It was the Dragon Slayer who was involved in the human trafficking. He was going to the Ren Clan's Jiuquan Town the next day.

"It's Brother Ye Yan, that's great, aunt, it's Brother Ye Yan who came to save us."

Ren Tingting was instantly delighted when she saw that the person who appeared was Ye Yan.

Just like a small flower that was originally beaten by wind and rain, it suddenly cleared up after the rain and encountered the warm sunshine, bright and beautiful.

The white rabbit in Ren Tingting's arms, with its anthropomorphic eyes, looked at Ye Yan with surprise and admiration.

I don't know what it was thinking.

Ren Susu was so happy that she cried, feeling that she had found her backbone. The strong defense she pretended to have on the surface was instantly removed, and she threw herself directly into Ye Yan's arms.

That's right.

In front of others, Ren Susu is the mistress of the Ye family, with a tough attitude and awe-inspiring without anger.

But in front of Ye Yan, she is just a little woman who depends on others.

Especially after having just experienced a life-and-death crisis, Ren Susu could no longer pretend.

Ye Yan rubbed Ren Susu's little head with some heartache, and was ready to comfort her after the matters of the five clan elders and Captain Cao were resolved.


"Don't come over here!"

"I don't want the Ren family's property anymore. I was forced to do this. Master, spare my life!"

The five clan elders looked at Ye Yan with cold eyes. They were so scared that their souls were about to die. They knelt down and begged for mercy. They no longer had the arrogant attitude they had just had when they were bossing Ren Susu around.

What a joke!

The evil spirits they relied on were all blown up by Ye Yan's roar.

Captain Cao just teased Ren Susu with words, but his legs were bent 90 degrees in the opposite direction, and blood was dripping. It was really scary.

Facing such a ruthless and powerful character like Ye Yan, how could the five clan elders dare to be arrogant?

"Soul search~"

Ye Yan's cold eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person. He didn't bother to pay attention to the five clan elders. The blue light from his right hand surged and turned into two rays of light that grabbed the heads of the two people.

"Ah! What did you do to me?"

"Let go quickly."

The five elders felt as if their heads were opened. Although they did not feel any pain, this strange feeling was enough to terrify them.

Ye Yan did not bother to pay attention to their wailing.

He used all his strength to perform the"Shuangquan Hand".

However, Ye Yan did not open their minds directly to forcibly obtain the information about the White Lotus Demon Sect.

Because he learned from Master Qian that some kind of restriction was planted in their heads.

Once the secrets of the White Lotus Demon Sect were revealed, or their souls were searched, the restriction would be triggered.

Directly blow their heads off.

Sure enough, Ye Yan quickly found an imperceptible purple-black light spot in their minds.

Looking closely, it was a translucent little beetle with strange curses all over its body.

But just when Ye Yan was about to take action to get it out for research, an accident happened.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The little beetle that was originally floating calmly suddenly trembled rapidly.

Like a ignited bomb, it was about to explode. 013

""Not good."

Ye Yan was shocked. He didn't expect that the curse seal was so sensitive.

This time he really lost more than he gained.

Last time he ignored the curse seal, he was able to get some information from Master Qian's mind.

Now the curse seal was triggered in advance. Even if Ye Yan took action now and forced it out of his body, it would be too late.

Crack, crack, crack, boom, the little beetle exploded instantly.

"Ah! My head?"

"Taoist Dragon Slayer, please spare my life!"

"We didn't reveal your name!"

"There were two"bangs".

The five clan elders and Captain Cao cried out before they died, and then their heads exploded instantly like watermelons.

"Taoist dragon slayer?"

"How could it be him?"

Ye Yan was a little surprised.

Wasn't Taoist Tulong the villain in"The Exorcist"?

How did he end up in the plot of"Music Zombie"?

And he also joined the White Lotus Demon Sect and colluded with the elders of the Ren family clan and the security captain.

"What? Slay a dragon?"

"Young Master Ye, was it Dragon Slayer's name they just shouted?"

"How is this possible?"

The three Taoist priests Simu arrived late at this time.

When they heard the five clan elders and Captain Cao shout out the name of"Taoist priest Tulong", they were instantly shocked.

Because this Taoist priest Tulong is also a disciple of Maoshan.

And he is not an outer disciple like Master Qian.

He is completely their inner disciple.

Taoist priest Simu was not willing to believe this fact.

Ye Yan held a different view.

In the original book, although Taoist priest Tulong was strong, he once challenged Uncle Jiu and two disciples in a single encounter.

But he was insidious and vicious, and he was only interested in profit.

For money, he even dared to transport things like pressed tablets.

If he joined the White Lotus Sect, Ye Yan would think it was normal.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel sorry for Maoshan for a few seconds.

Is this White Lotus Demon Sect deliberately poking their"Maoshan Nest"?

The two villains who appeared in succession are both Maoshan disciples.

Ye Yan even doubted whether Shi Jian, who will appear in a while, would also join the White Lotus Demon Sect.

"Hey! There's something wrong with this white rabbit."

Master Simu originally wanted to leave and pass on the news that Master Tulong might have joined the White Lotus Demon Sect back to Maoshan.

