"Xiongba! I'm also curious, how did you recover from your injuries so quickly?"

""Search the soul~"

Ye Yan was not prepared to waste time talking to Xiong Ba.

The Fire Kirin stomped on him with its front claws.

Xiong Ba didn't even have time to react before he was pressed to the ground.

The wound that had been easily healed was bleeding again.

Xiong Ba cried out in pain.

The next moment, Ye Yan's right hand was filled with blue light, and countless tentacle-like translucent shadows enveloped Xiong Ba's head.

"Stop, what kind of witchcraft is this?"

"What are you doing to me?"

Xiong Ba was in a panic.

Although he didn't understand what Ye Yan was doing to him, he saw a man riding a fire unicorn, casually releasing dozens of tentacles, and drilling into his head.

Anyone would be scared silly.

Even if he was Xiong Ba who wanted to dominate the world.

It was good that he didn't faint now.

Ye Yan was in a good mood.

Finally, he successfully searched for Xiong Ba's soul.

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract Xiongba's memory and obtain the"Wind God Leg"》】


【Ding, you...get your Yuanxue hand back》】


【Ding, you... got the"Three-point Return to Yuanqi"》】


【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Wind God Leg" into the"Taoism Sutra", and the peak foundation-building skills have been derived into 10% skills.】

【Ding,"Wind God Leg" and"Shadow Shift" merged and evolved into"Wind God Phantom Step"》】

【Ding, you... transform"Three-part Return to Origin Qi" into"Taoism Scripture", and the peak foundation-building skills will be derived with 40% progress.】

【Ding,"Three-point Return to Origin" and"Yin Yang Lightning Avoidance Secret Technique" merged to become"Nine Absolute Return to Origin"》】


《Wind God Phantom Step: A mid-level Xuan-level skill that moves as fast as the wind and acts as a moving phantom. Once activated, it can move hundreds of feet in an instant, with unpredictable movement trajectories. It can be used to attack or retreat.

《Nine Absolutes Return to Yuan Qi: A Xuan-level ultimate skill. Nine is the ultimate number, but it is not a fixed number.

《The Nine Absolutes Return to the Origin Qi is a method that contains the softness of Yin, the fierceness of Yang, the violence of thunder, etc. Various Qi techniques are condensed.

Attack and defense are integrated.

Attack: It can condense Yin and Yang lightning, wind, clouds, and frost, and is invincible. Defense: It can be immune to various attribute attacks, even physical attacks to a certain extent, and is indestructible.


"I am 24! As expected, I am Xiong Ba, one of the best martial artists in the world today."

"It's just too good."

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

He didn't expect Xiongba to give him so many skills at once.

He also merged several previous skills together.

It was so cool.

It was worth it for him to spend so many group points to travel here, and he was worried all the way whether Xiongba would be killed.

Now he feels that it's all worth it. What made Ye Yan even happier was that these were just the skills that Xiongba, the little BOSS, had exploded.

If the skills of powerful beings such as Jue Wushen and Emperor Shitian were all obtained by soul searching,

Ye Yan felt that he could really go to heaven.

Just thinking about it made Ye Yan look forward to it.


Xiongba has lost his value.

Ye Yan saw that his whole body was burned by the fire of the Fire Kirin and he was in great pain, so he kindly killed him directly.

His head was blown up, and he couldn't die any more.

Even if Emperor Shitian wanted to revive him later, he couldn't.


【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded"Wind God Phantom Step" and received 300 group points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded"Nine Absolute Returns to Yuan Qi" and received 600 group points】


【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded"Wind God Leg" and got 30 group points】


【Ding, ding, ding……】

Suddenly, the chat group notification sounded continuously.

Ye Yan uploaded more than a dozen of his recently acquired skills and techniques, and gained thousands of group points.

This caused the chat group to explode again.

Yue Buqun:"What? Boss Ye,"Three Points Return to Yuan Qi"》?《Wind God Legs》? ? ? Aren’t these all Xiongba’s special abilities?"

"How did you learn all of them?"

