【Ding, Xianxian enters the Green Man King live broadcast room】

【Ding, Zhao Linger enters the Green Man King live broadcast room】


【Ding, Ye Yan enters the Green Man King live broadcast room】


All group members entered the live chat room of the Zhutian chat group in an instant.

婠婠:"Hey! Is this Xiong Ba?"

"Hmm! Sure enough, he exudes a kingly aura.

Zhao Linger:"Xianxian barrier, what is the aura of a turtle?"

"How could Ling'er tell at first glance that he was a bad guy?"

"The look in his eyes is so scary!"

"It's nothing like a cute little turtle."

Li Mochou:"Puff! Ha, if Xiongba heard Ling'er say this, he would be so angry that he would explode."

"But Ling'er, don't be afraid, Xiongba can't hurt you."

Mu Nianci:"That's right, Ling'er, be good."

"No matter if he is a king or a cuckold, with Brother Ye Yan here, he can't hurt you."

Zhao Linger:"That's true, Brother Ye Yan is the most powerful"


Yue Buqun:"Hey! Why are the circles under the eyes of the Green Man King so dark?"

"Could it be that you have been very tired at night recently?"

Li Xunhuan:"Yue Buqun, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Really! Lao Lu must be very tired at night recently!"

"I can't get rid of these dark circles even if I eat a hundred kidneys."

"I said, Sister Yan Ying, how come you look more radiant and stunning than in previous photos?"

"It turned out to be the result of Lao Lu's hard work"

"Hey! Were they two people coming out of that remote bamboo forest just now?"

"Are they two in broad daylight?……???"

"Oh shit!"

"Envy from singles! What kind of shit luck did Lao Lu have?"

"How could a rough man like him marry such a considerate beauty like Mrs. Yan Ying?"

Li Xunhuan:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, what do you mean by this?"

"Yan Ying is my sister-in-law, please show some respect"

"Hey! My sister-in-law's belly is so big? Is she pregnant?"

"Beast! Beast! Green Man King, my sister-in-law's belly is so big, and you still……"

"Hey, hey, hey! There are children in the group now, please be careful with your words.""

"But you are right, Green Man King, you should be more restrained in the future"


The Green Man King was instantly numb.

What nonsense are these guys talking about?

His dark circles were because Yan Ying had severe pregnancy relapses, and Nie Feng was still young and had to be taken care of.

He was both a father and a mother. He had to make money, take care of children, and take care of his wife.

He slept less than two hours a day.

Even a martial arts master couldn't stand this.

It would be strange if his eyes weren't dark.

As for going to the secluded bamboo forest with Yan Ying just now, it was because he didn't want Yan Ying to be seen by others when she was practicing the fireball technique and other fairy arts.

Yan Ying's rosy face had nothing to do with him.

Instead, it had a lot to do with Ye Yan.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't something Ye Yan did.

It was the result of the Green Man King robbing a lot of pills refined by Ye Yan a few days ago, which made Yan Ying start to practice immortality.

But in the eyes of Zhiqiu Yiye and the other old and unruly people, it became that kind of thing.

The Green Man King felt that he would really thank him.

However, the Green Man King would not be affected by this and was in a mood to completely defeat Xiong Ba.

At this time, looking at Xiong Ba walking like a dragon and a tiger, he was coming with an imposing manner.

The Green Man King wanted to pull out the Snow Drinking Mad Blade and use the Ao Han Six Techniques modified by Ye Yan to kill Xiong Ba.

"The fire on the top of the South Mountain is blazing, the deep snow in the North Sea is cold"

"The Fire Scale Sword and the Snow Drinking Mad Knife are the two most powerful weapons in the world."

"Since you want to be a farmer, hand over the Snow Drinking Mad Knife."

"Otherwise, the monster will take away your other things."

Xiong Ba looked at the Green Man King with a pair of tiger eyes.

When he glanced at Yan Ying's slender and proud figure and her bulging belly, his eyes immediately flashed with a perverted heat.

