"Banana spirit, there is a banana spirit in the banana forest outside the town causing trouble"

"Master Ye, my uncle Simu took us to the banana forest last night to catch the banana spirit."

"But the banana spirit was very powerful. Not only was it immune to water and fire, it also knew how to use the entire banana forest to set up a formation."

"When Master Simu realized that something was wrong, he had already been tricked by the banana spirit."

"In the end, in order to help us clear the way, he was wrapped by countless leaves of the banana forest, and now his life or death is unknown!"

"Go and save him!"

Wencai and Qiusheng looked worried and told him what happened last night.

"Banana spirit? Is it a banana spirit that specifically attracts unmarried men to mess around with it?"

Ye Yan suddenly thought of something and blurted out subconsciously.

"Master Ye, you are so amazing. You even know this?"

"Have you reached the point where you can predict the future?"

"That’s great, Master Simu must still be saved."

Wencai and Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up instantly.

Ye Yan immediately determined that this should be the plot at the beginning of"One Eyebrow Taoist".

It's just that the plot of this world has a big deviation.

Because of Ye Yan, Uncle Jiu has not come out of retreat yet.

Taoist Simu went to catch the banana spirit.

But this banana spirit seems to be much stronger than in the original book.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to trap Taoist Simu, whose original cultivation strength was similar to that of Uncle Jiu.

Not only does he know the formation, but he is also immune to water and fire.

It is completely different from the existence in the original book that was killed by Uncle Jiu with a little spiritual fire.

Ye Yan suspected that this banana might be related to the White Lotus Demon Sect.

There might be a White Lotus Demon Sect demon cultivator behind the scenes controlling this banana spirit.

But if that's the case, Ye Yan would be more interested.

After all, if the banana spirit in the original book could be killed with just a little spiritual fire, Ye Yan would not get much benefit in the past.

But if it involves the White Lotus Demon Cultivator, then more secret techniques can be obtained, and the subsequent skills of"Tao Jing" can be derived.

"Come on, take me there."

Ye Yan asked Wencai Qiu Sheng to lead the way"Six Eight Three".

At the same time, he moved his mind and communicated with the"Fuling Divine Circle" to notify Huo Qilin to follow.

Maybe it will be useful.

Just as Ye Yan expected, in the banana forest plot of this world, there really is a White Lotus Demon Cultivator making trouble here.

In the banana forest.

At this time, Taoist Simu was wrapped in countless banana leaves emitting strange light. The spiritual power in his body was almost drained by the banana leaves. His body could not move, and only his head was left outside.

It looked like someone forced a huge cabbage into his body, and he looked very embarrassed.

In front of Taoist Simu was a man wearing a dark red Lama monk robe.

He looked very similar to Taoist Qianhe.

It's just that his facial features looked full of sinister colors, which was completely different from the righteous Taoist Qianhe.

And next to him, there was a woman with a fluttering red skirt, enchanting figure, fair skin, but with pits on her face, like an evil ghost.

"Zhong Hei, why are you here?"

"Is this the work of yours in the banana grove?"

"The banana spirit next to you actually has the aura of the White Lotus Sect and you. Have you also joined the White Lotus Sect?"

"And he used evil methods to control this banana spirit to do evil?"

When Taoist Simu recovered some of his spiritual power and woke up, he saw this face that looked like his junior brother and was instantly surprised.

At the same time, he also guessed roughly.

If Ye Yan was here, he would definitely recognize immediately that this guy was not the three supporting actors who were slaughtered by the Xishuangbanna bronze-armored corpse in"Ghost Catching Family Fun".

He was a black cult wizard who looked like Taoist Qianhe.

Unexpectedly, he would run into the plot of"One Eyebrow Taoist".

But fortunately this time he was not from Maoshan.

Otherwise, Taoist Simu and the others would definitely be shut down.

After all, all the White Lotus Demon Cultivators were from their Maoshan. Who could stand this?