Let the elders of Maoshan decide.

But suddenly he found that there was something wrong with the white rabbit in Ren Tingting's arms, so he walked forward to check it out.

But Ren Tingting dodged him directly.

"No, you're also a bad guy."

"Bunny sees you are shaking too"

"Tingting, be good. I am Uncle Jiu’s junior fellow apprentice and your uncle’s friend. How could I be a bad person?"

"Come, I feel a familiar evil spirit in this white rabbit, I am worried that it will harm you," said Taoist Simu with a sincere face.

He did sense that this white rabbit had the evil spirit of the White Lotus Demon Cultivator. He was worried that this white rabbit was a monster created by the White Lotus Demon Cultivator.

But before he could say anything else, he was stopped by Ye Yan.

"Taoist Simu, don't worry, this white rabbit is not a monster."

"Have you forgotten the art of animal creation?"

"What? Animal-making technique?"

"Yes! No wonder I felt this evil spirit was so familiar just now."

Then Taoist Simu remembered that the evil spirit on the white rabbit was the same as the"pig's hand" that Wencai had brought over this morning.

"Tingting, please let go of the white rabbit, this is a person"

"A person who was transformed into a white rabbit by evil magic."

"I'll see if I can break the evil spell on her."

Taoist Simu immediately took out the"Evil Breaking Talisman"》

"What? This white rabbit is a human?"

"I don't believe it, are you kidding me?"

Ren Tingting didn't believe such an outrageous thing.

But this time, Ren Susu said:

"Tingting, be good and believe in the Taoist priest"

"Let the white rabbit go."

Ren Susu actually had this feeling when the white rabbit appeared. This white rabbit was not a monster, but rather a relative.

That's why she showed a surprised expression at that time.

However, she was not very skilled and had no knowledge in this area, so she was not sure.

But this also made her realize that the five clan elders and Captain Cao who came to ask for it were definitely not good people.

They would not let the two take the white rabbit away no matter what.

This led to the scene just now.

"Brother Ye Yan, is it true?"

"Is Tutu really a human?"

Ren Tingting still couldn't believe it.

"That's right, it's a young girl. If I'm not mistaken, she's a female from your clan."

Ye Yan actually had one more thing to say.

This white rabbit is actually the heroine of"Music Zombie" - Ren Qingqing.

After all, his"Pupil of Delusion Breaking" can see it clearly.

That's a real... white... rabbit.

But can Ye Yan say it?

If Ren Susu knew that he had seen Ren Qingqing naked, it would be embarrassing.

If Ye Yan guessed correctly.

The five clan elders and Captain Cao were using the animal creation technique to kidnap Ren Qingqing.

After all, Ren Qingqing was the only daughter of their branch.

If she disappeared or died, their branch would not even have the chance to find a son-in-law.

The property would also be seized by the five clan elders. And Captain Cao will wipe out their entire family.

At that time, they might even give a beauty like Ren Qingqing as a gift to some big shot in exchange for money and power.

Or they might use her as a cauldron for that demon cultivator to extract his essence until death.

The more Ye Yan thought about it, the more he felt that the White Lotus Demon Cult was even more evil than he thought at first.

It must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Even a person with a good temper like him would be angry when he knew about the evil things they did.

If it was said that Ye Yan wanted to deal with the White Lotus Demon Cult just to use their skills to improve the"Taoist Scriptures".

Now Ye Yan simply felt unhappy.

He wished to tear all their members into pieces immediately.

"No, look at the light?"

"If the spell on Ren Qingqing is broken, then……???"

""Master, stop... your hand."

Ye Yan immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

If Ren Qingqing was allowed to recover her human form in public, wouldn't she be seen naked by Wencai?

It would be strange if she didn't die on the spot.

You know, in this era, women's thoughts are relatively conservative. (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Even wearing a swimsuit is already a very bold thing.

So if she really was seen naked, even if Ren Qingqing would not hang herself like an ordinary woman to protect her innocence, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, Ye Yan's words were over.

Master Simu had already sacrificed nine"Evil-Breaking Talismans" and hit the white rabbit.

But something happened that no one expected.

Bang bang bang~

Master Simu acted as fiercely as a tiger.

Sparks and lightning flashed.

Master Simu cast all kinds of talismans and spells, but they could not break the spell on Ren Qingqing.

It was still the body of the white rabbit.

This made Ye Yan secretly relieved.

Master Simu was confused.

"what happened?"

"This is how I broke the curse on the dead man's hand this morning."

"Why not now?"

Taoist Simu looked puzzled and began to doubt himself. But

Ye Yan knew what was going on.

The animal-making technique had different purposes, and the spells used were also different in strength.

For example, the"pig's trotter" in the morning.

It was eaten, and it was a dead thing, so there was no need to make such a delicate spell.[]

But Ren Qingqing is a living being, so she will naturally use a stronger curse.

But this is not a problem for Ye Yan.���The real person copied the"Livestock Creation Technique" in his mind, and there must be a way to crack it.

However, when Ye Yan looked up the method to crack the"Livestock Creation Technique", he was instantly numb.