"It's a waste of talent for such a beautiful lady like my sister-in-law to be with this rough woodcutter."

"Let me and the leader of this gang return to Tianxia to enjoy our lives!"

The Green Man King was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead.

Although he had heard from Ye Yan a long time ago that Xiongba would come back to snatch his wife.

But when he actually saw Xiongba flirting with his wife like that, he got furious all of a sudden.

Even the people in the chat group couldn't stand it.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Is this old bitch so arrogant?"

"Green Man King, what are you waiting for, fuck him"

"Kill this old bastard with the Snow Drinking Mad Knife."

Li Xunhuan:"If you don't take action, I will go through the past even if I lose everything I have and kill this old bastard with tens of thousands of flying knives."

Yue Buqun:"No man can bear the hatred of having his wife stolen."

Kanan:"Then don't cut off Xiao Jiji."

Li Mochou:"Puchi! No, I can't hold it back anymore, I'm dying of laughter"

"Sister Wan Wan is right, Yue Buqun, if you don't follow Brother Ye Yan's advice and cut off Xiao Jiji in order to practice martial arts,"

"Your wife will definitely run away."

Yue Buqun was stunned instantly.

Damn! How can you talk like that?

Upon hearing this, the whole group laughed out loud.

Ye Yan was even more amused.

He didn't expect that Qianqian was not only good at flirting, but also good at talking nonsense. As soon as she opened her mouth, she directly made Yue Buqun autistic. However, when the group was laughing and talking, the Green Man King couldn't help but draw his sword.

But at this moment

"King, this person is so rude"(cdbe)

"Leave it to me."

Yan Ying's pretty face was slightly annoyed, her beautiful eyes were filled with evil, but coupled with her stunning beauty, she perfectly demonstrated what it meant to be"beautiful even when angry".

Not to mention that old pervert Xiongba, even everyone in the group exclaimed when they saw him,"Wow!"

The sister-in-law was even more attractive when she was angry, what should he do?

"What? Leave it to you?"

The Green Man King was stunned for a moment, but then he thought, Yan Ying is now also a Qi training level 4 cultivator.

Although she can only be regarded as trash in the world of cultivation.

But in the world of martial arts, she is already a good master.

Just like the novel"Mortal" that Ye Yan had read in his previous life, a golden light servant at the third level of Qi training can sweep the entire Sanxuan Gang and the Wild Dog Sect.

In addition, Yan Ying's fireball technique is so good that even Ye Yan exclaimed in amazement after seeing it.

It didn't take long for her to learn and directly reach a small success.

According to Ye Yan's estimation, although Yan Ying looks charming, she should have a fire attribute physique or spiritual root.

At this time, Yan Ying is definitely capable of competing with Xiong Ba.

Even if Yan Ying really can't beat him, the Green Man King is confident that he can directly knock Xiong Ba down with a cultivation version of the Ao Han Six Jue.

But having said that, due to the problem of the speed of time, Yan Ying has already... She is 9 months pregnant. She is almost due to give birth.

If she is asked to fight Xiongba now, will there be any trouble?

However, Yan Ying's temperament has changed since she became an immortal.

Before the Green Man King could react, he had already rushed towards Xiongba.

Everyone in the chat group was as worried as the Green Man King.

Xiongba's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Because in his opinion, Yan Ying wanted to fight with him, not a fierce battle.

After all, Yan Ying is a delicate beauty who has no martial arts skills at all, and this is known to the world.

Now Yan Ying actually said that she wanted to deal with him, isn't that throwing herself into his arms?

Thinking of this, Xiongba looked at the Green Man King with a hint of pride in his eyes.

It seemed to say, see, you trash.

Before I even started, your wife came to my door herself.

It was still a slender figure with a charming big belly, which made Xiongba more and more excited the more he thought about it.

However, the next moment



Yan Ying suddenly shouted, and her jade hands gathered spiritual power crazily.

The fire was blazing, and a scorching fireball the size of a human head suddenly appeared out of thin air and blasted towards Xiong Ba who was still crooked.