"Hahaha! Brother Simu, you guessed it right"

"This Master has indeed received the inheritance of the White Lotus Holy Sect"

"Originally, the mage just wanted to attract unmarried young people in the town to donate their essence to enhance the power of the banana spirit."

"I didn't expect to get you here so quickly."

"In this case, it is impossible for me to let you leave."

"But don't worry, you have some skills, it's not that easy for the banana spirit to drain your energy."

"Besides, this mage's target is also Lin Jiu and the young master of the Ye family who has been in the limelight recently."

"I heard that Master Qian was killed by him a few days ago. This Master happened to meet him."

"If we can use the Banana Absolute Yang Formation here to keep it and suck its essence, this mage will definitely be able to break through the Jindan realm with this mage's demon pet."

Zhong Hei raised his lips slightly, looking at the Taoist Simu in front of him with a playful face, and at the same time looking forward to Wencai Qiusheng, attracting Ye Yan as soon as possible.

As he said, this banana spirit has indeed been refined into a demon pet by him.

After he got the inheritance of the White Lotus Demon Sect, he happened to find that there was a banana spirit here that was sucking the yang of unmarried men to practice.

If Zhong Hei had not joined the White Lotus Demon Sect, he would definitely find a way to let the townspeople entrust him, and then take the money to deal with this banana spirit.

But the inheritance of the White Lotus Demon Sect that he got happened to have a control

In addition, he discovered that this banana forest was an extremely yin place, which was the ideal location for practicing the White Lotus evil method he had just acquired. He immediately caught the banana spirit and controlled it. Then, according to the White Lotus Demon

Sect's inheritance, he combined this extremely yin place with these yin banana trees to create the"Banana Absolute Yang Formation".

The purpose was to better practice the evil methods of the White Lotus Demon Sect, and at the same time allow the banana spirit to use the extremely yin energy here and the continuous flow of unmarried men's yang to enhance his cultivation.

At the same time, he controlled some of the confused The man went out to spread the news that there were fun things happening every evening in the banana forest, and lured unmarried men to come.

Zhong Hei originally thought that the news would not be leaked so quickly.

Unexpectedly, in less than a month, Taoist Simu found something unusual and brought the talented Qiu Sheng here. Zhong

Hei immediately took action to stop Taoist Simu without saying a word.

This is what happened now.

As for Ye Yan, who might be stronger than Taoist Simu, and Uncle Jiu, who might be about to break through the Jindan realm.

Zhong Hei was not afraid at all, even if there were a few more people in the early Jindan stage.

Because the power of this"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" has reached the late stage of Jindan.

Unless a late stage of Jindan comes, no one can break it. So in Zhong Hei's opinion.

If Ye Yan and Uncle Jiu come now, they are just serving food to him.

But if Zhong Hei knew that Ye Yan had summoned the Fire Kirin at the peak of Jindan, he would definitely curse Ye Yan immediately.

Damn it! You are a Jindan cultivator dealing with a banana spirit, and you actually let the beast come to help?

Or the legendary Fire Kirin?

Do you have any shame?


The moon was bright like a disk.

The banana forest was silent.

Since the whole banana forest had been locked by the Banana Absolute Yang Formation, it did not look creepy.

If Wencai and Qiu Sheng had not known that there were banana spirits that could eat people, even these two cowards would have dared to go in and pick bananas.

Ye Yan also immediately discovered the abnormality. Only when the Delusion-Breaking Treasure Pupil was opened could he see a barely detectable translucent light above the whole banana forest.���Covered.

Not a single breath leaked out.

But inside the light shield was a strong yin energy. Even if Ye Yan just looked into it, he felt like he had entered a cold hell.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all.

Because he had used the"Treasure Pupil to Break Delusion" to pass through the translucent light shield and saw the positions of Zhong Hei, the banana spirit, and Taoist Simu.

You know, many times fear comes from the unknown.

