After saying goodbye to his uncles, brothers, and Master Yixiu, Lin Yi set off.

Although the world outside was in chaos and warlords were fighting for power, Lin Yi had even dealt with the Zombie King, and ordinary petty thieves could not hurt Lin Yi at all.

Besides, there were no large groups of bandits or warlords along the way, so Taoist Simu was very relieved that Lin Yi would go back alone. Taoist Simu believed that even if they really met someone who was blind, they would be the unlucky ones.

When they came here, it was Taoist Simu who showed the way and Lin Yi drove the corpses, so Lin Yi remembered the road very well.

After walking a distance, Lin Yi put the things that Jiale had brought into the storage bracelet, and then Lin Yi put a light body talisman on himself, and cast the three-fold cloud, and his body suddenly became light and floated through the mountains and forests quickly.

The mountain road was difficult to walk on, but Lin Yi was walking on flat ground!

Seeing the sun setting in the west and the sky gradually getting dark, Lin Yi also rushed to a small town.

This town is a bit bigger than the average village and looks much older than Renjia Town. There are not many people in the town, and most of them are elderly, with few young people.

Lin Yi had passed by here before with Master Simu when he was driving corpses. There was a charity cemetery outside the town. Taoist Master Simu specially asked them to stop here for a while, have a good meal, and buy big pancakes, braised meat and liquor, so Lin Yi was very impressed. Lin

Yi didn't need to drive corpses, and didn't want to stay in the wilderness at night, so he rushed to this town before dark, preparing to stay here tonight, have a good meal, and set off early tomorrow morning.

Lin Yi stepped into the town and found that the town seemed to be more deserted today than before.

Before, I accompanied Master Simu to buy things, and it was quite late, and there were more people on the street than now. After walking for a while, there was a small teahouse in front, and Lin Yi suddenly stopped.

There was a notice in front of the teahouse.

No wonder there were no people on the street, it turned out that they went to watch a play!

A new opera troupe came to the town, and there was a play in the town's theater tonight.

Entertainment is very scarce these days, so listening to opera has become the most common way for everyone to pass the time.

However, there is no big opera troupe in this town, so it is not easy to listen to an opera.

The town hasn't seen an opera troupe for a long time. It's rare to have an opera, and everyone is very enthusiastic.

Lin Yi has been in this world for three years, but he has gone to listen to it a few times with Uncle Jiu. There is no pop music, and listening to opera is also quite interesting.

Anyway, I'm free at night, so why not go and listen to an opera! If the singing is good, Uncle Jiu's birthday is coming soon, so it would be nice to ask him to go back and have a party for the master!

Opera troupes like this that travel around are not expensive, but if you have the ability and are willing to work hard, it's worth it!

Lin Yi walked towards the opera building.

The opera building in the town has been around for a long time, but there is no opera troupe in the town, so it is empty all year round.

The place is not big, with only one floor, with a stage in front and long benches below.

There are square tables under the stands, which are VIP seats, and the price is a little more expensive than the back.

Lin Yi arrived at the right time. There was still some time before the show started, but the theater was almost full.

There were not many people in the VIP seats at the front.

After all, it only cost two cents to sit in the back, and twenty taels to sit in the front. It was hard to make money in this small town, and life was not easy, so he saved as much as he could. Lin Yi threw a big coin (twenty taels) to the ticket seller, and then he was led to the square table in the front and sat down.

Seeing Lin Yi sitting down, a guy with a bamboo basket selling snacks came over.

Ordinary tea in the theater is free, but peanuts, melon seeds, and pastry snacks have to be bought.

Just like popcorn in the cinema, you have to pay extra if you want to eat it!

Lin Yi grabbed a handful of copper coins and handed them over. The man took them enthusiastically and took things from the bamboo basket for Lin Yi with a smile.

Melon seeds, peanuts, plums, pastries.

Someone also brought a pot of hot tea.

After the things were placed on the table, he helped pour the tea and put a wet towel thoughtfully.

Lin Yi was stunned. Wow, did all the waiters at Haidilao graduate from here?

Lin Yi wiped his hands, drank a cup of tea, and then ate melon seeds while waiting for the show to start.

More people came in one after another, and those who couldn't sit down stood at the back. Looking back, it was full of people. Fortunately, the fire department didn't say anything at this time, otherwise the theater would definitely be closed for inspection.


Lin Yi ate a melon seed and threw the shell on the table.

Looking at the shell, Lin Yi suddenly thought of something.

I have always used Uncle Jiu's talismans to exchange, today I will see what I can get by exchanging ordinary things.

"The Supreme Patriarch showed his true spirit and blessed me with a good treasure. When I return home, I will burn incense and worship you!"

After bowing three times to the void and completing the process, Lin Yi looked at the melon seed shells on the table and said to the system

"System, I want to exchange the melon seed shells for the heavens."

The system was silent for three seconds.

It seemed to be shocked by Lin Yi's shamelessness.

There is such a genius in the world!


The melon seed shells on the table flashed and disappeared.

At the same time, a new audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


""Finger gun!"


The man in the black suit poked his finger into the heart of the man in front of him, his face full of indifference.

"Want some more pain? Barry!"

""Hey! The guy with the rope!"

The boy in the red straw hat looked at Barry, who was about to fall, with a look of shock on his face.

He was just poked by a finger, but how could he be injured so badly?

Barry knelt weakly on the ground.

"Why, you want……"

"Stop struggling. We have mastered the physical skills that can reach the limit of the human body. After long-term training, the human body has martial arts that can rival weapons. [Six Styles]】!"

"This strength can defeat a hundred with one!"

At this moment, the man in the black suit suddenly paused and stared blankly at Barry kneeling on the ground.

Six styles!

Iron block, paper painting, moon step, storm kick, finger gun!

Why do I only remember five styles, what is the other one?

Why don't I have any impression at all!

At this moment, a few pieces of melon seed shells with saliva suddenly slapped the man in the black suit on the face.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense and inexplicably weird!


"Hey! It's One Piece again, it seems the system is obsessed with One Piece recently!"

Lin Yi reacted when he saw the boy in red straw hat, isn't this the boy in One Piece, Luffy!

The black suit, the ugly face, you can tell at a glance that it's Rob Lucci from CP9

"Let me see what good stuff I got in exchange for the melon seed shells!"

Lin Yi happily opened the system message.

【The host uses the melon seed skin to exchange for Lucci's Six Styles - Shaving practice memory】

"Navy Six Styles! Shave! This thing is pretty good, much faster than Trident!"

When Lin Yi watched the anime One Piece, he felt that this Navy Six Styles was really abnormal. The speed was as fast as teleportation, the body was as hard as iron, and when it was soft, it could be as soft as paper, and it could fly in the sky!

The next second, Lin Yi's mind appeared Rob Lucci's memory of practicing the Navy Six Styles of Shaving.

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, comments, and rewards, hehe, please!

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