"No way! Doesn't that mean that if I travel to the world where Nangong Ping'er is now, I might compete with Daozu-level figures for women?"

Ye Yan's face changed.

He could only send an emoticon package similar to Sister Pomegranate to express his feelings at this moment.——"It's really exciting."

Ye Yan remembered that the Taoist had traveled through time and space to his youth, and helped him get the Little Grass Bottle in advance when he was a teenager.

So Ye Yan suspected that Nangong Ping'er would be deflowered by the Taoist when he was young, and there was definitely a possibility in this regard.

After all, Nangong Ping'er was destined to become the Taoist's woman in another parallel space.

But now in the world where Nangong Ping'er is, if Nangong Ping'er had not been deflowered in the ruins, she might never have any contact with the Taoist in her life.

Otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

When he was a teenager, the Taoist just grabbed a love sac the size of a walnut from the body of a more than ten-meter-long black dragon.

So if Ye Yan really goes to intercept Nangong Ping'er now, the Taoist will definitely want to kill him.

But Ye Yan is not afraid.

Anyway, Ye Yan has the"Star Covering the Sky Array Talisman" in his hand. Once used, even the Taoist and the saints will not be able to find him.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't wait to consume the group points and prepare to travel.

【Ding, Ye Yan consumed 10,000 points and successfully entered the Mortal World for 12 hours. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my! Boss Ye has traveled through time again. I envy him."

"Ye Yan, big brother, live broadcast, live broadcast quickly"

"I want to see Nangong Fairy being broken……"

"Bah! No, I want to see Master Ye rescue Fairy Nangong."

Li Xunhuan:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, you don't have to explain. Everyone knows your little thoughts."

"Do you want to see Master Ye rescue Fairy Nangong? What do you want?"

Green Man King:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, what do you want!"

"Is this something you can see?"

"I'm so sad, the handsome guy doesn't come to my place again."

"But Fairy Nangong is in danger, I understand."Seven Two Seven"

Li Mochou:"Yes, Fairy Nangong is in danger now, I understand."

Mu Nianci:"Understanding +1"

"Everyone, please don't disturb Brother Ye Yan, he may be in danger now."

Xianxian:"That makes sense. (Waiting for the result obediently//) Don't cause trouble for Ye Yan."

Li Mochou:"……+1 for not causing trouble for Ye Yan."

Li Xunhuan:"……+1."

Mu Nianci:"……+1."

The Green King":"……+1."

Knowing the Autumn Leaf":"……+1."

But at this moment

【Ding, at the request of most members, the chat group live broadcast is turned on. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my god! The chat group really responds to every request?"

"Great, I want to see Fairy Nangong being... saved by Boss Ye"

"It will definitely be exciting."

Green Man King:"Popcorn is ready, wait for you to appreciate the heroic figure of Master Ye."

Li Xunhuan:"……Wait and see the heroic figure of Mr. Ye. +1"

Li Mochou:"No, no, I don't want to watch the live broadcast, hum! I don't want to see Brother Ye Yan and Fairy Nangong……"


Everyone roughly guessed what was going to happen next.

Some were looking forward to it, while others were sad.

However, although Li Mochou and Qianqian didn't want to see Ye Yan do anything out of the ordinary, they couldn't help but open the live broadcast room.

But the next moment, to everyone's great surprise, the scene that everyone imagined did not happen.


At this time,

Ye Yan felt a familiar feeling coming over him.

His whole body was immediately enveloped by a mysterious force.

His eyes suddenly went dark.

When he saw the light again,

Ye Yan had appeared in a dark cave as big as a dozen football fields spliced together.

The air was humid and filled with a smell of decay.

At the same time, a strange force blocked his Dantian, causing his cultivation to drop directly back to the peak of Qi training.

Ye Yan's heart tightened immediately.

But Ye Yan was not surprised.

With Ye Yan's current strength, he is more than a little stronger than when he met Mr. Feng Shui before.

Even if a monster above the foundation building level appears in this red blood ruins, Ye Yan is confident that he can kill it.

It would be a little troublesome at most.

Want At this point, Ye Yan immediately searched for the whereabouts of Nangong Binger. Instead of matching , this black snake is strong, but it is definitely not like this in Nangong Pinger.

Ye Yan, who was strong, saw this scene , but was a joke in his heart.

"Ye Yan, be careful behind you."

Nangong Ping'er's slightly weak voice sounded.

Ye Yan turned around and immediately found a ferocious snake head the size of a truck head behind him.

A pair of vertical eyes the size of lanterns stared at him with cold murderous intent.

The fangs were bloody and the tongue was like a whip. A disgusting fishy wind came out of its mouth and swallowed him directly.

"The peak of foundation building?"

"its not right!"

"The black dragon snake in the original novel is only capable of practicing Qi?"

"No wonder Nangong Ping'er was beaten like this."

Ye Yan was shocked.

This scene also scared the group of friends watching the live broadcast.���Chilly sweat all over.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! What a huge snake monster?"

"Is this the monster from the world of cultivation?"

"So scary!"

"Isn't it said that there will be wonderful pictures to watch?"