But now that we can clearly see Zhong Hei and the banana spirit, and even know their methods, what is there to be afraid of?

As long as we go in and kill Zhong Hei and the banana spirit, everything will be solved.

This made Ye Yan realize once again the benefits of having this"Treasure Pupil to Break Delusion".

However, before Ye Yan made any move, Zhong Hei and the banana spirit seemed to be unable to bear it.

Chi chi chi~

The countless banana trees that were originally three or four meters away from Ye Yan and the other two actually moved.

Before they could react, they instantly surrounded Ye Yan and the other two.

This scared Wencai Qiu Sheng silly.

"Oh no, run!"

"Has this banana spirit discovered us?"

Wencai Qiusheng ran away.

But soon they found that the road that was originally unobstructed had disappeared.

No matter how they ran, they would run back to the same place after a few seconds.

"Trapped in a maze?"

"No, it's a wall made of banana leaves!"

""Master Ye, what should we do now?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng were in despair.

They had originally thought that they would be fine if they stayed away from Ye Yan and didn't get close to the banana forest.

Unexpectedly, they were still directly surrounded by the banana forest.


At this moment, the cold wind blew up and the fog was shrouded.

A cold breath came over, making Wencai and Qiu Sheng, the two energetic guys, feel cold all over, as if they had instantly entered a hell world with a temperature of dozens of degrees below zero.

But the next moment.

A charming voice suddenly came from the banana forest.

"My love, is that you?"

""I look like you!"

A red light flashed in the depths of the dark banana forest.

The next moment, a bright red gauze bed appeared in the empty space where there were only banana trees in front of Ye Yan and the other two.

There was also a beautiful figure with a charming figure, skin as delicate as snow, and whose appearance could not be seen.

She was posing and flirting with her beautiful figure, and every movement was full of seductiveness.

When had Wencai Qiu Sheng seen such a scene? His eyes were instantly fascinated.

The originally terrified expression on his face turned into a pig-like one, and his saliva was about to flow out. He could not control himself at all and rushed towards the graceful figure.

"Wencai and Qiu Sheng, you two bastards, wake up!"

"This is Banana Essence"

"Don't be fooled by the banana spirit!"

"Otherwise, you will be sucked dry!"

In the banana forest. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Taoist Simu saw this scene and was very anxious.

He summoned the few spiritual powers in his body and shouted.

But the sound seemed to be blocked by some force and could not be transmitted at all.

This made Taoist Simu extremely desperate.

"Hahaha! Brother Simu, don't waste your energy."

"This is a formation with various soundproof barriers. Your voice cannot pass through."

"Besides, with the enchanting ability of this wizard's pet, what if your voice can be transmitted?"

"Can you wake them up?"

"Stop daydreaming........."

"Didn't you see that Ye Yan, who is more powerful than you, is still standing there in a daze?"

"Obviously, he was also fascinated by this magician's pet."

"Struggling now"

"Maybe soon you will not be able to hold on, your will will collapse, and you will fall into confusion. You and your two good nephews will have a good time with this magician's monster pet."

"If that scene could be transmitted back to your Maoshan, it would definitely piss off those stubborn people in your Maoshan!"

Zhong Hei smiled playfully with a playful look on his face.[]

It seemed that he had foreseen that everyone would be confused.

Sure enough, the next moment, he and Taoist Simu saw Ye Yan, who was originally standing in the same place, actually running towards the beautiful figure.

And his running speed was even faster than Wencai Qiu Sheng.

He seemed to be even more anxious than Wencai Qiu Sheng.

This made Zhong Hei smile even more.

Even the banana spirit who was coquettish and looked down on her appearance couldn't help but let out a teasing sneer.

But the next moment.

When Ye Yan came in front of the banana spirit

"《Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar》~"


Ye Yan opened his mouth and roared.

It was like the roar of a tiger or a dragon, and it was like thunder rolling in the sky. It was so strong and fierce that it was deafening.

