【Ding, congratulations to the master, you have obtained 2 bottles of"Shengji Huiyuan Dan" (Ren Susu is blessed)……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master, you have obtained a top-grade spiritual weapon——《Bluestone Gemstone》……】

《Bluestone Gemstone: A protective jade pendant that can withstand three full-strength attacks from a peak Foundation Establishment master.

It can also shield one's own cultivation and aura, making it undetectable to a peak Foundation Establishment master.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the special skill——《Tao Sutra》……】

《Daojing: Ungraded Kungfu.

At the current starting state, it has the Kungfu of"Qi Training Level 1". Subsequent Kungfu can be derived automatically by intercepting the origins of various Kungfu.

Opening: All things originate from Tao, and the Kungfu of the heavens and the worlds also originate from Tao.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, all things return to one, and then return to Tao, so it is called"Daojing".》

"What? A non-grade technique?"

"Is this newbie gift pack really that awesome?"

Ye Yan was delighted.

Although it was not the thunder attribute technique that Ye Yan had been thinking about, this

"Taoism Scripture" was definitely more awesome.

After all, what was the nature of the fantasy technique? Could it be that Ye Yan didn't understand it? There was no need to ask what the grade of the non-grade was. If you asked, it was the strongest and the top.

Sure enough, when Ye Yan finished reading the introduction carefully, his mood immediately changed from surprise to shock.

"《Tao Sutra》……《"Burning Technique"? Can it devour other techniques and evolve infinitely?"

"Isn't this similar to the attributeless version of"Burning Decision"》?"

"The perfect fantasy emperor's skills"

"But can this kind of heaven-defying skill really be obtained from the novice gift pack in the supernatural world?"

"If you encounter a little female ghost or a little zombie, wouldn't it be a complete dimensionality reduction attack?"

"Even if it were Nangong Ping'er's world of immortal cultivation, it would definitely be a skill that could defeat the heavens, the earth, and the air in seconds, be invincible at the same level, and kill enemies above its level."

Ye Yan realized this, and his breathing became a little rapid due to excitement.

At the same time, he felt that it was a wise choice to open the novice gift package first.

With this"Taoism Scripture", why would he practice"Kunlun Qigong"?

But"Kunlun Qigong" would definitely not be wasted.

After all,"Taoism Scripture" is a skill that can intercept the origin of other skills and integrate all the secrets and skills characteristics of the heavens and the world.

The subsequent skills of Taoism Scripture can be completely improved by using the skills of"Kunlun Qigong".

But Ye Yan had just thought about practicing"Taoism Scripture".

His consciousness was pulled into a void space by"Taoism Scripture",

""Hey! What is this?"

Ye Yan exclaimed in surprise.

In front of him was a deep, dark space, like an endless universe.

Suddenly, a bright golden light was lit up in the endless void.

It was like the birth of the universe and the first star appeared.

The originally dark void finally had a glimmer of light.

Ye Yan instinctively approached.

Subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.


Ye Yan immediately felt a huge and mysterious message suddenly appear in his mind, as if it was going to explode his head.

He couldn't help but hold his head and scream.

But with this mysterious and obscure message, it was imprinted in his mind.

Ye Yan felt that he was in an extremely mysterious state.

As if floating in this ancient void for billions of years , Era, realizing the mysteries of the beginning of the universe, from the first star from"nothing" to"something", to the derivation of all things, the mysteries are endless.

An indescribable mysterious feeling surged into Ye Yan's heart, giving him an illusion that he had mastered the mysteries of the universe.

Until his consciousness returned to his body, he felt dazed.

But when he came to his senses, he found that a scripture as big as ten feet appeared in his mind at some point.

It was golden in color, and golden light was lingering.

There were countless mysterious runes engraved on it.

Although it only occupies one-tenth of the first page of the scripture, it contains endless mysteries, making people feel unable to extricate themselves after taking a look at it.

"Could this be the Qi training method of the first level in the Daoist Scriptures?"

Ye Yan was delighted.

However, Ye Yan had a hunch that it would be extremely difficult to learn such a subtle and profound method without a master.

It was like a primary school student holding a detailed design of a spaceship, with all kinds of obscure formulas that made people completely confused!

But at this moment

【Ding, you are concentrating on watching the technique. Do you want to consume your cultivation points to enter the cultivation state? 】

The sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai suddenly sounded.

Ye Yan raised his eyebrows and was overjoyed.

He has a system!

Are you still afraid that he can't learn this technique?

Choose to learn immediately

【Ding, congratulations to the host for using the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to consume 1 training point, and successfully breaking through the first level of Qi training in the"Tao Jing"……】


Ye Yan felt as if there was a heavy spiritual mist in his body, as heavy as a mountain, like a real dragon.

Then it automatically followed the mysterious operation route of the"Taoist Scripture" exercises, wandering through the eight extraordinary meridians in the body, limbs and bones, constantly tempering and nourishing Ye Yan's body and meridians.

Every time it passed through a part of the body, Ye Yan felt that his body had gained a bit of strength.

It made him feel refreshed, extremely comfortable, and full of strength.

He punched out subconsciously, and with the blessing of the strong spiritual power, he could even make a sonic boom.

"Is this the power of the first level of Qi training?"

"What if it is promoted to the foundation-building stage?"

Ye Yan's heart was surging, and he was looking forward to it.

But if Zhiqiu Yiye saw this scene, he would definitely be shocked.

Damn! How can this be the power of the first level of Qi training?

I was a peak Qi training before, but I was not as powerful as you.

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