
After a long time.

Above Jiuquan Town.

Maoshan Zhenren and Longhushan Zhenren both came quickly. They were old men from their sects, but this time, they were completely alarmed. They rushed here.

They looked at Jiuquan Town turned into a ruin, and their faces were slightly grim.

It was really a tragic battle!

"Who summoned the phantom of Tianpeng God General? Where did this person come from?"

The two real people were very concerned about this matter.

But after searching around, they couldn't find out.

"It's incredible!"

"This kind of person, I really want to make friends with him!"

"If possible, I would like to invite him to join Maoshan, even if it is just the honorary position of the Grand Elder, I would be willing to do so.……"The Maoshan Immortal sighed repeatedly.

The Longhushan Immortal glanced at him and sneered:"If you want to come, come to Longhushan! How can you worship such a powerful person in Maoshan?"

"Do you want to argue about this? You can't find that master."The Miaojiang master said with a smile.

Several people looked at each other, and the shock and disbelief in their eyes were hard to dissipate for a long time.

They were too curious!

Unfortunately, the man who summoned the Tianpeng God General did not leave any trace.

It was totally unpredictable!

In desperation, several people had to leave.

Maoshan Zhenren sighed again and again:"Such a person, if it were my Maoshan, how great it would be!"

There is no need to think too much.

The person who can fight with Lucifer and finally summon the Tianpeng God General must be extremely terrifying. If such a person joins Maoshan, it will definitely bring a huge boost to Maoshan!

What a pity! It's a pity!

It didn't become stronger!


The entire zombie world, many powerful people and forces are also boiling over this matter.

No one can forget today's scene.

At the same time, people all over the world are also looking for who summoned the Tianpeng God General to defeat the evil god of hell.

Unfortunately, they can't find it at all.

At the same time.

Somewhere in Jiangnan.

A Maoshan Taoist temple is located here.

It was opened by Mamadi.

He runs a corpse-driving business here, and he is doing well.

Driving corpses looks very hard, but it is still very profitable. For example, Simu, who is proficient in this, has saved up a box of large gold bars.

In terms of financial resources, most of the Maoshan disciples are not as good as Simu.

Mamadi is not as good as Simu, but he has also stabilized his foothold and lived a very comfortable life.

This time, he received a task from the Ren family.

Ren Tiantang is Ren Fa's elder. He died unexpectedly in a foreign land. This time, he asked them to send the body back to Renjia Town and bury it.

After all, when Ren Tiantang dies, he will be buried in the ancestral tomb.

He and Ren Weiyong are brothers, and he is also the second uncle of Ren Fa and the second grandfather of Ren Tingting.

The Ren family is rich and powerful, and this is a big deal, so Mamadi took it up without hesitation.

The body is just behind his Maoshan Taoist Temple 467.

Waiting to set off tonight and send it to Renjia Town.

In the front yard of the Taoist temple.

Mamadi was playing mahjong with several familiar customers around, drinking and having a lot of fun.

They are all gamblers, and they often gamble some gold and silver on weekdays.

Of course, they are not rich, so they don’t gamble much.

On the side, the two apprentices, Ahao and Aqiang, were playing with each other.

The two of them were even more unreliable, and their strength was far inferior to Qiu Shengwencai.

Somehow, the two of them got a little angry while playing, one holding a ruler and the other holding a peach wood sword, and started to fight.

From the front of the yard to the back, the fight has not yet been decided.

Mamadi and the others were immersed in the fun and didn't care.

Finally, a table of mahjong was over.

Mamadi stood up and stretched.

Whoosh - the peach wood sword raised a breeze, split the air, and suddenly passed by Mamadi's forehead, rolling up a strand of hair.

At the same time, a heavy ruler slid down and went straight to Mamadi's vitals.

Mamadi's eyes suddenly lit up, and her anger soared. She kicked Ah Qiang's finger with force and kicked the ruler away.

After doing all this.

Mamadi looked at her two stupid disciples angrily.

Angry at them for not fighting!

Mamadi's magic power surged, his hair flew, and his expression was full of coldness.

His hairline was protruding, his forehead was shiny, a tuft of beard was applied to his upper lip, his face was serious, and he really had the taste of a strict teacher.

Ah Hao was immediately frightened and knew that the master was really angry.

He was a little at a loss.

Ah Qiang reacted quickly and stepped forward, apologetically saying,"Master, Master, I was careless. Besides, it was Ah Hao who started it first."……"

As he spoke, he stepped forward to massage Mama's shoulders and legs, saying nice things to flatter her.

After fooling around together

, Mama's expression eased a little, and then she looked at the two of them again.

She snorted coldly.

"You two are so energetic and capable, just go deliver the corpse!"

Both of them froze at the same time.

""Ah Hao, you go and send it off!" Mom's words left no room for doubt.

Ah Qiang smiled immediately.

Ah Hao's face was full of sorrow.

The matter was settled.

No matter how reluctant Ah Hao was, he could only follow the instructions of his master, perform Taoist magic, and take Nintendo's body to Renjia Town step by step.

