"Yes, the zombies are green and black, and are about to build the 5th level of foundation~"

"It's worth all the effort I put in back then"

"As long as you drink the blood of a close relative, you will be able to break through the 7th level of zombie foundation"

"Finally, he drank the blood of Ren Tingting and Ren Susu, mother and daughter, and he was expected to reach the peak of foundation building."

"The Jindan monk is hard to defeat"

"Lin Jiu is bound to be in great trouble"

"I can still slowly take over the body of the young master of the Ye family, and regain my life!"

Mr. Feng Shui thought of his plan and nodded with satisfaction.

He licked his lips subconsciously, looking extremely evil.

That's right, this is the purpose of Mr. Feng Shui hiding in the Ye Mansion for fifteen years.

Boom boom boom ~

At this moment. The corpse energy around Old Master Ren was feeding back.

The corpse energy in Mr. Feng Shui's body was violent, and his cultivation level actually climbed rapidly.

He broke through 2 realms in a row.

Instantly reached the 4th level of foundation building, and his strength increased dramatically.

This is why many people practice evil arts, and breaking through cultivation is not slower than Ye Yan who is cheating.


"Huh? Ah Fu's ghost slave died?"


"It seems that the young master asked Uncle Jiu to come to the Ye Mansion?"

Mr. Feng Shui suddenly sensed that the ghost slave he refined for his apprentice had lost contact.

Although he was surprised, he did not care too much.

After all, the strongest person in Renjia Town was Uncle Jiu.

Now that Old Master Ren was successfully born, his own strength has greatly increased. He can completely sweep the entire Renjia Town.

As for Ye Yan, who was at the third level of Qi training, Mr. Feng Shui really didn't take it to heart.

He also didn't think that Ah Fu and the ghost slave were killed by Ye Yan.

"Let's go, Ren Weiyong, tonight I'll let you taste the blood of your loved ones."

Mr. Feng Shui raised his lips, and the corpse-controlling bell rang crisply, heading to Renjia Town.……


It was dawn.

No one spoke in the Ye Mansion all night.

But outside the mansion, an incident that shocked the whole town of Renjia Town happened.

Mr. Ren died strangely at home last night. There were two rows of hideous holes on his neck and his death was miserable.

Captain Awei led the team to seal off the scene.

It was initially determined that the murderer was Uncle Jiu, who had the longest nails in the town.

It happened that Uncle Jiu returned to Renjia Town in the middle of the night last night.

Uncle Jiu was arrested and imprisoned.

The maid of the Ye Mansion heard the news while going out for breakfast and immediately came back to report.

But it happened that at this time.

Ren Susu's water broke.

She was about to give birth.

The whole Ye Mansion immediately revolved around the matter of welcoming the child.

As soon as the maid came back, she was dragged away to boil water to help with the delivery. Naturally, she had no time and would not tell the news of Mr. Ren's death to add to the trouble.

Ye Yan had already asked the midwife who lived in the guest room to deliver the baby.

But women are really slow to give birth to their first child.

Ren Susu gave birth for 8 hours, and she was still not born from day to evening.

It was impossible for Ye Yan to say that he was not anxious at this time.

And at this moment

"Master, this is not good."

"Something happened at my niece's house"

"My niece has brought two people to find me now.

A maid came in in a panic.

"Ren Tingting?"

Ye Yan frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart, and immediately walked out of the inner courtyard


The living room.

The 13-year-old little girl Ren Tingting, the 18-year-old boy Qiu Sheng, and the mature young man Wencai were standing there.

""Brother Ye Yan, my dad... my dad is dead."

Ren Tingting cried like a pear blossom in the rain, her pink little face was covered with tears, her beautiful eyes were red, and she looked pitiful.

When she saw Ye Yan, she felt like she had seen her backbone, and threw herself into Ye Yan's arms.

In the past, when Ren Tingting acted like this,

Ye Yan would sternly tell her that she was a child and should not learn from Ren Susu to call herself"Brother Ye Yan".

Although they were only a few years apart, she should still call him"Uncle".

This was the minimum respect.

But now that Ren Tingting's father had just died, Ye Yan knew that she was just calling him out of habit, and he didn't say much, let alone push her away.

While comforting Ren Tingting, he asked Wencai Qiu Sheng in a serious voice:

"What exactly happened?"

"You two came here with Tingting, it shouldn't be as simple as just sending her here, right?"

Although Ye Yan had guessed that it was definitely Old Master Ren who might be born early, he didn't expect it to be so soon.

At the same time, the plot has changed now, and

Ye Yan must see if he can get some information he doesn't know from Wencai Qiu Sheng first.

For example: Has anyone seen the Feng Shui master?


Wencai Qiu Sheng's attention at this time was on Ren Tingting in Ye Yan's arms.

The two of them cursed Ye Yan in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that they could not marry Ren Susu, and they could wait for another 5 years to marry Ren Tingting.

But now looking at the situation...

艹 is a radical.

Suddenly, the two of them became more hostile to Ye Yan.

But now they have Uncle Jiu's mission to accomplish, and the situation is urgent.

They can only suppress their dissatisfaction with Ye Yan.

They told Ye Yan that Ren Fa was killed by zombies, and hoped that Ye Yan could use his status as the eldest son of the Ye family as a guarantor to get Uncle Jiu out of the cell.

And they have to be quick, because it is dark now.

Zombies may appear at any time.




It's the fifth update, the extra update is complete, begging for flowers, monthly tickets and evaluation tickets...

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