Her eyes fell on Lin Feng.

  When he swept the two talisman papers in Lin Feng's hand, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  "That's right, Qiluo, it's me."

  Lin Feng nodded, but he noticed that the aura on Yue Qiluo's body was not too strong.

  Roughly, in the early days of the Archmage.

  Of course, after being sealed in a coffin for hundreds of years, it is quite remarkable that he can still have such strength.

  Lin Feng estimates that Yue Qiluo, who was at his peak, may be at the peak of the archmage, which is equivalent to his current self.

  Of course, it is also possible, at the level of geographers.

  After all, if she wasn't a geographer at the beginning, even if the immortal soul technique gave her the characteristics of immortality and immortality, it wouldn't make sense for the celestial master to take action, and he wouldn't be able to kill her, he could only suppress her.

  "You know me?"

  The corners of Yue Qiluo's mouth were raised. Although she had been sleeping, she could still feel the passage of time.

  I thought that for hundreds of years, no one in the world would know her Yue Qiluo except the direct descendants of Qingyunguan.

  Unexpectedly, she thought that this kid who just accidentally broke into the development and let her go, even knew her name taboo.

  That is to say, he did not enter this place by mistake, but came specifically for her.

  "I'm here specially for you, I know everything about you."

  Lin Feng grinned and acted inscrutable.

  "Okay, I remember you, and in a few days, I will come to find you."

  A strange look flashed in Yue Qiluo's eyes. Although she was very interested in Lin Feng's identity, her current state was not very good, but she desperately wanted to go out, devour her essence, and restore her cultivation.

  Therefore, she didn't want to stay here for a long time, and she immediately moved, turned into a red light, and flew towards the exit where the eight trigrams were broken.

  "Sir, you can't let her go."

  On the side, Wu was in a hurry, and he really noticed that this Yue Qiluo was afraid that it would be a big trouble.

  However, his speed could not compare with Yue Qiluo at all, so he could only be in a hurry.

  "It's okay, I won't let her go, she can't go."

  Lin Feng did not move.

  "go back!"

  Just when Yue Qiluo was about to rush out of the exit, the gloomy wind whistled, and a woman in red appeared, blocking the entrance of the hole.

  It was Dong Xiaoyu who had been arranged outside by Lin Feng in advance.

  Dong Xiaoyu waved his hand, and a red light flashed away.


  Yue Qiluo was caught off guard and flew out.

  Its body tumbled in the air, releasing its strength again and again, and this was how it released its strength just before hitting the stone wall.

  "Red-clothed ghost!"

  Yue Qiluo's face was a little ugly.

  But in the fight just now, he suffered a lot.

  This ghost, with all its strength, is definitely at the top level among the ghosts.

  Even when she was victorious, if she wanted to clean up the opponent, she was afraid that she would have to waste her hands and feet.

  But now, because she has been suppressed for many years, her strength is [-]% at the peak.

  But it is no longer the opponent of this ghost.

  "Again, another evil spirit."

  The unintentional mouth opened wide.

  I thought there was an ordinary evil spirit in the well.

  Unexpectedly, after killing one, there are two more fierce ones.


  Dong Xiaoyu looked at Lin Feng and waited for his order.


  "This evil is actually related to this "Sir"."

  Wuxin looked at Lin Feng who was beside him, instinctively took two steps back, and distanced himself from him.

  "You are with her."

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng with a bad look.

  But I know that today this thing can't be good.

  "Well, soon, you'll be with me too."

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at Yue Qiluo with a smile.

  Obviously, he only has the strength of a first-time archmage, but he fought hard against Dong Xiaoyu, but he was unscathed.

  This girl, it's not easy to say, they all underestimate her.

  "what do you want?"

  A cold light flashed in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

  She is alone, playing with the world, and is used to being free.

  But they have never had friends, let alone partners.

  At this moment, the man in front of him actually said that he wanted to become a group with her.

  Is that to become a partner, or to be her slave like this red-clothed ghost?

  "You want to go out to absorb the essence and restore your cultivation, right?

  Jingqi, I can give it to you, so don't play the idea of ​​ordinary people again.

  From now on, you will be by my side, I promise, in everything, if I eat meat, you will drink soup. "

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Lin Feng's eyes were full of sincerity.

  Yue Qiluo is so cute, he would definitely be reluctant to kill him.

  And let it go, with her character and way of doing things, she will definitely continue to make boundless murders.

  In this case, wouldn't he be guilty of letting Yue Qiluo out?

  Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to keep him by his side and keep him under strict supervision.

  At the same time, with her company, it will be more fun in the days to come.

  "You give me energy?"

  "What are you giving?"

  Yue Qiluo sneered, this guy really knows her very well, and he knows that she can restore her cultivation by sucking her essence.

  "My energy is enough for you to recover to the peak."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and all the momentum that was suppressed in the body was released.


  In the cave, the yin wind is howling, and the evil spirits are crowded.


  Wuxin's face changed greatly: "It turns out that this "Sir" is the biggest evil."

  No, it's an evil Taoist who practices sorcery.

  Such a powerful aura pressed him back seven steps in a row, and only then did he stabilize his body.

  The spiritual sense in the dark told him to stay away from Lin Feng, the farther the better.

  He turned around and wanted to leave here, leaving with the crescent moon.

  However, the exit was blocked by Dong Xiaoyu, so how could he go.

  "You, are you serious?"

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Feng with a strange expression.

  Although she just noticed that Lin Feng's strength is not weak, she did not expect that Lin Feng's strength is not much worse than her peak state.

  However, this guy, depending on his age, is only in his twenties.

  So young and so powerful, who is this guy, and what is his idea?

  "Of course it's serious." Lin Feng nodded, "Come on, take my essence."

  "You said it yourself."

  Yue Qiluo sneered, and suddenly opened her mouth to suck at Lin Feng...

  PS: Sorry for the late update.I saw in the comments that someone said the update was slow.Thanks to the support of the big guys, although the achievements did not explode, they took off. It stands to reason that the two demons should also be crazy to repay everyone.However, this book was originally written slowly, but now that the results are up, the two demons are afraid of writing collapse, and they are even more anxious to write, so the speed has never been faster.What's more, Ermo won the grand prize in the past two days. He had mouth ulcers. He didn't pay attention to it at first. When he found out that it was wrong, his lips were swollen into sausages... I ate some rice last night. I just took the medicine and drank a few sips of water... So, it is impossible to explode the watch, at least for the past two days... The two demons thought that trying to stabilize the fifth watch as much as possible, stability is the kingly way.begging.

Chapter 121

  "Sir, you..."

  Inadvertently looked dazed from the side.

  Let other people suck their own energy, what is this operation?

  Jingqi, this thing, is given to others, isn't that, courting death?

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