother, in the future, you will rise to the top, but don't forget about senior brother."

  Ma Ma's eyes reflected light, as if he had seen the moment when Lin Feng reached the peak and pushed the world's enemies horizontally.

  "Haha, don't worry, Senior Brother, when the time comes, let's eat delicious food and drink spicy food together..."


  The speed of the ghost soldiers was very fast, and after a while, the cemetery returned to its original state.


  "Lin Feng, go straight forward from here, and over the mountain in front, it is no longer the boundary of Xiangxi, and it is no longer our sphere of influence of Maoshan, but has entered the site of Qingyun Temple.

  Although Qingyun Temple is not as good as our Maoshan Mountain, it is also a line of Taoism left by Tianshi, and the door has a profound background.

  However, since the previous generation, Qingyunguan began to decline.

  The previous generation of Guanzhu, I remember it should be an archmage, but he was seriously injured for some reason more than ten years ago, and he died not long after escaping back to the Qingyun Temple.

  The current viewer seems to be a young man in his thirties, and he doesn't know his strength. However, no matter where his age is, it is estimated that he is not strong. "

  Ma Ma pointed to the mountains in front of him and introduced Lin Feng.

  He is guarding this side, and he is familiar with the situation here. Speaking of which, he is righteous.

  "In this way, Lin Feng, you just need to be careful and keep a low profile. Within the sphere of influence of Qingyunguan, there should be no danger."

  Lin Jiu nodded and continued to explain to Lin Feng: "However, after passing the sphere of influence of Qingyun Temple, and moving forward, that is the territory of Longhu Mountain.

  Longhu Mountain, Zhengyi, is our Taoist holy place.

  The strength of Zhengyi is much stronger than our Maoshan.

  If you enter their sphere of influence, you really have to keep a low profile. "

  "Qingyunguan... is a..."

  Lin Feng's eyes were full of fighting intent.

  Judging from the current situation, this world should be a comprehensive world where various zombie movies are integrated.

  Lin Feng also didn't know whether this world, in addition to integrating zombie films, did not integrate other film and television plots.

  However, there is no need to think about these things. After walking and seeing, you will naturally know.


  "Okay, I will send you thousands of miles away, and we have to say goodbye. The two brothers, let's say goodbye now. When I have completed my cultivation and have the power to protect myself, I will come back to find you brothers."

  "Okay, when you are alone, you must be careful. In everything, think twice before doing anything."

  "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back and bring me something delicious and spicy."



  Lin Jiu and Ma Ma Di quarreled again.

  And Lin Feng, walking like a fly, disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

  "Oh, I'm really worried."

  Lin Jiu couldn't help sighing, "In Xiangxi, if there's something really wrong, we haven't helped it yet. If we go outside, we'll be out of reach."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  "Cut, help, Lin Feng's strength still needs your help?"


  In the jungle ahead.

  Wang Po and his party were already waiting there.

  Mr. Ren, Royal Zombies and Nintendo are also there.


  With the arrival of Lin Feng, everyone saluted.


  Lin Feng nodded.

  Beside him, Dong Xiaoyu and a group of ghost soldiers were also revealed.

  On the top of the tree, Ah Li also flew down and landed on Lin Feng's shoulder.

  Glancing at the evil spirits in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

..... 0 0

  These subordinates are their own team.

  When the ghost soldiers under his command turn into ghost kings and ghost generals, the zombies under his command become zombie kings, and fly zombies... At that time, he must have already stepped into the ranks of heavenly masters.

  At that time, he was a faction alone, but he would not be forced to flee everywhere like he is now.

  "Xiangxi... Maoshan... Soon, I will be back."

  Turning to look at the forest behind him, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a stern look, and he turned and left with a group of his men.


  I walked through the deserted mountains and forests for three days.

  On the evening of the third day, the full moon hung high.

  Lin Feng and his party finally walked out of the forest and came to an area with hidden evil spirits.

  That evil spirit is hidden very deep. If it wasn't for Lin Feng, who was a great master of sorcery, and had a lot of evil spirits under his control, I'm afraid that he would never have discovered the abnormality here.

  On the tree are hanging strips of evocative cloth, and on the strips, there are paper figures.

  Several towers and urns that look like tombs but not tombs.

  Why does this picture feel so familiar.

  Lin Feng glanced around, frowning involuntarily.

  Immediately, he waved his hand: "Look around."

  Immediately, Wang Po and the group of ghost soldiers dispersed, using their methods to search around.Mountain.

Chapter 106

  Wang Po and her entourage are proficient in witchcraft and can hunt for insects and bats.

  A group of ghost soldiers are soul bodies, which cannot go up to the sky, but can enter the earth.

  Both of them showed their magical powers, and they quickly touched the surrounding situation.

  "Master, we found an underground palace underground. There was a lot of resentment in it. I was afraid there was something fierce. We didn't break in in order to prevent the grass and the snake."

  Dong Xiaoyu approached Lin Feng and said softly.

  "Master, we have found that there is a group of beetles underground here. They hide in the ground all the year round. They are ferocious and brutal. If living things touch them, they will die and not live."

  Wang Po also stepped forward and reported in a low voice.

  "Yue Qiluo..."

  Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he was basically certain that he was there now.

  "Okay, let's go to the underground palace first."

  Immediately, Lin Feng waved his hand, and Dong Xiaoyu quickly led the way.

  Soon, the group stopped in front of a urn tower.

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