Yotsuya Miko:"Yes, yes! Aren't these the martial arts that Xiongba just displayed?"

"Could it be that Brother Ye Yan learned it just by looking at it?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way, no way? Don't you know it yet?"

"Boss Ye is not only a master of immortal cultivation, but also a martial arts master."

"Any secret martial arts can be learned and transformed instantly."

Mu Nianci:"That's right! Yue Buqun, didn't you get the"Purple Clouds Sutra" from Brother Ye Yan before?"

"Since Brother Ye Yan can instantly transform his skills and martial arts"

"Now take a look at what's so strange about learning Xiongba's martial arts?"

Yue Buqun:"Yes! It makes sense."

"Brother Ye is awesome!"

Yotsuya Miko:"No wonder Brother Ye Yan can consume group points at will and travel to other worlds at will."

"It turns out that you can use skills to gain group points in this way"

"I'm so envious!"

Zhao Linger:"Envy +1."

"When will Ling'er be able to earn as many points as Brother Ye Yan?"

"Brother Ye Yan, Ling'er wants to go to your world to see you"

"Ling'er is so bored staying in the palace all day and can't go out"

"I want to finish off the Fire Kirin."

婠婠:"Yes! Sister Ling'er's words have enlightened me."

"If Brother Ye Yan didn't come here, they would go crazy and snatch the martial arts secrets of various sects, as well as the gold, silver and jewelry of other magic sects."

"Soon I will be able to collect 10,000 points and go to Brother Ye Yan's world to meet him."

"Brother Ye Yan, you have to wait for Xianxian. Xianxian can't be your first woman to cross over."

"But I want to be the first woman to go to your world"

"And this Fire Kirin is now much more docile in Brother Ye Yan's hands, and it looks like it only has domineering power left."

"I like it so much!"

"I want to ride a Fire Kirin, too."

The more she talked, the more excited she became.

She decided that if she couldn't get Shi Feixuan out, she would capture Shi Feixuan and send her to Ye Yan. Then she would go to other places to earn points and send herself to Ye Yan.

The more she thought about it, the more impatient she became.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"It's another day that I envy Mr. Ye. There are so many women rushing to his door."

"Why don't I have it?……"

"Is this the difference between having a mythical beast mount and not having one?"

Everyone exclaimed again at Ye Yan's amazing operation.

Not only did he gain so many skills, but he also got the Fire Kirin.

Everyone was envious.

At the same time, they wanted to cross over immediately to see the Fire Kirin tamed by Ye Yan.

But now the dog shit has fallen on the head of the Green Man King.

At this time, Ye Yan had already ridden the Fire Kirin and came to the three of them.

Both the Green Man King and the still weak Yan Ying were shocked by the Fire Kirin, which was more than three meters tall, with bulging muscles, ferocious scales, and raging flames.

Although the Fire Kirin was under Ye Yan's control at this time, it had restrained all its killing power and violent aura.

But such a giant beast still made the Green Man King and his wife feel suffocated. But they couldn't help but feel curious about this legendary beast.

But in the end, they only dared to watch from a distance and didn't dare to approach.

At the same time, they were more and more in awe of Ye Yan.

What kind of strange man is it that can subdue such a beast?

Suddenly, Yan Ying's eyes changed when she looked at Ye Yan.

However, Ye Yan did not notice Yan Ying's burning gaze.

Instead, he cast his gaze towards the baby girl in the Green Man King's arms.

Her skin was crystal clear, her eyes were beautiful, and although she was just born, she already looked like the great beauty Yan Ying. They were simply carved from the same mold.

She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up.

At the same time, those big eyes were as bright as stars. I don't know if they can really see, but they actually stared at Ye Yan with curiosity.

In the end, it seemed that she felt familiar, and she even smiled at Ye Yan.

It directly warmed Ye Yan's heart of stone, who had just killed Xiong Ba.

At the same time, Ye Yan found that the baby girl was a little special, and immediately used his spiritual power to check.

The next moment, Ye Yan instantly showed a shocked expression.

"Hey! Is this a top-grade fire spirit?"

