The spirit and the ghost are actually similar, both are souls, but one is a complete spirit with three souls and six spirits.

It can return to the body and continue to live.

The other is an incomplete residual soul.


Lin Yi closed the gourd and threw it to the chief of the patrol room with a smile.

"Keep it well and don’t lose it!"

"No! Even if I lose my head, I can't lose him!"

The director grinned and patted his chest to make a promise.

This thing concerns his future career and his life!


The dock of Longyun Town was originally a place where all kinds of people mixed together.

Most of the people living here were coolies who made a living from the dock, and the cargo ships that came and went here every day were their source of income.

Although the incident of the flower-picking thief in Longyun Town affected the lives of many people in Longyun Town, there was still an endless stream of merchant ships coming and going.

The coolies living here were not affected.

Late at night, the dock was silent, and the people who had been tired all day had fallen asleep.

Lin Yi led the team, and Lin Xing and a team of people from the patrol station followed quickly.

Finally, Lin Yi stopped in front of the gate of a small courtyard.

The telekinesis expanded, and the person seen in the daytime was inside. There were many people inside. Under the cover of telekinesis, a total of more than ten people were found, gathering together, standing quietly.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and found that something was wrong.


The door was kicked open by Lin Yi.

The people in the yard were suddenly like frightened birds, and their hair exploded.


A group of men in black rushed out of the house and bumped into the police who were rushing into the yard.

"It’s the police station!"

"Don't move, you are surrounded!"

Lin Xing raised his gun and shouted angrily.

There were so many people. Fortunately, they all brought weapons when they came.


These men in black did not make any extra movements. As soon as the word"kill" came out, they rushed up instantly. Black mist came out of all of them. In a few steps, these men in black turned into a mass of black mist!


Lin Xing was the first to pull the trigger, and the police station behind him also reacted, aiming and shooting.

The bang bang bang of gunfire woke up the people near the dock.

"What happened?"

"Setting off firecrackers at night will help you give birth to a son without dermatitis!"

"Who is it? How wicked!"

The bullet penetrated the black mist, but the men in black did not pause at all and rushed towards the people in the police station at a very fast speed.

""Exorcist Order!"

Lin Yi opened his right hand, and dozens of talismans flew out instantly, swarming towards the black fog.

Boom boom boom - the moment the Exorcist Order entered the black fog, it exploded directly.

The flames of the explosion illuminated the entire yard!

""You are just such a trifle, and you dare to show off your skills in front of an expert. I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and the firelight dissipated. The true form of the men in black in the yard was revealed. They were all puppets!

These puppets were dressed in black, and it was impossible to tell whether they were real or fake. They were no different from living people.

Ghost puppetry! It is to extract the souls of living people, and refine them into ghosts that only know how to kill and fight and are obedient. Then the ghosts are refined and sealed into puppets, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the ghosts and driving the puppets.

This puppetry originated from Southeast Asia and is a very cruel evil technique.

The world is in chaos, warlords are fighting, demons and monsters are rampant, but what is more terrifying than ghosts is always people!

The black clothes on these puppets were torn, but their bodies were fine. Black mist surged out of their bodies again, and they continued to kill towards everyone with weapons in hand.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and waved his left palm,"Yongquan!"

The sound of water flowing, all the puppets were covered with water.

At the same time, Lin Yi clenched his left fist, and the air in the yard suddenly dropped!

Covered with frost.

These puppets that rushed over were instantly frozen, and their movements became slower and slower, and finally they could not move.

Lin Xing and the others standing behind Lin Yi were stunned.

First there was an explosion, and the other party was fine, and even revealed a wooden body, which was incredible enough.

Now Lin Yi has directly frozen the other party!

This must be a Taoist magic, the legendary fairy method!

The Western magic was activated, and it really froze these puppets.

Under the cover of telekinesis, there was still one person left in the room, and he was the one who controlled these puppets. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Impossible! How could someone use the spell to such a level!"

The man in the room growled, shook the magic power in his hand, and a black ghost flew out of the frozen puppet.

It is said that ghosts will not disperse, and ghosts are very fierce and terrifying. It is extremely difficult to eliminate ghosts.

But as a disciple of Maoshan, he is naturally not afraid of this thing.[]

Lin Yi raised his mouth slightly and spread his hands again.

A series of golden talismans appeared above Lin Yi's palms.

"The Supreme Command, with my divine power, there is Huang Shen in front, Yue Zhang in the back, the divine master kills, and all the ghosts hide!"

One, two, three...

Dozens of densely packed ghost-killing spells floated around Lin Yi.

The ghost that rushed halfway stopped suddenly.

In the room, the guy controlling the ghost had a dull expression.

"How come there are so many ghost-killing spells?"


Lin Yi pushed with both palms, and the Killing Ghost Curse flashed with golden light and flew towards the ghosts.

Boom boom - the ghosts let out a sharp roar, screaming and trying to escape.

But the explosion of the Killing Ghost Curse scattered their bodies, and in a few breaths, none of these ghosts were intact.

This is because Lin Yi's cultivation is not enough, and the level of the talisman he condensed is not high, otherwise none of these ghosts would survive, and all of them would be torn to pieces!

Lin Yi snorted coldly and took out another gourd from the storage ring.

""The Supreme Command, collect!"

Opening the gourd, Lin Yi tapped the bottom of the gourd with his fingertips and pulled it back. A strong suction force surged out from the mouth of the gourd, sucking in all the ghosts with only broken limbs left.

"System, come out and collect the goods!"

The system was silent for a moment, and all the ghosts in the gourd disappeared.

【The incomplete ghosts are not valuable. Each ghost is worth 300 exchange points, a total of 4,500 exchange points! 】

While the system was calculating the accounts, Lin Yi had already rushed into the house.

The guy who controlled the ghost was pushing open the window, trying to escape.

In the corner, there was another person sitting cross-legged on the ground, wearing a talisman robe and with an incense burner in front of him.

It was Song Sanjiang!

"Want to run?"

Lin Yi sneered, and with a thought, the man who had already drilled halfway out flew back and fell heavily to the ground.

With a bang, Lin Yi's big foot stepped on the man's head.

"Still want to run!"

"Who are you? Why are you ruining my life?"

The man struggled and wanted to get up, but was firmly stepped on by Lin Yi. His hands and feet were also suppressed by Lin Yi's telekinesis, and he could not move at all.

"Humph, a real man never changes his name or surname, Zhuge Xiong!"

""Bah! You are not worthy of being called a real man, you dog!"

Lin Yi kicked Zhuge Xiong over and took out a straw man from his storage ring.

Lin Xing and his men rushed in and saw Zhuge Xiong lying on the ground. They all raised their guns and aimed at him.

"Don't worry, I have the house under my control."

While Lin Yi was speaking, he kicked Zhuge Xiong hard in the face. With a muffled thud, blood splattered everywhere, and several molars were kicked off.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Lin Xing subconsciously covered their faces.

It hurts just to look at it!

Lin Yi stained the straw man with Zhuge Xiong's blood and drew a spell in the void.

""The Supreme Command, the power of the Dao, bind the soul!"

In just a moment, Zhuge Xiong's body was motionless, extremely stiff, and his eyes became very dull.

The magic of victory taught by the Taoist Simu was simply too useful.

"Tell me, why do you want to cause trouble in Longyun Town?"


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