"No way! Is this the White Lotus Demon Cult's tricks so elaborate?"

"It actually takes this to unlock this"Animal Creation Technique"》?"

When Ye Yan saw the content, he felt that he couldn't say it in front of Ren Tingting, a little brat.

"Old Four Eyes, I know how to crack it."

Mama suddenly spoke up

"I've heard before that the purpose of the"animal creation technique" of turning into a cute little animal like a white rabbit is for the amusement of some powerful perverts."

"To break the curse, the opposite sex needs to hug the animal and recite a specific formula."

"The white rabbit will turn back into a half-human for a period of time, and then it will take... to permanently break the spell."

"Moreover, this"Livestock Creation Technique" has a flaw. It has a certain time limit. If the spell is not broken after a period of time, it will either die or become a white rabbit forever."

Mama didn't have as many concerns as Ye Yan.

She just told him what she knew.


"Disgusting!"Ren Susu

"How abominable."Ren Tingting


"You tuberculosis ghost, there are children and women here, how can you speak so bluntly?"

"Wencai, what did you say just now?"

"Are you itching for trouble?"

Master Simu really has no way to deal with Mamadi and Wencai.

"Uncle, misunderstanding, misunderstanding"

"I'm just saying I can help"

"As a disciple of Maoshan, it is my duty to eliminate evil practices."

"I'm willing to help……"

Wencai's rat eyes narrowed into slits.

He looked as disgusting as he could be.

After all, in his opinion, he was the most suitable person here.

The two uncles would never do such a thing.

Ye Yan also had his wife Ren Susu by his side.

"No, look."

"Bunny seems to be dying"

"Taoist Simu, it's all your fault. It must be your spell that harmed the rabbit."

Although Ren Tingting knew that this was not a cute white rabbit, she still didn't want to watch it die.

And what Ren Tingting said was right.

Originally, the curse on Ren Qingqing didn't take effect quickly.

But Taoist Simu's fierce operation directly destroyed the stability of the curse, and accelerated the onset of the curse.

Seeing this, Ren Susu was hesitating whether to ask Wencai to help.

After all, she didn't know whether this white rabbit was willing to be with Wencai.

Don't let the white rabbit's innocence be harmed by hanging directly.

"Wencai, you……"


Wencai's eyes lit up instantly.

But at this moment, she vaguely saw that the white rabbit's face suddenly turned into Ren Qingqing's.

"What? This is Qingqing? ?"

"Brother Ye Yan, I give this white rabbit to you."

"She is my favorite cousin, you must save her"

"Qingqing, if you are willing, just nod your head."

Ren Susu became anxious instantly.

She picked up the painful-looking White Rabbit and asked.

Unexpectedly, the White Rabbit actually blushed and nodded.

Ren Susu was delighted, and without saying a word, she directly held the White Rabbit in Ye Yan's arms.

Ye Yan was stunned instantly.

What's going on?

What kind of magic operation is Ren Susu doing?

You said yourself that this is your cousin, and you still handed her over to me?

But what Ye Yan didn't know was that Ren Susu had shown Ren Qingqing her wedding photos.

At that time, Ren Qingqing even joked that she wanted to find a man like Ye Yan.

Ren Susu immediately half-jokingly said that she wanted Ren Qingqing to come along.

After all, since the last time Ren Susu said that she would find a concubine for Ye Yan herself, she has not found a suitable one.

But she just had this idea at the time and didn't really do it.

After all, even if Ren Qingqing really agreed, the clan would never agree.

But now that things have come to this point, they can only do it.

Anyway, Ren Qingqing has already nodded.


Just like that, Ye Yan was pushed into the room with the white rabbit in his arms while looking confused, and the door was locked.

"No way! Madam Ye, are you mistaken?"

"Didn't you say I would help you?"

Wencai was also confused when he saw this result.

Didn't Ren Susu intend to let him save people just now?

Why did it become Ye Yan now?

Ren Susu was too lazy to pay attention to Wencai and asked several people to wait in the living room.

Ren Tingting didn't want to do it either. Why didn't she become a white rabbit herself?


Inside the room, Ye Yan was shocked by the scene before him.

After reciting the spell, Ren Qingqing turned into a human, but with furry rabbit ears and a rabbit tail.

No wonder Mama said just now that she turned back into a half-human.

A million words omitted here... a million words……


In the evening,

Ye Yan took Ren Qingqing, who had turned back into a human, with a slightly red face and beautiful eyes, out of the living room.

When she saw so many people sitting in the living room waiting for them, Ren Qingqing's face turned red to her ears, and she wished she could find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

"No way! Miss Qingqing is so beautiful!"

"Wrong, wrong!"

Wencai was instantly in tears, thinking that if he had been a few steps faster, this beautiful lady might have been his.

At the same time, he was even more envious and jealous of Ye Yan.

Why did Ye Yan have such good fortune?

But before they could say anything, an accident happened.

"Qiu Sheng..., Qiu Sheng……"

A cold and slightly ethereal female ghost voice resounded throughout the Ye Mansion.

The wind was howling, and the temperature in the entire Ye Mansion suddenly dropped sharply, just like the cold winter, freezing cold.



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