"Oh my god! Brother Ye Yan, the spiritual power in his Dantian has increased by at least 3 times.".

"Now, even if Wu Santong's master, Master Yideng, comes, he is sure to kill him."

Li Mochou's love poison has been solved by Ye Yan.

Not only does she feel relaxed, but even the spiritual power in her body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At least it is equivalent to the eighth level of Qi training in the world of cultivation where Nangong Ping'er is.

Not to mention the five top masters in this martial arts world, even the tyrants in the high martial arts world will be directly defeated by Li Mochou.

This made Li Mochou so excited that she almost jumped out of Ye Yan's arms.

But she forgot about the wound, and fell directly into Ye Yan's arms in pain when she moved.

Even Ye Yan couldn't stand this scene without the Taoist robe.

He wanted to practice again immediately.

But at this moment

【Ding, you have refined Li Mochou's yin energy and successfully broken through the 6th level of Jindan】

【Ding, you have refined Li Mochou's yin energy and successfully broken through the 7th level of Jindan. 】

One night passed.

Ye Yan refined the harvest of a night's practice.

He found that the effect of this"Small Yin and Yang Divine Mansion" was indeed extraordinary.

According to Li Mochou's original yin energy, at most Ye Yan's cultivation could only be raised to the 6th level of Jindan.

But this"Small Yin and Yang Divine Mansion" has a double effect.

So it directly doubled Li Mochou's yin energy.

This surprised Ye Yan very much.

If he could get another"Pregnancy Gift Pack" and open a treasure similar to this"Small Yin and Yang Divine Mansion", then Ye Yan's cultivation would definitely be improved faster in the future.

After all, just one night was equivalent to directly saving Ye Yan 1,300"cultivation points".

Ye Yan worked hard and refined dozens of ordinary second-level pills, but the"cultivation points" he got back were not so many.

It can be said that the pregnancy gift pack that Ye Yan got from Huang Rong's pregnancy before, and opening this to get the"Small Yin and Yang Divine Mansion" is simply a welfare artifact for his upgrade.

If there were more of them that could stack the effects, Ye Yan would be so happy.

Of course, the happiness brought by"Small Yin and Yang Palace" is not only doubling the benefits of cultivation.

The experience of the process is also doubled.

This is the biggest reason why Ye Yan likes this"Small Yin and Yang Palace".

If Qianqian knew what Ye Yan was thinking at this time, she would definitely work harder to seize the time and rush into Cihang Jingzhai to capture Shi Feixuan.

After all, she also wanted this kind of happiness... No, this kind of cultivation speed.


After that, in the remaining half day, Ye Yan saw that Li Mochou was seriously injured, and felt pity for her, so he worked overtime to refine the"Shengji Huiyuan Pill".

Li Mochou did not live up to the time she spent with Ye Yan, and specially took out 9 carefully made new Taoist robes for Ye Yan to appreciate.

The novel styles directly amazed Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan had seen two or three of the new Taoist robes from the photos sent by Li Mochou before, can the Taoist robes seen in the photos be the same as the Taoist robes seen up close with his own eyes? It made Ye Yan linger.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that Li Mochou's tailoring skills are really good, and the creativity is also good.

If these Taoist robes are taken to the fashion weeks in the future, they will definitely amaze a large number of foreigners.

He said that Li Mochou is still good at playing.

But unfortunately, the 24-hour time of crossing is coming soon.

Just at this time.

Everyone in the group was crazy @ themselves, asking how last night was?

All kinds of gossip and curiosity.

Especially Zhiqiu Yiye, this brainless person.

Asking them how they felt?

Ye Yan suddenly had the urge to travel through time and have a blast.

Nima! Can I tell you this kind of thing?

But the problem that made Ye Yan headache came from Zhao Linger.

Zhao Linger:"@李莫愁, @叶妍, brother Ye Yan, is sister Mochou's illness healed?"

"Ling'er was worried all night and didn't sleep."

"Little dark circles have appeared under her eyes!"

Li Mochou blushed instantly when she heard this.

