In the next few days,

Ye Yan discussed the"Small Yin-Yang Hehuan Gong" with Ren Susu.

Don't get me wrong, Ye Yan is not thinking about those messy things.

It's simply to improve cultivation and slay demons.

Uh... yes, that's it.

Because the"Hehuan Jue", especially the"Small Yin-Yang Hehuan Gong" upgraded from the"Tao Jing", although there is an evil use of simply treating the opposite sex as a cauldron and wantonly collecting and replenishing to death.

But the correct way to practice should be that both parties go hand in hand and improve their cultivation together.

After all, the way of one yin and one yang, the mutual generation of yin and yang, is originally one of the orthodox concepts of Taoism.

It's just that the orthodox practice method is very slow.

Maybe the former's evil method can improve three small realms, while the latter couple can only improve one small realm each.

So the demon disciples in the cultivation world will choose to collect and replenish directly.

After all, they can do anything to cultivate.

Since they can quickly improve their cultivation, why would they care about the life and death of the cauldron?

If a cauldron dies, they will rob more mortal women, even women with lower cultivation than themselves.

Therefore, the difference between the righteous and the evil is not in the techniques or schools, but in the human heart.

It is just like the corpse refining technique in this spiritual world.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu used it to make people who died in a foreign land return to their roots and their souls return to their hometowns.

But when the corpse refining technique fell into the hands of evil practitioners, it became an evil technique that harmed people and practiced evil methods.


After several months of discussion, even though Ren Susu had not yet practiced, her physique had improved a lot. She no longer needed to rely on the"Shengji Huiyuan Pill" and could withstand Ye Yan's strength to a certain extent.

Also, because of the strengthening of the body, there was no need to worry about miscarriage.

This made Ren Susu no longer have mouth ulcers during this period, and she felt the happiness at the beginning again.

Of course, this was also the result of Ye Yan's slowness.

But what made Ye Yan happy was that he found that while using this"Small Yin and Yang Hehuan Gong" to improve Ren Susu's physique, his own"Tao Jing" cultivation was also improved.

Every time it was used, it had the same effect as absorbing the spiritual energy of the spirit stone for cultivation.

In other words, he could completely use this"Small Yin and Yang Hehuan Gong" as an auxiliary cultivation method. A proper cultivation skill.

Not only could he enhance his relationship with Ren Susu, but he could also improve his cultivation.

Although the speed could not be compared with the"cultivation point".

But it also made Ye Yan feel the joy of discovering a new world.

He practiced harder.

But after a long time, Ren Susu couldn't stand it again.

Ren Susu was a little desperate because she found that her physique had improved and she could practice with Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan still seemed to be unable to enjoy himself.

This made Ren Susu feel a little guilty.

"Brother Ye Yan, I think I can have another sister. No, I should have several sisters."

"Help me serve your sister."

Ren Susu's sudden words instantly paralyzed Ye Yan.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Who do you take me for?"

"Don't worry, I only want you in this life."

Ye Yan looked sincere and determined, looking at the lovely girl in front of him who had a big belly but still had skin as white as cream, delicate features, and no fat. Are you kidding!

This question from Ren Susu is not a free point question, it is clearly a life-threatening question.

Although he had never been in love in his previous life, he had never eaten pork but had never seen pigs run?

He had no doubt that if he showed even a little intention, Ren Susu would immediately go crazy.

However, what Ye Yan did not expect was that Ren Susu thought of something when she heard it, and she actually pleaded with a hint of pleading in the depths of her beautiful eyes:

"Brother Ye Yan, they said it was not nonsense."

"Besides, isn’t it very common for men to have three or four wives?"

"If they feel that they are not capable of serving you well, they will naturally find a few more sisters to help."

"Are you trying to tire me to death?"


Ye Yan was confused again.

Ren Susu was indeed a"woman with traditional ideas".

So in your case, other women are not here to steal your husband, but to help you?

It's just like in the future when you have too much work to do at work, so you ask your boss to hire a few more people to help.

"Let's talk about it later!"

Ye Yan figured this out, and couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

It's good that it's not a life-threatening question.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh, this"advantage of traditional girls".

But what Ye Yan didn't expect was that Ren Susu was a little angry when she saw his perfunctory attitude.

"Humph! If you don't help me find my sister, I'll find one myself."

After saying that, Ren Susu actually started to act like a child, pulling up the quilt angrily and going to sleep.

This made Ye Yan a little amused.


Several months passed without incident.

That night, Ye Yan was going to go back to his room to discuss life with Ren Susu, but on the way he again... clicked on the chat group interface.

But the chat group was still showing that it was being upgraded.

However, Ye Yan only had a little complaint.

After all, during this period of time, he had already broken through to the 9th level of Qi training through the"Small Yin and Yang Harmony Technique".

Even if the Feng Shui master Zhongbo wanted to attack him now, Ye Yan was not afraid.

In addition, Ye Yan had the"Bluestone Gem Jade" to hide his"Taoist Scripture" cultivation.

It only revealed the"Yin and Yang Thunder Art" taught by the Feng Shui master in the past few months.》——Yin Lei Chapter.

Now in Zhong Bo's eyes, he is just a"little trash" who has just been taught the third level of Qi training and has just started using thunder magic.

He can be easily killed.

But it is conceivable that once Ye Yan takes him by surprise and uses the spiritual power of the ninth level of Qi training in the"Tao Jing" to fully activate the"Extreme Yin Leizhi", what will be the result?

At least Zhong Bo will be seriously injured.

Or even killed.

In addition, Ren Susu's due date is in these few days.

As long as the child is born, Ye Yan will be rewarded with many children and good fortune.

If he can get one or two bottles of"First Turn Yellow Dragon Pill" by then, Ye Yan can directly break through the foundation building realm.

If this is true, Ye Yan wants to kill Zhong Bo, who is at the second level of foundation building, right?

But at this moment

"Ah! Brother Ye Yan, help... help!……"

"……Dad, don't bite me.……"


Ren Susu's exclamation suddenly came from the room.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that Old Master Ren turned into a zombie ahead of time?"

"No way?"

Ye Yan's heart skipped a beat and he rushed to the room.

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