"That’s it?"

Li Xunhuan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, what exciting scene do you want to see?"

"Now it's all about the safety of Mr. Ye and Fairy Nangong, what the hell are you still thinking about?"

Mu Nianci:"Yes, I'm worried about Brother Ye Yan, Brother Ye Yan, be careful!"

Green Man King:"No way! How can we fight such a big snake monster?"

"Ye Da Lao is still unarmed"

"Boss Ye, can you borrow my Snow Drinking Mad Blade?"

【Ding, the Green Man King sends out the Snow Drinking Mad Knife. 】

However, Ye Yan had no intention of clicking it.

婠婠:"Green Man King, come on, your broken knife may not even be able to break the skin of this snake demon if you take it to the cultivation world."

"Brother Ye Yan, be careful!"

"Why did Brother Ye Yan encounter such a terrifying snake demon?"

"I would rather see Brother Ye Yan break through... and save Fairy Nangong."

Li Mochou:"That's right, this snake demon is so scary."

"Brother Ye Yan said that this is a snake demon at the peak of the foundation building stage!"

"I'm so worried about Brother Ye Yan!"

Mu Nianci:"No way! Didn't Brother Ye Yan say before that this Red Blood Ruins is suppressed by a formation, and no one's cultivation will exceed the peak of Qi training?"

Li Xunhuan:"What? A peak foundation building monster?"

"No wonder Fairy Nangong was injured like this?"

Mu Nianci:"Oh no, if that's the case, isn't Brother Ye Yan in danger?"

Li Mochou:"That's right! If Brother Ye Yan enters this red blood ruins, won't his cultivation level drop back to the peak of Qi training?"

Wan Wan:"What should we do? If Brother Ye Yan can't make it, you can take Fairy Nangong back to your original world!"

Green Man King:"That makes sense." Nangong

Ping'er:"That makes sense."

Ye Yan didn't have time to read the messages in the group at this time.

If it was the previous foundation building level 6 cultivation level, he could definitely deal with this foundation building peak black dragon snake easily.

But now to kill it, it can only take more effort.


Ye Yan snorted coldly, and after several consecutive"Shapeshift", his body instantly escaped a hundred feet away. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

《Yin and Yang Thunder》~

《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》~


《Thunder and Flying Insect Curse" ~

Various spells and magical powers are crazy output[]

Thunder and fire filled the sky, full of murderous intent, all blasting onto the top of the black dragon snake's head.

Bang, bang, bang~ a series of violent explosions sounded.

The earth trembled, and the grass and trees turned to ashes.

However, when all the power of thunder and fire disappeared, the black dragon snake only had a few scales on its head that were charred and cracked, and it was not really hurt at all.

But even so.

Nangong Ping'er and the ordinary teenagers were still shocked when they saw this scene.

Are you kidding!

The two of them just worked together, and all kinds of knife and axe chopping, and all kinds of spells didn't hurt the black dragon snake's scales.

Ye Yan was able to blast several scales apart in an instant.

They are both at the same level of Qi training, but the gap is too big!

But Nangong Ping'er didn't feel proud of Ye Yan because of this.���

Because Ye Yan's actions would instead arouse the ferocity of the black dragon snake.

Sure enough, the next moment.


The black dragon snake was hurt by Ye Yan's action and was instantly out of control.

The hundred-foot snake twisted its body and actually rushed in front of Ye Yan in an instant.

After all, this hundred-foot distance in front of the huge body of the black dragon snake is no different from an ordinary person taking a step.

A spirit snake swung its tail, and its tail covered with hard scales and stained with venom broke through the air.


The snake's tail was powerful and invincible.

Wherever it passed, the void rocks were shattered and the grass and trees turned into chips.

The venom on it was very overbearing, and it directly corroded the rocks and trees into liquid, which was extremely terrifying.

"Body armor~"

"《"The Secret Art of Avoiding Yin and Yang Lightning"

Ye Yan shouted, and the spiritual power in his Dantian surged, instantly turning into thousands of lightning arcs that covered his whole body. A lightning arc electric coat covered his whole body.

At the same time, the power of yin and yang lightning followed closely, adding to the lightning arc electric coat.

A layer of yin and yang lightning armor three fingers thick was formed.


A dull crash sound was heard.

Ye Yan's body was directly blasted thousands of feet away, breaking many towering trees along the way, and finally crashing into the entire stone wall before stopping.

The gravel was scattered, and the smoke and dust rolled.


But before everyone could worry about Ye Yan.

They saw Ye Yan soaring into the sky.

He was wrapped in lightning, like a thunder god wearing lightning armor, domineering and unparalleled.

At this time, he was completely unharmed, and his aura was as deep as the sea. Even the black dragon snake's powerful corrosive tail poison could not hurt him......

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Boss Ye is awesome. Even if his cultivation level has only dropped to the Qi training level, he is not afraid of attacks from foundation building monsters."

Green Man King:"Is this lightning defense the secret technique that Boss Ye just uploaded?"

"It can really ignore all attribute attacks, it's amazing!"