"Brother Human King, you are so lucky!"

"If your daughter learns the skills and fireball technique that I passed on to my sister-in-law, her achievements will definitely not be inferior to the two of you."

"It was our first meeting, and I didn't prepare any gifts."

"Let's get the nails and mane of the Fire Kirin as a gift!"

Ye Yan suddenly had an idea and wanted to give this little guy a little luck.

The Green Man King agreed, his eyes lit up.

Yan Ying agreed, and was instantly overjoyed.

Fire Kirin:"???"


What the hell?

The nails and mane are my things.

What the hell did you agree to?

Ye Yan, this master, is really a good person! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, no matter how unwilling the Fire Kirin was, under the"force" of Ye Yan's eyes, a mane more than three feet long fell from the back of his head.

He also bit off a small section of his front claws.

Although they can grow back, for a long time in the future, the Fire Kirin's perfect"manicure" will be one less.

This made the Fire Kirin feel very depressed.

The Green Man King and Yan Ying were delighted.

Are you kidding!

This Fire Kirin is full of treasures.

A drop of Kirin blood falling to the ground can grow a healing medicine-Blood Bodhi.

It attracts martial artists.

And its scales, one piece can be used to forge the Fire Kirin Sword, which is as famous as the Snow Drinking Mad Knife.

And now the Fire Kirin actually gave out a small section of the nail.

It was as big as a small dagger, bright red, extremely sharp, and emitting a scorching fire.

Even if it was not forged into a weapon, it was a magical weapon that could split mountains and rocks with ease.

Finally, the fire unicorn's mane was passed through the tail, and it just became a small dagger hanging in the arms.

It will definitely be their daughter's magical weapon in the future.

The two hurriedly thanked Ye Yan. Ye Yan waved his hand, and planned to go to Lingyun Cave to look for the blood bodhi while there were still more than ten hours before he could travel back. There is also the legendary burial place of the Yellow Emperor in this Fengyun world - Dragon Tomb. In the original book, there is not only a Xuanyuan sword, but also dragon bones containing powerful energy.


If Ye Yan could get it, he would definitely get a lot of benefits.

But at this moment, something happened that Ye Yan was extremely surprised.

【Ding, you have touched the innate energy of the top-grade fire spirit body, and successfully established a certain connection with the Fire Kirin bloodline.

You have obtained the Kirin Fire Body.》】

《Qilin Fire Body: A superb fire attribute spirit body. Practicing fire-related skills can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The talent for alchemy and equipment refining will be improved accordingly.

Note: Although the owner is connected to the Fire Qilin bloodline reward and gains the benefits of Qilin blood, the Qilin blood will not make the owner enter a crazy state.

"Oh my god! Is there such an operation?"

Ye Yan was delighted.

He felt as if his whole body was burning, but he was not uncomfortable at all. Instead, his blood was boiling.

Both his physical body and cultivation were faintly strengthening.

Ye Yan roughly understood what was going on!

The so-called innate energy of the fire spirit body should have just touched the Green Man King's newly born daughter.

After all, she is a fire spirit body, and she was just born, so it is normal that the innate energy on her body has not dissipated.

What Ye Yan didn't expect was that a decision he made on a whim could actually bring him such a benefit. It's a huge profit.

But this is not over yet.

【Ding,"Tao Jing" obtained the cultivation inheritance memory of the initial stage Qilin blood beast, and the subsequent skills were successfully evolved to the second level of Jindan】

【Ding, you have realized the Fire Kirin's innate magical power——《Kirin Beast Fire》】

《Kirin Beast Fire: It can condense a wisp of the natal flame of the fire unicorn in the dantian, which can not only stimulate simple attacks, but also enhance the power of other fire attribute attacks. When

Ye Yan heard these prompts, he was immediately excited and his breathing became rapid.

Coming to this world of wind and cloud today is simply to brush the benefits.


The next moment, extremely mysterious words began to appear on the third page of the giant golden book in Ye Yan's mind.

Ye Yan just took a look and was deeply attracted by it.

