Chat group.

Green Man King:"Oh my god! The golden-winged phoenix can actually transform into a human?"

"She is still such a beautiful lady, even more beautiful than my Yan Ying."

Yue Buqun:"Green Man King, you are really good at flattering yourself."

"The golden-winged phoenix transformed into a human form, which was much more beautiful than my sister-in-law."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Yes, the golden-winged phoenix is a divine beast, with a sacred and noble aura."

"No matter how beautiful my sister-in-law is, she can't compare to the golden-winged phoenix."

"If we must compare, only Fairy Nangong from the Jueyan Immortal Realm can compare with her."

婠婠:"Zhiqiu Yiye, hey, hey, hey! What do you mean by this?"

"That is to say, we are not as good as the golden-winged phoenix-?"

"She will wear a phoenix feather costume, and I will wear a bathing sand costume. Brother Ye Yan has not seen it in person, otherwise he would definitely not be able to take his eyes away."

Li Mochou:"That's right, although the golden-winged phoenix is noble and aloof, and has a sacred aura, its legs are whiter and longer than mine?"

"Feather costume is so great? I can also wear pure Taoist costume."

Li Xunhuan:"The world is going downhill, the world is going downhill, is it really okay for you two fairies to say this?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"……, I envy Mr. Ye for another day"

"Why can't I see so many strange clothes?"

Mu Nianci:"Kan Kan, Li Mochou, two sisters, there are children in the group."

Si Gu Jianzi:"Strange, why did Sister Fenghuang give two feathers to Brother Ye Yan?"


"Is this also some kind of etiquette from the mysterious East?"

"Where is this feather from? Why is it so long?"

Li Xunhuan:"Feather, it should be the feather on the bird's tail... hair... uh???"

Li Xunhuan was well-read, so he immediately knew the origin of the feather.

But halfway through the sentence, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment, the group exploded.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"What? Feather on a bird's tail?"

"Isn't that equivalent to the feathers on the butt of a golden-winged phoenix?"

"Oh shit!"

"Something is wrong!"

"I envy Boss Ye so much for getting this kind of feather."

Zhiqiu Yiye watched the video, the golden-winged phoenix turned into a human form, this aloof goddess style.

Then she thought about the feather she gave to Ye Yan, and where it was taken from, and she felt numb instantly.

Her heart was sour again. She was envious and jealous.

You know, if it was the feather of an ordinary bird, even if they hadn't seen the golden-winged phoenix turn into a human form just now, everyone would at most regard it as some kind of heaven and earth treasure that could be made into a flying magic weapon.

But now seeing the golden-winged phoenix, this beautiful and sacred and inviolable noble goddess style.

The taste changed instantly.

Kanan and Li Mochou felt numb instantly.

You know, they are the first and second beauties who flirted with Ye Yan.

But now you are not able to meet Ye Yan in person. And the women around Ye Yan come one after another.

Before, there was nothing to say about fairies and humans.

Now even birds come to snatch Ye Yan?

How can they not collapse?

The two immediately made up their minds to find martial arts and gold, silver and jewelry. They must take the initiative to collect 10,000 points as soon as possible to meet Ye Yan in person.

Otherwise, when it is their turn, it would be strange if they can still have a place next to Ye Yan.

If Zhiqiu Yiye knew what the two women were thinking, she would definitely envy Ye Yan again, so envious that she would... He fainted in the toilet.

He was also a good young man, but now he had never even touched a girl's hand.

But beauties like Kankan and Li Mochou actually wanted to go to Ye Yan, who could he go to for justice?

Ye Yan naturally didn't know the little thoughts of Li Mochou and others at this time.

However, he saw in the chat group that everyone said that the two fields that bloomed with golden light were actually from the position of the beauty in front of him.

His expression instantly became strange.

Especially when he saw the look in the golden-winged phoenix's eyes looking at him, he actually showed a bit of shyness, which made Ye Yan even more numb.

No, sister, I'm just innocent I want you to be my mount, to take me to show off, to take me to fly.

What do you mean by giving me two feathers?

Have I been subdued by myself?


But soon, a high-pitched cry of a phoenix sounded.

The golden-winged phoenix's body burst into golden light, and it turned back into its original golden-winged phoenix appearance.

The phoenix feathers are gorgeous, the crown is dignified, and the whole body exudes a noble and aloof sacred aura. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) The golden wings were spread, and Ye Yan and his party flew straight into the sky 90,000 meters.

As the sun set, I don't know how long they flew.

Finally, they arrived at a beautiful island in the vast ocean.

"Fairy Island?"

"Sister Phoenix, just go to the island ahead."

Ye Yan looked at the familiar scenery a thousand meters away and immediately realized that the Golden Winged Phoenix would eventually take them to the Fairy Island. He immediately asked the Golden Winged Phoenix to take everyone there. Although

Ye Yan wanted to change the plot and let the Golden Winged Phoenix take Zhao Linger to other places.

But Ye Yan was unfamiliar with this world, how could he take Zhao Linger to the right place?

At the same time, Ye Yan thought of one thing, that is, he had actually changed the plot now.

The best proof was that Li Xiaoyao, who traveled back ten years later, had revealed information that was completely different from the original work.

This was enough.

As for Zhao Linger's safety, Ye Yan was also relieved. After all, as long as Zhao Linger could stay on this island for a few years,[]

When Ye Yan's cultivation level is improved, he can get more good things for Zhao Linger to improve her cultivation level.

Or when the Moon Worshiper comes to kill him, Ye Yan will travel through it again and will definitely kill him.

This will prevent Zhao Linger from dying tragically like in the original novel.

However, before Ye Yan and his men landed on the Fairy Island, something bad happened that made Ye Yan feel bad.

【Ding, friendly reminder, Ye Yan's time travel is about to end】

【After the countdown ends, Ye Yan will return to the original world, the timeline is uncertain】

【10, 9, 8、……4……】

"No way! How come the time is up so quickly?"

"I haven't let the Golden Winged Phoenix recognize its master yet!"

Ye Yan was very anxious and immediately let the Golden Winged Phoenix fly to the Fairy Island.

He was ready to take the Golden Winged Phoenix back to the zombie world at the last moment.

Are you kidding! Such a beautiful Phoenix Feather Girl... Bah, no, it's such a powerful and cool beast, how could I miss it?.

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