In an instant, the banana spirit who was close at hand was stunned by the roar.


The banana spirit subconsciously covered his head and screamed miserably.

His body was moving everywhere.

The rotten face, as white as a corpse, instantly appeared in front of everyone.

Wencai Qiusheng just regained consciousness at this time.

Seeing that the beautiful figure who was supposed to be kissed by them actually looked like this, he was almost frightened to death. He has a psychological shadow on beautiful women all his life.


"You weren't fooled?"

"Core Formation Aura? You actually became a Core Formation cultivator?"

"How can this be?"

"Didn’t you advance to the foundation-building stage just two months ago?"

Zhong Hei sensed from the spiritual power emitted by Ye Yan's"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Roar" just now that Ye Yan had already reached the second level of Jindan. He was instantly shocked.

Not only because he actually provoked a Jindan cultivator, but also because he was shocked by the speed of Ye Yan's breakthrough.


In less than half a year, his cultivation level broke through from the beginning of foundation building to the second level of Jindan. What kind of monster is this? Even

Taoist Simu was shocked when he saw this scene.

Are you kidding!

His own senior brother, Uncle Jiu, has been in seclusion since the great perfection of foundation building. Almost half a year has passed, and he hasn't accumulated enough spiritual power to break through to the Jindan realm.

Ye Yan, who had no cultivation more than half a year ago, has now succeeded in Jindan.

And he is still at the second level of Jindan?

Who the hell can accept such an outrageous fact?

If this news is passed to Uncle Jiu who is in seclusion now, it will be strange if his Tao heart is not shattered.


What kind of cultivation is this?

I won't practice anymore


Ye Yan ignored the shock of the crowd.

Immediately, lightning flashed in his right hand, and the"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" erupted, condensing into a terrifying black and white thunder, and blasted towards the banana spirit who was still holding his head and screaming.


The thunder exploded, and the ghosts and demons died. 3.0


A shrill scream sounded.

The Banana Spirit was instantly shattered.


Zhong Hei instantly let out a scream even more shrill than that of the Banana Spirit.

This Banana Spirit was the demon pet that he had captured and refined with great difficulty.

It was also the strongest helper for him to break through his cultivation.

But now, Ye Yan could kill him just like that.

How could Zhong Hei accept this?

"Damn it, I want you dead"

"I want all the livestock in Renjia Town to be buried with my demon pet."

"《"The Banana Absolute Yang Formation","Start~"

Zhong Hei was immediately furious, and used all his strength to mobilize the rolling demonic energy in his body.

His hands instantly sent out thousands of spiritual powers and slammed towards the ground.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The earth shook.

The ground cracked, and the Yin energy erupted like a spring.

Countless banana trees madly swallowed up the rolling Yin energy, blooming with strange brilliance.


In an instant, all the banana leaves that bloomed with strange brilliance swayed wildly.

The cold wind blew violently.

An extremely cold Yin energy that was enough to freeze all the temperatures in the world swept across the entire land.

Not only Wencai Qiu Sheng and Taoist Simu felt that their Yang energy was instantly drained, and their bodies seemed to be frozen.

Even Ye Yan felt his body chilled, as if the temperature in his body was about to be directly extinguished, and an unprecedented sense of crisis surged in his heart


"This can directly extinguish the Yang Qi of a cultivator at the peak of the Jindan stage.���The extremely cold wind"

"Ye Yan, so what even if you have broken through to the second level of Jindan?"

"Today, you must also bury this magician's pet with me."

Zhong Hei couldn't help but laugh heartily.

But the next moment, he felt a hot breath like a volcano coming.

He turned his head and looked carefully. In an instant, he saw the fear he had never seen in his life. His pupils shrank suddenly.

He couldn't help but exclaimed:


"How is this possible?"

Zhong Heiren was dumbfounded. His face was full of disbelief.

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