At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. She didn't expect that she was so busy practicing that Xiao Ling'er was worried and couldn't sleep all night.

Ye Yan couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Because of his own fault and failure to explain clearly, Xiao Ling'er actually had dark circles under her eyes.

Originally, he wanted to send Zhao Ling'er the secret technique of"Yin Yang Leading Clouds and Mine" that Zhao Ling'er had been thinking about yesterday as compensation.

But he found out that this was a mid-grade secret technique of the Xuan level, and it couldn't be sent according to the current level of the chat group. It could only be uploaded.

This made Zhao Ling'er, the innocent little girl, not know how to compensate her.

We can only talk about it later.

Afterwards, Ye Yan uploaded this"Yin Yang Leading Clouds and Mine" and more than a hundred inferior martial arts secrets obtained from the soul search yesterday to the"Group Mall", and directly obtained more than 1,000 group points.

It immediately caused a sensation in the group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my gosh! More than a hundred martial arts secrets?"

"Did Boss Ye rob a martial arts treasure house?"

Green Man King:"It's so terrifying, worthy of being Boss Ye, how many martial arts secrets are there in one move?"

"Although most of them are inferior skills"

"But this is already a lot, worth more than a thousand group points?"

Yue Buqun:"I envy Boss Ye for another day."


Zhao Linger:"Great, so this is called"Yin Yang Yin Yun Lei"》?"

"Only the thunder attribute can be cultivated?"

·· ······Request flowers·· ········

"Just right for Ling'er"

"If Ling'er learns this, she can scare the Moon Worshippers silly when she encounters them."

Yotani Miko:"Thunder attribute monk? It happens that I can do this, too.""

"I want to learn too"

"If you encounter evil spirits in the future, summon thunderclouds to scare them to death."


Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! This"Yin Yang Cloud Lightning" can only be performed by thunder attribute monks."

"Boss Ye, since you have such a high level of understanding, can't you modify the secret techniques that can be practiced by fire-attributed cultivators?"

Green Man King:"Same request."

Yue Buqun:"Same request +1"


Ye Yan:"When I have time, I'll see if I can modify it."

"Now I am almost going back to my original world, so I will log off first."

After Ye Yan logged off, he naturally used the remaining ten minutes to accompany Li Mochou.


After all, it's a rare trip.

However, Ye Yan did not continue to discuss the Taoist robe with Li Mochou.

Instead, they leaned against each other to watch the sunrise and enjoy this rare and pleasant time.

Such a romantic move naturally made Li Mochou like Ye Yan more.

It felt that choosing Ye Yan was the right choice.

【Ding, friendly reminder, Ye Yan's time travel is about to end】

【After the countdown ends, Ye Yan will return to the original world, the timeline is uncertain】

【10, 9, 8, 7……】

Although he was a little reluctant, he still said goodbye to Li Mochou and traveled back to the zombie world.

But what surprised Ye Yan was that after so many times of traveling, someone got pregnant every time, but Li Mochou didn't get pregnant.

This made Ye Yan a little disappointed.

After all, if she wasn't pregnant, then the pregnancy gift package he was looking forward to would not be there.

Li Mochou was also a little disappointed about this.

But if Qianqian knew about this situation, she would definitely be overjoyed.

After all, in this way, she still has a chance to surpass Li Mochou.

She won't really become the last one.


Ye Yan returned to the familiar study room of the Ye Mansion.

He sensed it and found that Ren Susu and other wives and concubines were still at home.

And there was no evil spirit around.

This made Ye Yan secretly relieved.

After all, every time he traveled back in time, Ren Susu either encountered a ghost or encountered a sorcerer, horse thief or evil cultivator in Renjia Town.

This time, everything was safe and sound, so Ye Yan was naturally happy.

However, before Ye Yan walked out of the room, something unexpected happened to Ye Yan.

Ren Susu, who was originally basking in the sun in the garden, suddenly felt an unbearable abdominal pain.

Ren Tingting next to her suddenly realized something.

Her face changed instantly.


Oh no, hurry up and ask Brother Ye Yan for help.

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