"Master, Steward Wang is back."

Towards evening, a servant found Tan Baiwan in the middle of the Tan family's Cui Ya Residence.

When Tan Baiwan heard that the steward who had gone to look for Uncle Jiu was back, he immediately stood up.

""Have you invited Uncle Jiu back?"

Tan Baiwan asked excitedly.

The servant who came to report had a strange expression on his face.

"Master, the one who came back with Steward Wang was not Uncle Jiu, but a young man who didn't look very old."


Tan Baiwan's smile froze instantly.

It's not Uncle Jiu!

Tan Baiwan walked out.

As soon as he left the teahouse, he saw Manager Wang leading a young man in.

This young man is too young!

He looks like a baby!

Can he catch ghosts?

The ghosts in their family are very fierce!

When Manager Wang saw Tan Baiwan, he immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

"Master, I have invited Uncle Jiu's disciple here."

Tan Baiwan looked serious and whispered to Manager Wang,"What's wrong with you? The ghosts in your house are so fierce, you should invite a kid back!"

Manager Wang hurriedly explained,"When we went to the charity cemetery, Uncle Jiu was not there. There was only this little Taoist priest. And, Master, don't look at his young age, but he has real skills!"

Manager Wang's eyes sparkled and he said excitedly.

Tan Baiwan was full of question marks. Real skills, what real skills? He is so young, how many years of cultivation can he have!

Those gentlemen in their thirties and forties said they couldn't handle it. Such a kid, who has been practicing in the womb for only fifteen or sixteen years, what real skills can he have?

Manager Wang lowered his voice and said excitedly,"He knows immortal magic, Master. I saw it with my own eyes. His hands can emit fire!"

"Just like this!"

Manager Wang spread out his right hand, as if holding something.

Tan Baiwan:".???"

He seemed to be looking at a fool.

Lin Yi heard clearly the conversation between Tan Baiwan and Manager Wang, but he didn't care. He was observing Cui Yaju now.

Tan Baiwan's new home was built very exquisitely and elegantly. The architectural style here in Tanjia Town is quite similar, all emerald green.

Green symbolizes fortune and luck, and means peace.

There is a plaque hanging on Tan Baiwan's new home, named Cui Yaju.

It can be seen that Tan Baiwan is still a person who likes to be pretentious.

It's not just the yang house that is green, but the foundation is also green!

This is not right!

Seeing Lin Yi sizing up the situation in the courtyard, Tan Baiwan and Manager Wang looked at each other and then walked over.

Tan Baiwan pretended to be serious and asked with a smile,"Young sir, can you see anything from the layout?"

Lin Yi shook his head lightly.

Tan Baiwan thought that Lin Yi didn't see anything, and sighed in his heart. He really couldn't believe it. At such a young age, what could he do!

The ancients were right that a man without hair on his lips cannot do things well.

Lin Yi glanced at Tan Baiwan.

"There is no hair on the mouth, but it does not mean that it is not reliable."


Tan Baiwan's face suddenly changed color, and turned pale. He looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

"You, you, you know what I'm thinking!"

Manager Wang looked at Lin Yi with shining eyes, as if to say, you still say you don't know immortal magic!

"Little Heavenly Master, Little Heavenly Master, please accept my respects!"

Tan Baiwan was even more straightforward and bowed deeply to Lin Yi.

He really neglected the Little Heavenly Master just now. If the Little Heavenly Master was angry and didn't help him exorcise the ghosts and demons, wouldn't he miss it!

"It's okay, get up."

Lin Yi waved his hand, and a gentle force dragged Tan Baiwan

"Hiss! You are indeed a little celestial master, you really have real skills!"

Tan Baiwan looked at Lin Yi with sincerity. Such a master must be befriended and must not be offended!

"Little Master, please come with me and sit inside."

It was not dark yet, but it was not long before nightfall. The sun always sets quickly, and it will be dark before you know it.

Lin Yi nodded and followed Tan Baiwan into the tea room. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There were not many servants in Cui Ya Residence, and only a few were busy.

After entering the house, Tan Baiwan personally poured tea for Lin Yi, and then sighed with a sad face.

"Hey, little Taoist priest, to be honest, this new home of mine cost me a lot of money and took a year to build. It was finally completed and our family happily moved in."

"But who would have thought that since we moved in, we haven't slept in bed at night."

"Every morning when I wake up, I find myself sleeping on the floor! Ghosts carry me out of bed every day!"[]

Tan Baiwan was still terrified when he said this. Who could stand this kind of thing happening at home every day?

Lin Yi took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, looked at Tan Baiwan calmly and asked:

"Mr. Tan, I want to ask you something, you must tell me the truth."

Tan Baiwan was stunned by what Lin Yi said, and he must tell the truth, what is it?

"Little Master, please ask"

"What was the land of this foundation before the house was built?"

Tan Baiwan was puzzled for a moment, and then said,"It was a wasteland!"

Under Lin Yi's mind network skills, no one could hide the truth, and Lin Yi nodded.

It was indeed a wasteland.

Since it was not a seizure of someone else's grave, then there was something to say about this matter.

"What did the town hall tell you when you bought the land?"

Now all land purchases must go through the town hall, which is equivalent to the government office in the old days.

Tan Baiwan frowned.

Is there something wrong with this piece of land?

Tan Baiwan looked at a loss and shook his head.

"When I bought the land, I was told that it was wasteland and that I could build a house or a factory on it."

"Then how did you come up with the idea of buying land and building a house here?"

Lin Yi asked again.

This is not right!

How could you just pick a piece of land and choose it here?

When Lin Yi asked this, Tan Baiwan's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look.

After hesitating for a while, Tan Baiwan still told the truth.

"This piece of land was originally wanted by a business rival of mine, who wanted to build a factory here. I was worried that his factory would affect my business, so I bought the land in advance."

("I wanted to build a factory, but I thought that the house I had lived in for many years and the increasing number of people in the family could no longer accommodate them, so I rebuilt a new house."

Lin Yi nodded.

The business world is like a battlefield, and it is normal to cheat each other. If the other party did not set up a trap on purpose, it was just that Tan Baiwan happened to block it.

"To be honest, there is a grave under this house."


Tan Baiwan took a deep breath.

"Yinzhai! What the little Taoist priest meant was that there was a tomb down there!"

"That's right, and it's a family burial. Your Yang house is pressing down on someone else's Yin house, so the other party will come out every night and move you out of bed."

"Ah! How could this happen?

Tan Baiwan looked miserable.

Did he have to move?

But this new house cost so much money!

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, subscriptions, and rewards! This is the fifth update, please support Xiao Hei..

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