Xiong Ba's eyes widened, he was dumbfounded.


What the hell?

Is this something that can only exist in the martial arts world?

"No way, this must be fake."


"You can't scare me."

Xiong Ba didn't believe that there was any fireball technique in this high martial arts world.

In his opinion, this must be Yan Ying's trick.

However, when the fireball was 5 meters away from him, he felt a scorching flame temperature coming. His face was dry.

At the same time, an unprecedented life-and-death crisis came.

Xiong Ba immediately realized that something was wrong, and instinctively condensed extremely cold frost with his fists and blasted out

""Sky Frost Fist~"

Boom boom~

Ice and fire met and exploded instantly.

The extremely cold frost in Xiongba's fists shattered instantly.

A scorching heat instantly made Xiongba's arms red.

As if they were about to be roasted. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) When the chat group saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Sister-in-law is awesome."

Green Man King:"Oh my god! Is this really my Yan Ying?"

"Boss Ye’s magic skills in cultivating immortals are simply too awesome!"

"How long have I been practicing for, and my Yan Ying can compete with Xiong Ba, a contemporary hero?���"Comparison?"

Everyone was extremely shocked.

Many people wanted to learn this heaven-defying magic.

But Ye Yan told them that if they did not have a fire-attributed physique and spiritual roots, there would be no way to practice so fast.

At the same time, he emphasized again that their martial arts, after their own transformation, were definitely not weaker than this fireball technique.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and they were ready to practice hard after watching the live broadcast.

As for Xiong Ba, everyone thought he was not an ordinary warrior. He actually used martial arts to challenge the immortal cultivation magic.

If he was not directly blown up now, he would be considered lucky.

But Ye Yan did not think so.

After all, Xiong Ba was born in Although Frost Fist is only a martial arts skill, it can actually deal with the fireball technique to a certain extent.

If Xiongba had not underestimated the enemy and had not used the Three-Point Return to Origin Qi, he would definitely be able to easily resist Yan Ying's fireball technique.

This surprised Ye Yan very much.

After all, this represents the martial arts secrets of this world.

If he could travel back in time, search Xiongba's soul, learn all of his martial arts, and then use the"Taoism Scripture" to upgrade, it would definitely become a strong skill of his own.

If he could meet Jue Wushen, Wuming, Jiansheng, or even Emperor Shitian again...[]

Ye Yan might even be able to deduce the Dao Sutra at the Yuanying level.

And he also gained a vast amount of skills.

After all, even a primary boss like Xiongba has such powerful means, what about others?

Just thinking about it made Ye Yan look forward to it.

He secretly sighed that he had really picked up a treasure, and this world was indeed a world of high martial arts.


The World of Storm

"Bastard, what evil method did you use on my leader?"

"Don’t you know martial arts?"

"Are you really the most beautiful woman in the martial arts legend—Yan Ying?"

Xiong Ba was so excited that he asked three questions in a row.

However, his response was…

"Fireball, Continuous Fireball……"

Wow, wow, wow~

Yan Ying was extremely excited at this time, and she cast the fireball spell crazily.

She felt like a little girl discovering a new toy for the first time.

After all, this was her first time to cast"immortal magic" against an enemy.

She also beat the leader of the current number one gang in the martial arts world into incoherentness, which was definitely something she had never dared to think about before.

And all this was given by the immortal mentioned by the Green Man King - Ye Yan.

Yan Ying was even more curious at this time, what does this legendary young immortal look like?

Chi chi chi~

A full 5 hot fireballs, which were several times larger than the previous ones, broke through the air and rushed towards Xiong Ba.

Although Yan Ying's Dantian spiritual power was about to be exhausted at this time, her gorgeous face was flushed, and she was extremely excited.

"Bastard? Still coming?"

Xiong Ba was horrified and almost shut himself up by Ye Yan's move.

He never dreamed that there would be such an outrageous thing in this world.

