"Hey! Uncle Jiu, why did you bring nuns to Yihong Courtyard?"

Ye Yan couldn't help but tease Uncle Jiu when he saw him about to call Wencai Qiu Sheng to account.

That's right, the five women behind Uncle Jiu were none other than the old lady nun from the church and the four pure and beautiful little nuns.

"Yes, yes! Master, we are just here to take a look at Yihongyuan."

"You yourself brought five nuns to Yihong Courtyard in the middle of the night, something is wrong...ah!"

Wencai Qiusheng was courting death, and followed Ye Yan's example to tease Uncle Jiu.

But when he saw Uncle Jiu's wide-open eyes, he instantly became as timid as a frightened quail, and subconsciously lowered his head and dared not speak.

At the same time, they suddenly had a premonition.

When they returned to Yizhuang, they would definitely be punished by Uncle Jiu.

After all, although Uncle Jiu was the embodiment of justice in the zombie world, as long as he was still a human, he would have shortcomings.

Uncle Jiu's shortcomings were naturally his love of face and his grudges.……

Ye Yan teased Uncle Jiu, but Uncle Jiu couldn't do anything to Ye Yan.

But now Wencai Qiu Sheng actually dared to tease him, he would be beaten up when he got home.

Wencai Qiu Sheng realized this at this time, but it was too late. He looked at Ye Yan with a sad face, asking for help.

But Ye Yan turned his head away, indicating that he couldn't see it.

After all, it was Wencai Qiu Sheng's own fault, what did it have to do with him?

Now Ye Yan's attention was all on the two innocent little nuns behind Uncle Jiu.

"Master Ye, is it really you?"

"It's great to see you."

"Where have you been these days?"

"We are so worried about you!"

"Yes, yes, you disappeared after you went chasing the Western zombies that night."

"If Uncle Jiu hadn’t said that he couldn’t sense your death breath, we would have thought that something had happened to you."

Ah Zhen and Ah Shan actually noticed Ye Yan as soon as they entered the room.

After confirming that it was really the long-missing Ye Yan, their little faces were full of surprise, and they ran to Ye Yan with great joy.

After all, Ah Zhen and Ah Shan are not only the two most beautiful of the four little nuns.

When they first met, they were once"turned against" by Ye Yan.

If it weren't for the aunt nun trying to stop them, the two little nuns would definitely have gone home with Ye Yan directly.

Later, they learned from the conversation that half a month ago, Ye Yan traveled to the Fairy Sword world after chasing Western zombies alone.

They have been looking for Ye Yan's whereabouts.

But the result is naturally that they can't find him no matter what.

Uncle Jiu decided just now He gave up the search for Ye Yan and prepared to come to the town to tell the Ye family the news.

However, he happened to meet a few aunties and nuns who were homeless due to the collapse of the church.

The aunties and nuns were impressed by Uncle Jiu’s majestic and heroic appearance a few days ago, so they naturally came to Uncle Jiu and begged him to take them in.

Uncle Jiu naturally refused.

But he didn’t expect to hear the customers who fled from Yihong Courtyard in panic, shouting that there was a ghost.

Uncle Jiu immediately rushed into Yihong Courtyard, and the aunties, nuns and four little nuns naturally followed.

So there was this scene now.

At this time, Uncle Jiu was naturally happy to see Ye Yan return safely.

After learning that Wencai Qiu Sheng was not really here to visit the brothel, Uncle Jiu’s anger subsided a little.

"Hey! Who is this sister?"

At this moment, Ah Zhen and Ah Shan noticed that Yu Tingting, who had been standing behind Ye Yan, had a pretty face full of inferiority.

However, before Ye Yan could introduce her,

Wencai Qiu Sheng spoke first.

"She is Master Ye's new concubine."

When Wencai Qiu Sheng said this, a smug smile appeared on his face.

It seemed that he wanted to see Ah Zhen and Ah Shan being jealous and angry because Ye Yan was too romantic.

Yes, they were probably doing it on purpose. After all, they were too jealous of Ye Yan's popularity with women.

Not only did he marry Ren Susu, but he also hooked up with Ren Qingqing and Annie.

Now he has taken Yu Tingting away.

If nothing unexpected happens, the two little nuns Ah Zhen and Ah Shan will definitely be taken away by Ye Yan.

They just can't help but trip up Ye Yan.

But what Wencai Qiu Sheng didn't expect was that Ah Zhen and Ah Shan didn't get angry or dissatisfied with Ye Yan's romanticism when they heard this.

Instead, they were extremely excited and took Yu Tingting's hand, smiling:

"Great, doesn't that mean we'll be good sisters from now on?"

"Brother Ye Yan, our dean has promised to keep his promise and let the two of us follow you in the future."


Wencai Qiu Sheng felt as if a bolt from the blue hit his head, and his three views were shattered. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What's going on?

Didn't we agree that women are jealous?

Why are they so happy?

In fact, even Ye Yan was a little surprised by this result.

After all, Ah Zhen and Ah Shan haven't been with him yet, and they don't know how powerful he is like Ren Susu. They are even less likely to beg for help like Ren Susu, asking her to marry more concubines to help.

Moreover, didn't this aunt nun strongly oppose him"stealing" Ah Zhen and Ah Shan before?

Why is she so generous now?

Ye Yan couldn't figure it out and didn't continue to think about it.

Since the three agreed to go home with him, Ye Yan would naturally take them away directly.

As for the actions of Wencai Qiu Sheng and the others just now, Uncle Jiu would naturally deal with them.

Ye Yan was too lazy to have a look with them.

Half a month later.

Auspicious day[]

The Ye Mansion in Renjia Town held a grand wedding banquet again.

Ye Yan married two concubines at once, Ren Qingqing and Annie. He also had three concubines, Ah Zhen, Ah Shan and Yu Tingting.

As soon as the news came out, it instantly caused a sensation in the entire Renjia Town.

This time, not only were all the eligible men in Renjia Town envious and jealous.

Even the uncles of other age groups were jealous of Ye Yan's move.

Are you kidding!

There are still many bachelors in this era, just like Wencai Qiu Sheng.

But Ye Yan had five at once, plus a legal wife-Ren Susu.

It perfectly proves what it means that those who are thirsty will die of drought, and those who are wet will die of flood.


That night, in the backyard of the Ye Mansion, except for the pregnant Ren Susu, red lanterns were hung high at the doors of the rooms of Ren Qingqing's five wives and concubines.

Various strange crying sounds rang out all night.

This made Ren Susu and Ren Tingting, who slept in the main room, unable to sleep all night.

Ren Tingting, the little girl, was instantly filled with resentment.

"Aunt, how can you bear this?"

"They just walked in and gave you a show of strength"

"Five people screamed one after another"

"It's making me unable to sleep."

"No, I'm going to settle accounts with them now."

Ren Tingting is a half-grown girl, she doesn't know anything, but she has a bad temper.

She got up and knocked on the doors of other rooms, asking them not to"go too far". Are they provoking Ren Susu, the main wife, by yelling in the middle of the night?

Ren Susu was instantly numb, and hurriedly pulled her back, explaining:

"Tingting, you wrongly blamed your aunt Qingqing and aunt Annie."

"They didn't mean to disturb people's sleep, it's all your uncle's fault"

"What? Uncle?"

Ren Tingting looked at Ren Susu with a puzzled look.

She seemed to want to get an answer from Ren Susu.

But this situation instantly made Ren Susu numb.

Just kidding!

Facing a little brat like Ren Tingting. How could she answer nine?

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