Yihong Courtyard.

A luxurious room in the attic.

Decorated in pink tones, with light gauze curtains and fragrant incense.

In the room stood two rows of innocent girls in thin clothes with panic-stricken faces. It was obvious that they were living a life of luxury.

"Asshole, how could this bitch Yu Tingting have such a fierce temper?"

"Just hit your head and die."

"There is actually a soul escaping?"

"How can I explain to Master Zhong after what has happened?"

A middle-aged fat man with pockmarks all over his face, a fat head and big ears, wearing a silk gown and a big gold chain around his neck, had an angry look on his face.

In front of him, there was a graceful female corpse on the ground.

It was the residual soul of the pure female ghost that Ye Yan had just met.

Yes, this middle-aged fat man was the owner of Yihongyuan.

He came out of the room after practicing evil magic tonight and happened to see Yu Tingting singing on the stage.

Immediately, the fire in his belly was raging, and he immediately asked someone to bring Yu Tingting in, ready to use force directly.

But Yu Tingting refused to obey and hit her head and died.

The owner of Yihongyuan called it bad luck and originally wanted to not let go of the corpse.

But Yu Tingting could actually turn into a wronged soul directly after death, which surprised and delighted the owner of Yihongyuan..

Because the technique his master practiced was the ghost refining technique of the White Lotus Demon Sect.

He knew at first glance that Yu Tingting's soul was not ordinary. If he could hand over Yu Tingting's soul to his master, he would definitely be rewarded with a lot of good things to improve his cultivation.

But the cultivation of the boss of Yihongyuan was not good enough. After fighting with Yu Tingting's wronged soul, although he controlled Yu Tingting's soul.

But a wisp of Yu Tingting's residual soul escaped.

And it disappeared in an instant, how could the boss of Yihongyuan not be angry.

He immediately prepared to find Yu Tingting's body to extinguish his anger.

This scene made the girls around the boss of Yihongyuan tremble in their hearts.

It felt that the boss of Yihongyuan was a devil.

But at this moment


"There is a ghost~"

A series of terrified screams suddenly came from the hall on the first floor.

The hall, which was originally full of debauchery, singing and dancing, and men and women hugging each other, suddenly became a mess.

Everyone looked as if they had seen a ghost, no, they really saw a ghost, and fled madly.

Fortunately, there are still many doors in Yihong Courtyard, otherwise these men and women would not know where to run.

Soon, the lively singing and dancing hall was left with only a mess and three men and one woman.

Or rather, three men and one ghost.

It was Ye Yan and Wencai Qiu Sheng, and the residual soul Yu Tingting floating behind Ye Yan.

"No way! This is my first time in Yihong Courtyard."

Wencai Qiusheng was so disappointed when he saw the mess on the ground and the scene of singing and dancing and beautiful women as he had imagined.

"Assholes, who are you?"

"How dare you come to my Yihongyuan... Yu Tingting, it’s you?"

"Very good, I was worried that I couldn't find you"

"Since you have come to my door, I will just capture you and present you to Master Zhong."When the boss of Yihongyuan heard the noise, he immediately came out with his men.

He originally thought that someone was here to cause trouble and was a little worried.

But when he found out that it was the remaining soul of Yu Tingting who had escaped, he was instantly overjoyed.

Immediately, more than a dozen strong men surrounded Ye Yan and his group.

As for Ye Yan, Wencai Qiu Sheng and the other two, the boss of Yihongyuan did not take them seriously at all.

After all, the boss of Yihongyuan practiced evil magic and his cultivation had reached the 7th level of Qi training.

In his eyes, Wencai Qiu Sheng and the other two who were still in the middle stage of Qi training were just scum.

As for Ye Yan, there was not even a little spiritual power fluctuation on his body.

In his opinion, apart from being a little good-looking, he was useless.

""Imperial Order~"

The boss of Yihongyuan shouted, holding the black talisman in his left hand and pinching the magic formula with his right hand.

The black gas surged, and the black talisman ignited without fire. It immediately turned into a black light and hit the residual soul of Yu Tingting, who was suspended in the air with empty eyes.

Yu Tingting's residual soul instinctively sensed the danger, and her heart trembled. She subconsciously flew to Ye Yan's side.

Seeing this scene, the boss of Yihongyuan couldn't help but smile slightly.

Because this black light not only has an attack effect on souls, but also can attack the souls of living people through the flesh.

At this moment, he has foreseen the scene where Ye Yan and Yu Tingting, who was hiding behind him, were pierced through the soul and screamed miserably together.

"You three fools are here to cause trouble for me."

"Today I will let you know that not everyone can afford to offend my Yihong Courtyard."

The boss of Yihong Courtyard had a cruel sneer on his face.

But the next moment. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Ye Yan's shoulder suddenly heard a muffled explosion.

The black line that was supposed to pass through Ye Yan's shoulder and soul, pierce Yu Tingting's jade shoulder, and connect the two people together was actually broken directly.

It was like a water gun spraying on his body, and it couldn't hurt Ye Yan at all.


"This is a magic talisman given by Master Zhong, how could it be ineffective on you?"

The owner of Yihongyuan's triangular eyes suddenly widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Are you a foundation-building cultivator?"

"not good"

"Come on, stop him."

The boss of Yihongyuan realized something was wrong and shouted at his men.

But he ran back to the luxurious private room and took away the jade bottle containing Yu Tingting's two souls and seven spirits on the table.

Before leaving, he was full of resentment and casually took out a black talisman that ignited a dark flame and burned towards Yu Tingting's body on the ground.

But at this moment.


The wind was raging, and a phantom flashed by.

A handsome young man with an extraordinary temperament appeared in front of the boss of Yihongyuan.

With a wave of his right hand, the black talisman that was originally going to fall on Yu Tingting's body directly floated towards the boss of Yihongyuan with black flames.


The black flames began to burn from the legs of the boss of Yihongyuan, and quickly spread to the upper body.

The boss of Yihongyuan immediately wanted to cast a spell to extinguish the black flames.

But the talisman on Ye Yan's right hand appeared, and the"Immobilization Technique" directly immobilized his body.

And took away the small jade bottle in his hand.

The boss of Yihongyuan watched the black flames burning his body. He was instantly shocked.

"'Stop, what kind of witchcraft is this?"

"You monster, help me put out the fire quickly...ah!"

"Otherwise (Wang is good), if Master Zhong knew about this, he would definitely kill you without a burial place."

"He is a Jindan cultivator, killing you is like killing a chicken.

Although the owner of Yihongyuan felt the piercing pain, he still shouted

"Oh? Master Zhong?"

"This so-called Master Zhong is the evil cultivator from the White Lotus Sect who taught you evil magic?"

"Dan Jie stage?"

"Then I would like to have a chance."

Ye Yan was instantly interested.

After all, if he could come up with a talisman that simply attacks the enemy's soul, and if he could search the soul, wouldn't he be able to get a talisman for this purpose?

If he could improve and upgrade it to a talisman that could deal with the soul of the Nascent Soul, that would be even better.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan immediately performed the"Shuangquan Hand" and grabbed the head of the boss of Yihongyuan.

Search the soul directly.

But the next moment, after Ye Yan read the memory of the boss of Yihongyuan, the expression on his face instantly became strange.

"No way! Master Zhong is actually him?".

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