
  "You old man, interesting."

  On the side, Yue Qiluo was also amused.

  Although she is an old witch who is hundreds of years old, she has a girlish heart.

  "Is there something wrong with Master Su?"

  The corners of Lin Feng's mouth were slightly upturned, this is so special, he is another actor.

  And his acting skills are definitely better than those Oscar reservists he encountered before.

  "Sir, Xiao Su, I don't know why, I have sinned against your family. No, Master Gu said that you lived with him, so I quickly followed and came to apologize to you, sir."

  Master Su kept his posture very low, but his tone was not unnatural at all. He was indeed used to this kind of transformation.

  After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the servant behind him quickly lifted the thing in his hand and placed it in front of him.

  "These little yellow croakers and antiques are my thoughts. Although I know that Mr. is definitely not lacking in these, but I have no time to prepare carefully, so I can only use these to make up the number.

  This cage of wild animals is a special product of our Wenxian County. The green and tender cubs have a unique flavor whether they are boiled, steamed or fried. . "

  Master Su sneered.


  Seeing the wild animal cubs in the cage, Ali became restless again.

  But he is already regretting why he didn't cut the grass and root as Yue Qiluo said last night.

  Lin Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it on its head, signaling it to be calm.

  "Okay, I've accepted the gift, but you kill too much. Even if my little darling doesn't take care of you, other spirits and spirits will come to trouble you."

  Lin Feng nodded, eating game has been known since ancient times, but there are not many people who think Su Wang is so paranoid.

  Moreover, from the standpoint of human beings, Su Wang, a good wild animal cub, although a little cruel, there is nothing wrong with what he said.

  The strong eat the weak is the main theme between heaven and earth, so naturally he will not be like Ahri, wishing he could kill this guy and then hurry up.

  However, this guy really made him unhappy, so some punishment must be given.

  "Please help me sir."

  When Master Su heard this, he knelt down with a plop.

  Li people are not to blame, this kind of thing, he is clear.

  "I'll give you two talismans, you take them, and your wife and your wife have one, and take it with you. In the future, you should be vegetarian, avoid meat and fish, and do more good deeds to accumulate yin and virtue, and this matter will be over.

  Otherwise, others can save you once, save you twice, but cannot save you for the rest of your life. "

  Lin Feng raised his hand, cut a piece of white paper from the paper cutter in front of him, and then drew a talisman in the void on the white paper.

  "With such a strong soul power, his attainments in undead soul art are indeed far beyond mine."

  On the side, a strange color flashed in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

  Using her soul power to draw a talisman directly, she can do it too.

  However, she couldn't spend it like that at all.

  Because, to her, every trace of soul power is very precious.

  But Lin Feng didn't seem to feel distressed at all.

  Obviously, this bit of soul power didn't pay attention to him at all.

  In the blink of an eye, the two talismans were drawn.

  However, the two pieces of white paper are still one piece of white paper, and there is nothing magical about them.


  Lin Feng handed it to Master Su, and then looked at Gu Xuanwu: "Xuanwu, see you off."


  Master Su looked at the white paper in his hand and was a little flustered.

  "Let's go."

  Gu Xuanwu grabbed him and dragged him outside.

  "Master, did you just let him go?"

  In his arms, Ali's eyes were misty.

  But it was thought that Lin Feng would help him punish that guy.

  Unexpectedly, Lin Feng not only did not cure his crime, but also gave him a talisman. .

Chapter 130

  "Don't worry, he will never eat game again in the future, no, not only will he not eat game, but he will not eat meat and fish again, but will switch to vegetarian food."

  Lin Feng rubbed Ali's head and comforted him.

  "Did you say he won't eat it if he doesn't eat it? Can a dog eat shit instead?"

  Ahri is still puffed up, so pissed~ No way.

  "Little fox, you don't understand now, the talisman drawn by brother Feng just now can make him feel disgusting when he sees meat and fish in the future.

  In this case, it would be strange if he still opened meat. "

  Yue Qiluo glanced at Ali and explained to Lin Feng.

  "It's already the biggest punishment to let a person who doesn't like meat no longer be contaminated with meat and fish, and can only be vegetarian."

  Lin Fengyu said earnestly, Ahri and him have a close relationship, but since he is a human being, he will naturally look at this matter from a human perspective.

  The talisman on the paper was made by him with his soul power. After touching it, the soul talisman would be branded into the souls of the couple surnamed Su.

  Unless someone's attainments in the soul are far beyond him, this talisman is incomprehensible.

  Therefore, Lin Feng was not at all worried that Su Wang would not change his sex.

  In this world, there may be more attainments in the soul than him.

  However, in the identity of Su Wang, it is absolutely impossible to come into contact with such a powerful person.

  "Well, I knew that brother Feng, you are the best."

  Seeing that the matter was made clear, the mist in Ah Li's eyes disappeared at once, and he turned his head and rubbed against Lin Feng's chest.

  "Go, take these little guys back to the mountains and forests. Also, the storyteller of the Su residence, Lao Wang, go and ask him if he is willing to tell me a story, and if you want, bring him."

  Lin Feng waved his hand, and the cage full of wild animal cubs on the ground shattered, and the cubs regained their freedom.

  However, their spiritual sense was amazing, and they sensed the horror of the few people in front of them.

  "How do you know Old Wang?"

  Ali was stunned.

  She was also looking for demonic energy before she found the old king in the city.

  However, Lin Feng had never been to Su Mansion.


  Lin Feng avoided answering, pretending to be mysterious.

  "Could it be that Brother Feng knows a lot about everything?

  For a moment, Ah Li was a little stunned, but with her little head, she couldn't think of anything, and she didn't want to think too much. She immediately got out of Lin Feng's arms and led a group of small things away.

  "I can't see that you are still very loving."

  Yue Qiluo was on the side, her eyes shining, but she thought she knew Lin Feng better.

  "Love, if that counts, so be it."

  Lin Feng shook his head. Humans are inherently contradictory, with awe for life and indifference to life.

  For example, if this wild animal cub is really put in front of him as a delicious food, he will definitely eat it.

  However, let him arrange for someone to slaughter these little guys and make them delicious, but he will never do such a thing.

  "Sir, you just said that you are looking for me for something."

  Aside, Wuxin opened his mouth.

  "Well, I want to ask you something, gluttonous, have you heard of it?"

  Lin Feng looked at Wuxin. Although this guy would fall asleep every hundred years, after falling asleep, he lost all his memory.

  However, he has a good friend, Bai Liuli, who is also an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years.

  Therefore, many fortunate secrets that ordinary people don't know, this guy might know.

  "Taotie?" Wuxin's face showed a thoughtful look, "You mean that guy who can eat especially?"

  "You really know." Lin Feng's eyes lit up, "Tell me, what is the origin of that guy?"

  "I only know that this guy can eat very well. I don't know anything else." Wuxin shook his head. He had such an impression of many things.

  However, it's just an impression.

  "Then can you contact your good friend, er, no, it's your friend Bai Liuli."

  Lin Feng frowned, but he didn't expect to be happy for Bai.

  "How do you know Bai Liuli?"

  Suddenly stunned.

  "Looking at the fortune-telling, I will order it too."

  Lin Feng smiled, of course he wouldn't say that he was a wall hanging and knew the plot.

  "Can you figure this out by looking at the fortune-telling? I also eat this bowl of rice, you can't fool me."

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