Before leaving, Mom specifically instructed:"Remember, go and come back quickly, don't delay too long, and be nicer when you get there. The Ren family is a big money bag."

Of course you have to go quickly. Nintendo's body has gathered too much corpse poison. If it is not sent for cremation, it will probably turn into a corpse in less than three days!

Ah Hao could only remember it, walked to the morgue, and found Nintendo's body.

Nintendo's cheeks were blue, and there was an obvious zombie tooth mark on his neck, and the fangs in his mouth were gradually growing. His arms, legs and feet were also gradually drying up.

It was almost a corpse.

Ah Hao did not dare to delay, and hurriedly took Nintendo's body out of the town step by step, walked to the suburbs, and went deep into the dense forest..

The forest was deep and deep, and the roars of many wild beasts could be heard faintly. Ah Hao walked alone, sighing in his heart.

Why was this tough job given to him? Ah Qiang, that guy, has no martial ethics and only knows how to flatter. Ah Hao had no choice but to quicken his pace and rush to Renjia Town. When he comes back this time, he must teach Ah Qiang a lesson! However. Not long after he walked out. Whoosh - there was a sound of rustling in the forest. A series of sturdy figures, holding long knives, rushed out from the depths of the forest. Bandits!

""Don't move, robbery!"

The bandit leader roared, pointing his long knife at Ah Hao.

Ah Hao was stunned.


He only had a hundred copper coins on his body and this body.

Ah Hao looked at the dozens of people in front of him, and his heart was also scared. He hurriedly said:"This uncle, I have nothing on me. You can't rob me!"

The bandit secretly glared:"Stop talking nonsense!"

After saying that, he was too lazy to take care of Ah Hao and looked at the person behind him.

It was his financial sponsor.

It was his assistant Li

"Kill him and give me the body, and one thousand dollars will be yours." Assistant Li said calmly. The bandit leader glanced at Ah Hao, his eyes slightly turned, and said with a smile:"One thousand dollars is just the price of the body. Killing this man will increase the price."

Assistant Li frowned slightly. After all, they are bandits, greedy for huge profits.

However, the zombies are right in front of them, and the opportunity is rare. Assistant Li thought for a while and said:"I will give you one thousand five hundred dollars to get the job done."

Killing Ah Hao is just a matter of one knife.

Giving five hundred more dollars is not low.

The bandit was secretly satisfied and nodded immediately:"Don't worry, wait for us for a while!"

After that, they were too lazy to talk nonsense with Ah Hao, and rushed forward directly, holding knives, and fought.

Ah Hao dodged again and again, his face panicked.

Although he was good at fighting, there were too many people on the other side.

After a fight, which lasted only a short time, Ah Hao was extremely desperate and fell heavily to the ground.

His death was extremely miserable.

There were even several cuts on his cheek, and his face could no longer be seen.

Often, the government would not care about such deaths, let alone investigate.


Assistant Li gave the money, and a group of bandits dragged the corpse to the research institute.

Nobel Prize!

If the research is successful, their combination will definitely win the Nobel Prize!

He and the foreign professor are both equally crazy!

……(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Research Institute.

Outside, many bandits were still guarding outside.

What morals can be expected from bandits?

When they saw this luxurious research institute, they immediately had evil thoughts.

This place is either rich or noble. If they robbed a group of people, they would have enough to eat for a long time.[]

They waited patiently, waiting for the right time to break in.

Of course, it would be best if they could just wait for someone to come out and catch the leader here.

Inside the research institute.

The foreign professor stared at the corpse of Nintendo in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he was extremely excited.

Nintendo's corpse transformation was more serious, and he already had the physical signs of a zombie. When it was midnight tonight, the yin energy would be released, and he would definitely wake up and transform into a corpse.

But the foreign professor obviously didn't understand this.

He looked at Nintendo with a dazed look, as if he was looking at his lover of many years.

"Li, help me, with this zombie, our experiment will definitely be successful!" The foreign professor took out a syringe as thick as his arm.

Assistant Li also held a test tube, his face full of excitement, and assisted the professor. The foreign professor was proficient in anatomy, and it was not difficult. With a"dang" sound, the tip of the needle pierced Mr. Ren's skin.

However, the next moment, the long needle broke directly, and only a shallow white mark was left on Nintendo's head. The skin was not broken!

The foreign professor was surprised, and then he became even more excited.

"Zombie, this is a zombie, this body is so fascinating!"

He was extremely excited, and took out another golden, special long needle.

It was made of special materials and could drill through diamonds.

The foreign professor once again stabbed the long needle into Nintendo's head.

This time, it pierced easily.

It even more easily broke through Nintendo's head and reached the brain.

The foreign professor pulled out a full ten milliliters, about three taels of brain matter, mixed with red and white. The foreign professor didn't dislike it at all.

He stroked Nintendo's cheek and said,"Don't worry, when I publish my paper, I will definitely write about your contribution to science."

Then, he drew some more blood, and walked to the laboratory table with brain juice and blood.

He had studied the T2 perfect medicine for a long time before, and had already produced the closest version to perfection.