Li Xunhuan:"I'm itching to learn this secret technique."

"Unfortunately, I am not a thunder spirit, so I beg the big guy to give me a non-attribute secret technique for avoiding lightning."

Green Man King:"Ask for secret technique +1."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Ask for secret technique +1."

Everyone was extremely shocked at this moment.

And soon, the whole group was so excited that their emotions boiled over.

They all begged Ye Yan to give them the"Yin Yang Lightning Avoidance Secret Technique".

After all, this secret technique is simply a foul.

It is conceivable that if Li Xunhuan really learned this secret technique.

In the future, he can just stand and defend against the enemy, and then the Little Li Flying Dagger in his hand will definitely fly out crazily, which is even more exciting than using a Gatling gun in later generations. Just thinking about it makes Li Xunhuan look forward to it.

The same goes for others.

If the Green Man King had this defensive method, no matter if he met Xiongba or Jue Wushen, he would just chop wildly with the Snow Drinking Mad Dagger in his hand.

Why would he need to worry about being injured?

Maybe even Emperor Shitian would not dare to provoke the Green Man King's crazy fighting style.


Nangong Ping'er saw this scene, and her heart was relieved a little.

She had come to Ye Yan for help in a desperate situation.

This is the instinctive reaction of women in danger.

She wanted to find someone to rely on.

But the moment Ye Yan appeared, Nangong Ping'er began to regret it.

Because she sensed that even if Ye Yan came through, his cultivation was still suppressed to the peak of Qi training. The peak of Qi training against the peak of foundation building?

How is this possible? It

's just suicide.

After all, even she, a Jindan cultivator, who suppressed the peak of Qi training, was almost killed by the black dragon snake.

Especially the venom of the tail of the black dragon snake, almost disfigured her several times.

If it weren't for the Qi training boy who used a top-grade talisman to turn into a giant seal to suppress the black dragon snake for a few seconds, she would not have had time to ask Ye Yan for help.

But Nangong Ping'er didn't expect that the secret technique just uploaded was so amazing.

Seeing it, she wanted to practice it.

According to Nangong Ping'er's current view, Ye Yan might really be able to kill the black dragon snake.

Even if they really can't do it, they can follow the advice of their group members and hide directly in the world where Ye Yan lives.

Thinking of this, Nangong Ping'er felt relieved.

She looked at Ye Yan with a look of admiration. She felt a sense of security in her heart.

This scene made the ordinary-looking Qigong boy feel very uncomfortable.

Because he had a premonition that something very important to him was about to leave him.

At the same time, in the void not far away, there was a palpitating wave.

It was like a real dragon that had been dormant for thousands of years, and it got angry because of something it saw.


Chat group.

婠婠:"Don't ask for the secret technique. Have you forgotten that this"Yin Yang Lightning Avoidance Secret Technique" can only resist three attacks?"

"If Brother Ye Yan cannot defend three times and bravely move forward to kill the black dragon snake, Brother Ye Yan will definitely be in danger."

Li Mochou:"Yes! Brother Ye Yan 2.1 just now, it seems that the maximum distance of"Shapeshift" can be a hundred feet."

"That is to say, Brother Ye Yan has no chance to escape or dodge the black dragon snake, and can only fight head-on."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"No way! Then Brother Ye is really in danger."

"It’s obvious that the black snake’s defense is harder than divine iron. How is Boss Ye going to defeat it without any magic weapon?"

"Boss Ye, come back soon!"

The Green Man King:"It's a pity that my Snow Drinking Mad Blade can only be regarded as scrap metal in the world of immortal cultivation."

Mu Nianci:"By the way, Fairy Nangong, you should have a good weapon, let Brother Ye Yan try it."

Nangong Ping'er threw out a flying sword.

But at this moment.


This black dragon snake obviously knew that Ye Yan was difficult to deal with, and also knew that the flying sword in Nangong Ping'er's hand was sharp.

It didn't give Nangong Ping'er the opportunity to throw the flying sword.

Without saying a word, the hundred-foot snake body twisted flexibly and crossed a distance of several hundred feet in an instant.

Before Ye Yan could react, it had already rushed in front of it.

It opened its mouth and spurted out a torrent of black demon fire, sweeping towards Ye Yan.

"Ye Yan, be careful.

Nangong Ping'er reminded her hastily. She had just lost a defensive magic weapon at the peak of the foundation building level to this demon fire.

If she were really burned by this demon fire, even Nangong Ping'er, who was at the peak of her Jindan cultivation, would suffer.

This shows how terrible the demon fire of the black dragon snake is. However, the next moment, a scene that shocked Nangong Ping'er happened.


Ye Yan did not retreat but advanced in the face of this demon fire, and his body rushed directly to���In the demonic fire.

Then everyone saw a violent yin and yang lightning in the demonic fire torrent, rushing upstream like a thunder sword into the mouth of the black dragon snake.

The black dragon snake instantly widened its eyes, feeling bad.

But it was too late.


With a shrill scream, the black dragon snake actually fell down like this.

This scene instantly made the ordinary boy's eyes widen, his face full of disbelief..

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