This is exactly the first two levels of the Danjie chapter of the Daojing. It is more than ten times more mysterious than the previous Qi training and foundation building methods.

Ye Yan quickly immersed himself in it, and did not realize that the Yuanyin Qi stored in the previous dual cultivation with Nangong Ping'er, Ren Qingqing and Annie was already ready to go below the dantian, and instantly entered Ye Yan's dantian in a mysterious way.


The thunder and lightning spirit sea in Ye Yan's dantian was surging, huge waves were surging, and arcs were surging.

His cultivation instantly broke through the 9th level of foundation building, and he continued to advance by 267, until he reached the great perfection of foundation building.

If Ye Yan saw this scene, he would definitely be very surprised.

After all, according to his previous estimate, in order to break through to this advanced level, Nangong Ping'er's remaining yin energy could only reach the 9th level of foundation building at most.

In other words, Ren Qingqing and Annie's yin energy was also extremely pure, and they might even have some special constitutions.

Otherwise, Ye Yan's cultivation would not be able to be directly promoted to this level.

However, this is not over yet.



Suddenly, Ye Yan's Dantian was filled with flames, and the entire sea of thunder and lightning was actually ignited directly by the scorching flames.

A phantom of a fire unicorn emerged from the flames, stepping on the flames, but standing above the surging sea of spirits, roaring to the sky, as if he had the domineering aura that the world was the only one that was supreme.

But the next moment.


The lightning arc flashed in the Dantian Spiritual Sea, and it condensed into a thunder and lightning dragon, with a violent breath and overwhelming power. It was the image transformed by Ye Yan's"Blue Thunder Spirit Body".

With a terrifying killing power that was not weaker than the Fire Kirin phantom, it rushed towards the Fire Kirin phantom standing on the Spiritual Sea.

Bang bang bang~

When the two sides met, they attacked like two beasts fighting for territory.

In an instant, Ye Yan's whole body trembled, and the Dantian Spiritual Sea surged.

It was as if the end of the world was coming, the sky and the earth changed color, and the ocean poured down.

But soon, when the two sides were fighting anxiously and neither could do anything to the other.

The third page of the golden"Taoism" in Ye Yan's mind suddenly revealed a mysterious golden light, surrounded by runes, and the Dao Yun flowed. It directly enveloped both sides.

The next moment, the Fire Kirin phantom and the Thunder Dragon phantom merged with each other.

A golden ball of light containing terrifying thunder and fire power appeared out of thin air.

The golden light was dazzling, surrounded by thunder and fire, and the Dao Yun flowed.

Suspended above the surging spiritual sea, it was like a bright moon rising from the sea, leading the huge waves of the spiritual sea to the sky, and continuously pouring into the golden thunder and fire ball.

If Uncle Jiu saw this scene at this time, he would definitely be shut up.

There is no other reason.

Because this golden ball of light is not something else, it is the prototype of the golden elixir that breaks through the realm of Danjie.

As long as this golden elixir prototype absorbs enough energy and continuously compresses it, it can become a golden elixir and achieve the realm of Danjie.

And Uncle Jiu has been stuck at this step for more than two months.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yan directly condensed the prototype of the golden elixir as soon as he came up. Didn't Uncle Jiu collapse from the blow?

Buzz buzz buzz~

Sure enough, the next moment, the prototype of the golden elixir burst out with a strong suction force, constantly swallowing the seawater spiritual power in the spiritual sea.

At the same time.

Outside Ye Yan's body, a strong suction force also formed, with the momentum of swallowing the world.

Directly formed a spiritual power vortex, sucking all the extremely thin spiritual energy in a radius of thousands of miles.

The sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds rose suddenly.

A breath that made all living things in the surrounding area feel suffocated swept across the heaven and earth.

Many martial arts masters were attracted to this place, and even Emperor Shitian, who was originally on a mountain top, leisurely enjoying food and brewing some conspiracy, was startled.

"Huh? Such a strong spiritual power fluctuation?"

"��I wonder which young man with extraordinary talent has been born?"

"Interesting, interesting"

I said: Hieu Baocot

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