"Congratulations to Master Ye, your cultivation has greatly improved"

"Now not only has his Qi training reached the Dan stage, but his body training has also surpassed the Dan stage.".

"I am ashamed!"

Uncle Jiu reacted. Although he once again thought of the time when he personally refused Ye Yan to become his disciple, he felt extremely regretful.

But could Uncle Jiu show regret on the surface?

You are kidding!

Absolutely not.

He loves face the most.

Especially if Taoist Qianhe knew that he had rejected Ye Yan's request to become his disciple before,

Taoist Qianhe would have to curse himself for the rest of his life in his heart. It would be strange if he was blind.

How could a contemporary master of cultivation not see that such a talented disciple could be so talented?

But at this time, Uncle Jiu still made up his mind secretly to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if he could not catch up with Ye Yan, this monster, he would at least have to maintain the same realm. It would be too embarrassing to have"843".

In this regard, Uncle Jiu was still very confident.

After all, since he obtained the modified skills of Ye Yan, he not only"easily" broke through the Jindan realm that he would need a lifetime to break through.

It only took him half a year to stabilize the first level of Jindan cultivation and reach the middle stage of the first level of Jindan.

I believe that as long as there is less than a year, he can break through the second level of Jindan.

Within 20 years, it would only take a few minutes to reach the Nascent Soul stage. This speed is considered fast even in Nangong Ping'er's world of cultivating immortals.

Not to mention the end of the law in this spiritual world.

"Uncle Jiu, don't underestimate yourself. You have made a lot of progress in your cultivation recently."

"In less than half a year, he had stabilized his Jindan cultivation and reached the middle stage of the first level of Jindan."

"I believe that he will soon be able to break through the second level of Jindan."

Ye Yan complimented politely.

After all, you can't just say that Uncle Jiu's cultivation speed is rubbish!

He has prepared a Xuan-level middle-grade"Huangting Jindan Sutra" for Uncle Jiu, so his cultivation speed should be even faster and his strength should be stronger.

But Uncle Jiu didn't know that Ye Yan's compliment was polite.

Instead, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he felt a little proud.

After all, in the entire Maoshan generation, except for Senior Brother Shi Jian, who has the Thunder Spirit Body, no one has reached the Jindan level.

Especially at this time, when Taoist Qianhe heard that Uncle Jiu had already formed a Jindan, his face showed a shocked expression.

"What? Brother, you have already achieved Dan?"

"Are you almost reaching the second level of Dan?"

"It only took more than half a year?"

Daoist Master Qianhe originally thought that Uncle Jiu would need at least another ten or twenty years to reach such a height.

"Junior brother, you don't have to be so surprised. In fact, you just need to work hard."

Since Uncle Jiu met Ye Yan, it was the first time that he felt the shocked eyes of others. It was quite enjoyable.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

But he felt that this was the Uncle Jiu he was familiar with.

After all, in many film and television works, Uncle Jiu's image is unsmiling and serious.

But in fact, he would secretly feel unhappy because he lost face.

And he would feel secretly happy because he regained his face.

Quite down-to-earth.

It's just that Ye Yan didn't plan to expose Uncle Jiu.

But his two pit apprentices - Wencai Qiu Sheng saw their master's proud look, but couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Tsk! Master is showing off again, what is there to be proud of?"

"That's right, if Young Master Ye hadn't modified the"Huangting Qi Training Sutra" into the"Huangting Golden Elixir Sutra" of the middle level of the Xuan grade, how could he have formed the elixir so quickly?"

"He is still pretending in front of Uncle Qianhe"

"Where is the face?"

Wencai Qiu Sheng whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

But they forgot that several people here are above the foundation building level.

Even the sound of a mosquito ten meters away can be heard.

Their voices fell clearly into the ears of Uncle Jiu and others.

Uncle Jiu's old face instantly turned red, and he wanted to go over and teach Wencai Qiu Sheng a lesson.

But at this time, Taoist Qianhe only noticed one message.

Uncle Jiu was able to form a pill because of Ye Yan.

Ye Yan modified the"Huangting Qi Training Sutra" to the middle level of the Xuan level???

How is this possible?

Taoist Qianhe looked at Ye Yan and Uncle Jiu with disbelief and shock.

Obviously, he really wanted to know if this news was true.

Uncle Jiu actually planned to take out the"Huangting Jindan Sutra" modified by Ye Yan.

So after getting Ye Yan's approval, he took the modified"Huangting Jindan Sutra" and"Shangqing Jindan Sutra" from his arms to Taoist Qianhe.

Taoist Qianhe opened it.

Immediately saw the text deleted and added by Ye Yan.

He was dumbfounded.

A secret book that was originally in good condition turned into a graffiti-like state.....

There were even a few pages that seemed to be too complicated and were directly torn off.

Taoist Qianhe instantly doubted, is this really the so-called modified Xuan-level technique?

But when Taoist Qianhe took a careful look, he was instantly attracted by the simplified and sublimated content.

At the same time, there seemed to be a divine light in his mind.

The details that he couldn't understand after years of practice were sorted out at this glance.

Taoist Qianhe felt as if he was suddenly enlightened.

The whole person fell into a state of playing with me.

The path of the spiritual power in the body automatically bypassed the winding route, as if it had obtained automatic navigation, found the road to heaven, and went directly to the destination.


Taoist Qianhe's accumulated cultivation at this moment actually broke through two small realms directly.

The 7th level of foundation building.

The spiritual power burst out all over the body, and the spiritual light surrounded

"Oh my god! My cultivation level has been static for several years, but I have made a breakthrough just like that?"

"Or two small realms?"

"These two books that were destroyed like this, are they really of Xuan-level quality?"

Taoist Qianhe was shocked.

"Young Master Ye, you have been so kind to my Maoshan and to me!"

""I, Maoshan, from today on, owe Young Master Ye a huge karma."

Taoist Qianhe bowed to Ye Yan sincerely.

At the same time, in his heart, Ye Yan became a god-like existence.

"You are too polite. Your Maoshan skills have also inspired me."

Ye Yan waved his hand.


Suddenly he thought of something and took out a small jade bottle from his arms.

"There are 12 pills I made in here, which will be helpful for you and Uncle Jiu to practice."

"You guys split it up!"

"The royal zombies have been eliminated. I have to go back to see my wife and children first, and organize people to repair the mess in Renjia Town."


After saying that, Ye Yan turned into a residual shadow and disappeared.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe were left standing there, shocked by Ye Yan's agility.

However, when Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe opened the small jade bottle in their hands, they were shocked.

The two of them widened their eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What? This... is this a top-grade elixir?"

"Or 12?"


Is this something Ye Yan can make?".

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