However, he had just witnessed the power of the fireball technique, so he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore. He quickly mobilized the strong internal force in his body and activated the strongest martial arts.

""Three-point return to the original energy~"

Xiong Ba shouted in a classic way.

He stretched out his hands, and the strong internal force gathered in his hands, directly forming a Yuan Qi light shield that was enough to wrap his whole body, covering his whole body.

Bang, bang, bang~

5 hot fireballs just hit.

The fireballs exploded, deafening, sparks flew, and the space trembled.

Although Xiong Ba's Three-point Return to the Original Energy was powerful, it could not withstand such a blow.

The internal force was almost consumed and became more and more transparent.

This made Xiong Ba horrified.

What kind of monster did he encounter?

If Yan Ying had come a few more times just now, he would definitely not be able to operate his internal force temporarily, and the Three-point Return to the Original Energy light shield would dissipate.

His body was hit hard by the fireball.

The consequences are unimaginable

"Asshole, I am here today to take the Snow Drinking Mad Blade and dominate the martial arts world."

"I'm not here to give you a little bitch a complete abuse"


After saying this, Xiong Ba did not hesitate at all, and immediately used his Qinggong to run away ten feet in one step.

The chat group saw this scene and cheered again.

""Sister-in-law is awesome."

Yan Ying seemed to have heard everyone's flattery.

Or maybe because she really thought she had defeated Xiongba, she was so excited that she actually chased after Xiongba.

Ye Yan immediately realized that something was wrong.

Xiongba was a great leader after all, and he still had some pride. How could he just run away like that?

This was obviously a trick.

After all, Xiongba was very cunning and treacherous. Maybe he saw that he couldn't easily defeat Yan Ying, so he pretended to run away.

The Green Man King also realized this, his face changed drastically, and he chased after Yan Ying and Xiongba.

Sure enough, soon after the few people left the bamboo forest.

In front of a river, Xiongba felt that the two were chasing him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he sneered. He actually turned around and mobilized the strong internal force that had just recovered.

"Three parts return to the original qi - three elements return to one~"


Xiong Ba shouted loudly, and the strong internal force in his Dantian was like a surging river. In an instant, three forces as powerful as the Three-Point Return to Origin Qi were condensed in his hands.

Then, the three origins returned to one, and the strongest attack of the Three-Point Return to Origin Qi was launched.

While Yan Ying was not reacting, he directly passed Yan Ying who was chasing after him and rushed towards the Green Man King.

That's right, in Xiong Ba's view, Yan Ying was so amazing and her methods were weird. If he fought head-on, it was not certain who would win.

In his mind, Yan Ying was already regarded as a more powerful existence than the Green Man King.

As for the previous rumors that Yan Ying was just a woman with no power, it was simply bullshit.

This is a hidden boss.

On the contrary, the Green Man King has been known like that for so many years.

Xiong Ba thought that he knew the Green Man King better, and his official strength would definitely not be much stronger than the rumors.

So Xiong Ba planned to kill or seriously injure the Green Man King first, distract Yan Ying, and then sneak attack Yan Ying.

It can be said that Xiong Ba is quite insidious.

But when everyone in the chat group saw this scene, they almost laughed to death.

"Hahaha! This Xiongba has a hole in his brain!"

"He actually attacked the wrong person."

"It really made me laugh to death,"

"The Green Man King is definitely ten times stronger than Yan Ying."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye almost laughed to tears, and even Ye Yan was speechless.

He felt that Xiong Ba was a little too clever and was misled by his cleverness.

Sure enough, the next moment.

The Green Man saw this scene and laughed directly.

He was also worried that Yan Ying lacked combat experience and was plotted against by Xiong Ba.

Now it seems that Xiong Ba has a problem with his brain.

"Six Tips for Proud of the Cold~"


The Green Man King held back his laughter and pulled out the Snow Drinking Mad Blade helplessly.

A three-hundred-foot-long frost blade energy split the air.


Xiong Ba's grim smile froze, his eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.

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