"Brother, don't be angry."

"Master Ye probably didn't do it on purpose"

"He just wanted to prove that he was not an evil cultivator."

Uncle Jiu actually didn't believe what he said.

Ye Yan clearly did it on purpose.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

With a wave of his hand, all the zombies in the morgue were destroyed.

There was just no evidence.

But even if there was evidence, what would it matter?

Who made Taoist Simu so impulsive, and acted like he was trying a criminal right from the start? Taoist

Simu was just asking for it.

Even if Ye Yan didn't say it on the surface, he was naturally unhappy in his heart.

Of course, if Ye Yan was just an ordinary person, Uncle Jiu would naturally not stop Taoist Simu from causing trouble for Ye Yan.

But now that he saw that Ye Yan was so powerful.

If he forced trouble, it would definitely be Taoist Simu himself who would suffer.

Moreover, the zombies were destroyed, and Taoist Simu could only pay a little more money and help the ashes go back.

After all, in this era, there was chaos and demons outside, and accidents often happened in the job of driving corpses.

Today was just to teach Taoist Simu a lesson, and he should not be so impulsive in the future.

Otherwise, if he encountered a powerful and real evil cultivator, the person who was blasted into ashes might be Taoist Simu himself.

"It seems that I really misjudged it before."

"Ye Yan is a treacherous and cunning man. He is not the kind of playboy who spends his days drinking and partying. He should not be offended easily."

"But I am somewhat similar to me, bah... No, I am the representative of the great and glorious"

"Fortunately, Ye Yan is not a true evil cultivator, otherwise many more people would die in the future."

This is Uncle Jiu's evaluation of Ye Yan at this moment.

At the same time, he began to regret not accepting him as his disciple.

"My customers!"

"That's my money."

"Senior Brother, don't worry about this matter. I, Simu, will never give up today... huh?"

Taoist Simu was still very excited.

Uncle Jiu couldn't stop him.

But at this moment

""Hua La La" pleasant sound of silver coins.

Ye Yan casually took out 100 silver dollars.

Taoist Simu's eyes lit up instantly, and his anger disappeared immediately, turning into joy.

Just like a snarling Internet celebrity wolf, seeing a passerby throwing a sausage, his face gradually showed flattery.

"This... How can Young Master Ye be so embarrassed to do this?"

"Too many... too many……"

"Then... I will refuse it disrespectfully."When

Taoist Simu saw the money, his expression changed faster than turning a page.

But this was actually normal.

After all, he worked so hard to drive corpses for money. The reason why he was furious just now was also because of money.

According to Jiale, he wanted to build a golden coffin for himself.……(⊙?⊙)? ?

Now the bodies are gone, but the family must be compensated double the price, including the principal and interest.

A full 60 dollars.

In this era, it can buy several large gold chains.

How can Taoist Simu not be anxious?

Even Uncle Jiu felt extremely painful.

But now Ye Yan is paying 100 dollars at a time, which is more than what Taoist Simu has spent day and night driving corpses for more than half a year.

It is equivalent to the money for helping Ye Yan's family drive more than 30 corpses at one time.

A big customer.

How can Taoist Simu not change his face?

How can he not flatter?

Of course, this 100 dollars is just a day's pocket money for Ye Yan.

Ye Yan doesn't care at all.

But if Ye Yan knew that Taoist Simu treated him as a big customer, he would definitely give him a"Yin Lei Zhi" directly.

Damn it! Only more than 30 people died in your family.


Uncle Jiu, who was watching this scene, was filled with envy.

If he had known this would happen, he would have scolded Ye Yan and asked him to blow up the wine jars that sealed the ghosts in the room on the right.(⊙?⊙)???

Uncle Jiu, are you polite?


At the same time, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but admire Ye Yan's methods.

Now Ye Yan took out 100 yuan, seemingly showing weakness.

But in fact, it was a perfect interpretation of what"beat a stick and give a date".

Two or three times, the money-loving Taoist Simu was completely obedient.

In the future, even if Ye Yan didn't give money, Taoist Simu would try to help Ye Yan do something within his ability.

Suddenly, Uncle Jiu felt that Ye Yan was getting more and more pleasing to the eye. At the same time, he regretted more and more that he didn't check Ye Yan's qualifications properly at the beginning.

I knew Ye Yan was so arrogant.

No, it should be that he was so talented, not the kind of dandy boy in the impression.

Uncle Jiu would never refuse Ye Yan to come to his door to become his apprentice.

Even if Ye Yan opened his mouth, Uncle Jiu could come to his door to accept him as his apprentice.

Are you kidding!

This is"Thunder Spirit Body", and his comprehension is against the sky.

And now, no matter whether it is thunder method or strength, it can completely beat the Maoshan senior brother of the same realm back then-Shi Jian.

Compared with this, Wencai Qiusheng and these two pits are"fighters among garbage".

But such a great disciple was actually rejected by me a year ago as a rubbish like Wencai Qiusheng.

Every time Uncle Jiu thinks of this, he will definitely slap himself in the face.

The greatest opportunity of my life is gone just like that.

I hate it so much!


But it was useless for Uncle Jiu to regret now. Ye Yan's cultivation had already reached the fourth level of foundation building.

His strength might not be inferior to his own.

Even if Uncle Jiu was thick-skinned, he couldn't say that he wanted to accept a disciple.


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