After his deduction and guess, if he mixed these things again, he would definitely be able to get the most perfect biochemical medicine.

By then, he would be the lifetime honorary winner of the Nobel Prize! He would definitely be remembered in history! He would definitely be famous in the West!

The foreign professor was extremely excited and mixed many biochemical medicines together.

Divided into three bottles.

The liquid was dark green, turbid, and smelled fishy.

But the foreign professor did not dislike it at all.

"It's done, it's done!" Assistant Li was very excited.

"No, Li, not yet. We haven't done the verification experiment yet. As scientists, we must be rigorous."The foreign professor said in a deep voice.

He held a bottle of biochemical agent and slowly walked to Nintendo.

Nintendo's fangs were protruding from his mouth, and his eyes were bulging, but they were not open.

A faint airflow was wrapped around his body, and he looked murderous.

The foreign professor was not afraid at all, but only admired it, as if he was looking at a work of art.

He raised the T2 perfect potion in his hand, tilted the bottle mouth, and poured it into Nintendo's mouth.


The liquid medicine flowed slowly.

Soon, the liquid medicine finished flowing, and the foreign professor hurriedly stepped back and pressed the button next to him.


Many mechanisms rose from the bed, directly holding Nintendo's hands, feet and thighs.

Then, with a"bang", a large cage fell from the sky and wrapped Nintendo inside.


The foreign professor was still holding a remote control tightly in his hand.

As long as he pressed it, a high-volt current would pass through the iron cage.

The foreign professor knew that he would create a supreme work of art and the strongest zombie.

He had made preparations long ago.

The foreign professor and assistant Li were extremely excited and looked forward to it silently.

At this moment.


��Air, roar!

Nintendo, open your eyes completely!

It's midnight, he has completely turned into a zombie!

""He's awake, he's awake!" Professor Yang was extremely excited."We succeeded!"

Assistant Li was also excited.

However, at this moment, bang!

Nintendo's arm suddenly exerted force, and a burst of evil spirit burst out, completely destroying the iron ring that bound its hands and feet.

Professor Yang and Assistant Li both froze.

"What a terrifying power!"For some reason, the foreign professor's heart was shaken, and a trace of fear emerged.

He clenched the remote control in his hand again.

No matter how powerful this zombie is, it is impossible for it to be afraid of thunder and lightning, right?

The two retreated one after another, staring at Nintendo.

After breaking free from the iron ring, Nintendo suddenly exploded and ran to the iron fence on the side.

He put his hands on it.

The foreign professor did not hesitate and pressed the discharge button.


There were crackling sounds.

Silver arcs of electricity echoed on the iron fence.

The electric current followed Nintendo's arm and instantly covered its whole body, turning it into a thunder man.


As the thunder and lightning became powerful, Nintendo felt pain, screamed repeatedly, and retreated, as if he was very afraid of electric current.

Seeing this, the foreign professor was overjoyed and relieved:"Fortunately, fortunately! This guy is still afraid of electric current!"

Assistant Li also laughed.

But the next moment.


Nintendo suddenly exploded, with a strong corpse aura all over his body. He punched out, directly bending the iron fence a lot, and then his body easily passed through the electric current and rushed towards the foreign professor.

Just now, it had just been resurrected and was not used to it yet.

The current could not hurt it at all.


Nintendo roared.

Rushed towards the foreign professor and Assistant Li, easily killed them all, and sucked their blood.


Nintendo rushed out of the research institute, his eyes were bloodshot, staring at a group of bandits in the distance.

It had just been resurrected and needed the blood of living people.

This group of bandits is the best supplement.

The bandits were waiting patiently, but when they saw Nintendo rushing out, their scalps suddenly numbed.

"This, this, why is this guy different from when he just came in?"

"No matter what, kill it first!"

The bandit leader was calm enough and gave the order immediately, his eyes flashing fiercely:"With dozens of us, can't we take down a mere zombie?"

After that, he took the lead and rushed up.

Many younger brothers behind him also became ferocious and rushed up.


Immediately afterwards, a series of screams rose.

This was a massacre.

After doing all this, Nintendo left without looking back, and went straight to Renjia Town according to the intuition in the dark.

It can sense that there is its blood there.

The desire from the depths of the soul drives it over.



Uncle Jiu, Gu Nie and the others finally got back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, Captain Cao, the new head of the security team of Renjia Town, came to them.

He looked at Uncle Jiu and Gu Nie, bowed his hands first, and then said quickly:"Masters, something bad has happened!"

Uncle Jiu and Gu Nie frowned slightly.

Captain Cao continued:"The back mountain���Dozens of corpses appeared out of nowhere, all with dark green faces and fangs growing from the corners of their mouths."

He was a little flustered. He had just taken office, and this kind of thing happened near Renjia Town. He was not panicked.

Hearing this ,

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly.

This description is very likely to be a zombie disorder.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Gu Nie, and seeing that Gu Nie was not interested, he said,"I'll go with you to take a look."

After that, Uncle Jiu followed Captain Cao away.

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