Chapter 115

  Wen County Headquarters.

  Gu Xuanwu always felt uneasy.

  From time to time, the figure that he accidentally fell off the cliff on the way to Huiwen County appeared in his mind, and from time to time the dark shadow with disheveled hair appeared in the old house.

  "Come on!"

  Feeling so irritable that he couldn't even hold down two bowls of herbal tea, Gu Xuanwu threw the tea bowl on the table and shouted loudly.


  The adjutant outside rushed in quickly.

  "How did I find the mage I wanted?"

  "Commander, the most famous Taoist temple in the vicinity is Qingyun Temple, but the owner of the Qingyun Temple, Chu Chenzi, recently went to Peiping, and the other Taoist priests in the coffin, who have real skills, are not here...~"

  The adjutant quickly explained.

  "Okay." Gu Xuanwu raised his hand and patted the adjutant's face, "Find it for me right away. If you can't invite the mage, you don't have to come back."


  The adjutant stood at attention and saluted, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead, and quickly turned around and left.

  "Trash, this little thing can't be done well."

  Gu Xuanwu turned around and slumped on the Taishi chair, cursing and scolding, and the irritability in his heart subsided a little.

  But immediately, his brows furrowed again, because the adjutant who had just left had just turned back.

  "Commander, two people came outside, a man and a woman, saying they wanted to see you." The adjutant came up.

  "What kind of cat and dog is this commander, can you see it when you meet?"

  Gu Xuanwu jumped up and slapped the adjutant's face again, but the fire in his heart was aroused again.

  The dignified lord of his own army, the commander-in-chief with thousands of people under his command, so ignorant?

  "Commander, they said you saw this, and you will definitely meet them."

  The adjutant held out his hand pitifully, and suddenly, in the palm of his hand, there was a gold nugget the size of a thumb.

  Under the light, the gold particles reflect a brilliant golden color, which is captivating.

  "This is... gold?"

  Gu Xuanwu's eyes lit up, he picked up the gold nugget with two fingers, a dignified look flashed in his eyes,

  Unrefined gold nuggets are rare.

  "Go and invite them in."

  After pondering for a moment, Gu Xuanwu waved his hand, held the gold nugget, and looked at it carefully, then got up and began to make tea himself.

  Soon, the adjutant walked in with Lin Feng and Wang Po.

  "This brother, what's your name?"

  Gu Xuanwu looked at the two of them.

  From the point of view of dress, neither of them look like poor people.

  The woman was half a step behind the man, and it was obvious that the two of them respected the man.

  "Lin Feng."

  Lin Feng also looked at Gu Xuanwu.

  In the plot, he is a funny commander.

  However, in just a few years, he can go from a soldier to a small warlord with more than [-] people. How can such a person be a simple generation.

  "Gu Xuanwu."

  Gu Xuanwu stretched out his right hand.

  The two hands touch the point.


  Gu Xuanwu made an invitation and filled Lin Feng with tea: "Mr. Lin, I don't know what you are coming here for?"

  Taking a seat, Gu Xuanwu went straight to the point.

  "The gold nugget just now, the commander has seen it."


  "Where are there such gold nuggets, presumably the commander will know without me having to say more."

  "Gold mine, you found a gold mine?"


  "Why are you looking for me?" The interests of a gold mine are too great, which makes Gu Xuanwu have to be cautious.

  "I originally wanted to cooperate with Brigade Commander Ding, but before it was too late, Brigade Commander Ding was chased away by you. Now in Wenxian, you are the most powerful. Who do you want to look for?"

  Lin Feng picked up the tea and took a sip, and couldn't help frowning slightly. The tea leaves were all the same tea leaves. However, Gu Xuanwu's tea-making skills were not much worse than Yu Xiaozhu's.

  This is the difference between the rough and the elegant.

  "Cooperation, what kind of cooperation law do you want?"

  Gu Xuanwu nodded with a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with what Lin Feng just said.


  Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the adjutant behind Gu Xuanwu.

  "go out."

  Gu Xuanwu waved his hand and sent the adjutant out.

  This is his territory, surrounded by his soldiers.

  And these two, before coming in, the guards must have checked.

  Therefore, he is not afraid of Lin Feng playing tricks.

  Because as long as he greets him, the guards outside can rush in and beat people into scumbags.

  Suddenly, only Lin Feng, Wang Po, and Gu Xuanwu were left in the huge room.

  "This kid still has too little experience in Jianghu."

  Lin Feng moved in his heart and spread out his left hand.

  The palm of the hand, a golden bean, exudes this charming luster under the light.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "This is?"

  Gu Xuanwu stretched out his hand suspiciously and picked up the golden bean in Lin Feng's palm.

  It seems that they are all gold, but the surface of this golden bean is smooth and looks like a work of art, but it has a completely different beauty from the rough gold particles just now.

  "nice one!"

  Lin Feng grinned, and the golden bean that was pinched by Gu Xuanwu suddenly jumped into Gu Xuanwu's mouth.

  "Ah... come on..."

  Just as Gu Xuanwu was about to call someone, Grandma Wang, who was already prepared, rushed up, held him down, and covered his mouth.


  Gu Xuanwu struggled hard, but Wang Po's strength was actually something that an ordinary person like him could break free.


  Endless pain.

  The flesh and blood in his chest seemed to be torn apart.


  Cold sweat poured down Gu Xuanwu's forehead, it was painful,

  It’s over.

  Gu Xuanwu's eyes were full of annoyance.

  He knew he was done.

  I was on guard against it, I didn't prevent it, these two people turned out to be unusual people that are rarely seen.

  It's just that he and these two guys have never known each other, and there is no injustice or hatred. Why do they want to harm him?

  Unexpectedly, the battlefield failed to take his own life, and this command, which he thought was completely unnecessary to consider safety, became his death.

  For a time, scenes of the past flowed in his heart, and Gu Xuanwu accepted his fate.

  However, at this moment, the terrifying pain disappeared without a trace.

  As if nothing ever happened.

  "Do you know what that thing was just now?

  Golden Silkworm Gu, the most evil worm refined by Miao Jiang Gu technique.

  Now, it's slumbering next to your heart.

  As long as I have a thought, it will wake up and bite your heart.

  So, Commander Gu, let's have a discussion, we'll let you go, don't get excited, okay?

  As soon as you get excited, the guards outside will rush in.

  At that time, I don't know if we will be shot to death, but, I know, your heart and liver will definitely be bitten to pieces immediately. "

  Lin Feng came to Gu Xuanwu and said in a low voice.

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