Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Fairy Mochou is still a fairy after all!"

"How can you be so cruel?"

"You said you wanted to castrate Lu Zhanyuan right away?"

Yue Buqun:"That's right, do you want Lu Zhanyuan to practice the Sword of Exorcism?"

Huang Rong:"Uncle Yue, you are crazy about wanting to practice the Sword of Exorcism!"

"Look carefully, Sister Mochou said drowning, not castration."

Li Mochou:"Sister Rong'er still understands me."

Li Xunhuan:"Well, it's true."

"Master Yue, your thoughts are very dangerous"

"Zhiqiu Yiye, your thoughts are very dangerous. Although you are a single dog, there is no need to follow Master Yue and think about it."

Green Man King:"Zhiqiu Yiye and Master Yue are indeed kindred spirits."

Yue Buqun:"……"

A leaf of autumn:"……"


Mu Nianci:"Sister Mochou, how did you meet Lu Zhanyuan?"

"Is what Lu Zhanyuan said now the same as what Brother Ye Yan said?"

"Use your beauty to lure you?"

"Did they bring people to ambush you?"

婠婠:"If you need any help, just ask."

"If you don't need to trouble Brother Ye Yan, then don't bother Brother Ye Yan."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I didn't expect that Qian Qian would be so kind to Fairy Mochou."

"Aren’t you usually here to bicker?"

Green Man King:"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Miss Kankan is obviously worried that Boss Ye will travel through time?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yes!"

"This is where you're wrong"

"Everyone wants to see Mochou being saved by Big Boss Ye... How can you stop her?"

Xianxian:"Get lost."

Xianxian really wanted to be emo at this moment.

After all, she was the first female group member to flirt with Ye Yan, but now except for Zhao Linger, a half-grown girl, and Yotsuya Miko, a high school JK comics cute girl, everyone else is pregnant.

Especially seeing that Li Mochou, who had always been a difficult sister to her, was now about to"go to bed"〃‖ Shore".

How could Kanan feel good?

"No, if there is no opportunity, they will create it."

"Otherwise, if Brother Ye Yan gives Yotsuya Miko, the cute JK girl, to……"

"Wouldn't that be very embarrassing for others?"

"Now that my cultivation has improved, I can charge into Cihang Jingzhai and forcibly capture Shi Feixuan. No one can stop me."

"At that time, all the so-called righteous people in the entire martial arts world will definitely attack my Yinkui sect."

"I just don't believe that Brother Ye Yan hasn't come yet... to see my clothes." When

Kankan saw the various patterns of clothes in her closet, her little face couldn't help but blush. She looked even more charming.

Then, Kankan immediately went out and rushed towards Cihang Jingzhai.

Of course, Ye Yan didn't know at this time that Kankan would actually resort to such"despicable means".

In order to allow herself to travel through time, she actually did this.

At this time, Ye Yan's attention was still on the chat in the group.

He wanted to see if Li Mochou needed to go through by herself.

Logically speaking, since Li Mochou had eaten so many of his pills and practiced the immortal version of the Tomb School martial arts, there should be no danger.

But Ye Yan had a hunch that Li Mochou was also going to make trouble.

Li Mochou:"@Brother Ye Yan, come quickly!"

"I have suffered a lot of injustice recently, so pitiful!"

"During this period, those so-called famous and upright people came to attack others, and they all listened to you and showed mercy."

"Didn't kill them"

"But on the surface, they thanked the other party for not killing them, but turned around and exaggerated and slandered the other party."

"One person tells ten people, ten people tell a hundred people"

"As a result, more and more martial artists are coming to surround and kill them."

Li Xun Huan:"What? Is this true?"

"This world is really full of evil people."

Green Man King:"Old Li, do you also want to retire from the world like Nie?"

Li Xunhuan:"Don't talk nonsense, don't you know that since you have entered this world, you can't leave it unless you die."

Green Man King:"Now you have got the solution from Fairy Mochou, right?"

"Kill all these people, and these flies will not bother you anymore."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Green Man King, your idea is very dangerous."

Green Man King:"Could it be that Zhiqiu Yiye, you have other good ideas?"

"Use love to move these hypocrites who want to use your head to gain fame?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"This……"

Ye Yan also felt that this problem was a headache.

After all, lions and tigers are not scary, what is scary are the flies that keep coming.

They make you restless.

They can't beat you, but they keep gathering here and disgusting you.

At the same time, from Li Mochou's words, Ye Yan also knew about Li Mochou's changes in recent times.

Although sometimes he still has to kill these hypocritical guys, it can no longer be regarded as killing innocent people.

After all, these hypocritical righteous sects have already regarded Li Mochou as a stepping stone to fame.

They want to kill Li Mochou.

If Li Mochou doesn't kill them, she would be a bit saintly.

【Ding, Li Mochou starts group live broadcast. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"¨~ Finally started live streaming"

"I want to see Mochou's current peerless beauty"

"Looking forward to Mr. Ye going... No, entering... entering"The Condor Heroes"》"

Li Xun Huan:"I suspect you are saying something that cannot be said, but I have no evidence."


Ye Yan was not so impatient, and really used up the number of time travel and group points immediately to enter.

Open the live broadcast room of the Zhutian chat group.

The world of The Condor Heroes.

In the sunflower field.

Li Mochou was wearing a white and yellow Taoist robe with a slim waist.

She looked charming, with bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin was whiter than snow. When her waist swayed slightly, she was like a narcissus trembling slightly in the wind. She was definitely a peerless beauty. Especially the white and yellow Taoist robe, which added a bit of otherworldly temperament.

Even Ye Yan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

She deserves the name of a fairy.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! How can Fairy Mochou be so beautiful?"

"There is no need for Fairy Nangong, Madam Huang Rong and the others."

"I envy Master Ye for another day."

Yue Buqun:"Master Ye is so lucky."

Green Man King:"She is beautiful, but in my heart, Yan Ying is the most beautiful woman in the world."

Li Xunhuan:"In my eyes, only my cousin is the most beautiful."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I suspect you are killing dogs, but I have no evidence"

"Hey! The pretty boy next to Fairy Mochou is Lu Zhanyuan?"

"Smiling all day long, it's not a good thing at first glance"

"Fairy Mochou drowned him".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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