Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Rhodes felt as though he could feel the despair and reluctance of the family from being dealt with such a cruel fate lingering in the air. Sadly, they could not overcome the zombie virus despite how unwilling they were.

Rhodes sighed heavily after piecing the picture together. What a pitiful family! He tried to console himself it was for the best. At least, the family would rest together for eternity here. After all, in this era of zombie apocalypse, let alone a single woman and a child, he did not even know how long he could survive even with a system.

When he looked at the zombie blocking the entrance, he knew it was a special zombie, like the one he killed with great difficulty yesterday, as soon as he touched it.

What rotten luck to encounter this kind of zombie! Although he would be able to obtain an energy crystal from it, it would take a lot of effort just to kill it. Nevertheless, it was not like he had a choice. He had to kill it no matter what. For one, he could not leave a threat such as this undealt with. Second, he felt sorry for it. It had gone through indescribable pain while it was human. Rather than let it exist in such a wretched state, it was better to put an end to its existence.

However, Rhodes was not in a hurry. The zombie had been temporarily incapacitated by him. He took his time to search the room. At the corner near the door, he found a crowbar. There was also some cash and bread. He threw the cash away but picked up the bread and began to eat it. He swore it was the most delicious bread he had ever eaten. No, it was the most delicious food he had ever eaten in his entire life!

After Rhodes finished eating, he discovered the bread barely managed to satiate his hunger. He stretched his limbs and felt the strength of his body. He discovered his broken arm and fractured finger from yesterday’s fight had completely healed. Apart from some superficial surface wounds, he was back to normal. Upon his discovery, he thought to himself, ‘Wow, it seems like I have a little of Deadpool’s abilities!’

Finally, he picked up the crowbar with his right hand and held the blunt knife in his right hand as he walked to the entrance of the wardrobe.

The zombie roared when it saw Rhodes approaching.

This time, Rhodes was not frightened by the zombie’s killing intent. In fact, he even roared back at the zombie. When he drew close enough, he kicked the zombie’s head, sending it flying against the wall.


The zombie landed heavily against the wall.

Rhodes seized the opening and quickly entered the wardrobe.

At the same time, the zombie had recovered and charged toward Rhodes in a frenzy.

Since he had already killed seven to eight ordinary zombies, he did not panic. He was slightly more experienced in dealing with them now, and this included special zombies.

Rhodes let go of the blunt knife and brought the crowbar up with both hands before smashing it down with all his might on the zombie’s head.


The zombie was sent flying against the wall with a bang by Rhodes.

Rhodes did not ease up. He rushed in front of the zombie and used all his strength again to smash the zombie’s head again.

The zombie seemed stunned.

Rhodes did not stop. His hands were like rapidly moving windmills as he swung them around in a frenzy. He held the zombie against the wall and relentlessly punched it.

It did not take long before cracks began to show up on the thin wall. With one final hit, the zombie was sent crashing out of the wall into the bedroom next door. It landed accurately on the bed.

Rhodes picked up his blunt knife and swung his crowbar before he walked through the hole in the wall.

At this moment, the zombie was in a stunned state. It seemed to have forgotten about its instinct to attack and devour. If it had retained its intelligence, it would have wondered what kind of human had this kind of terrifying strength. He couldn’t imagine what had happened at all.

Rhodes stood atop the rubble, looking like a god of war, as he looked down at the zombie on the bed.

Truly, zombies were too horrible to look at. Their faces were deformed and disfigured. Some of them had no eyes or had eyes hanging out of their sockets. Their noses and lower jaws were gone.

Rhodes felt disgusted just thinking about the grotesque appearances of all the zombies he had encountered.

At this moment, the zombie seemed afraid as it looked at Rhodes standing atop the debris and rubble. It shrank back in fear.

Rhodes remained indifferent. He knew zombies held emotions from when they were humans. After his experience yesterday, he had become more desensitized to them.

He leaped to the bedside, grabbed the still stunned zombie, and began to use the blunt knife to hack at the zombie’s face.

The zombie struggled violently after receiving another critical hit.

Rhodes did not stop. He continued hacking away until its face was just a bloody pulp.

After five minutes, the zombie seemed to have given up on struggling, and Rhodes finally managed to sever its head from its neck with the blunt knife.

Rhodes searched through the zombie’s brain, and sure enough, he found a low-level energy crystal. He wiped it clean on the bed before putting it away in his pocket.

After that, he threw the dead zombie back into the wardrobe that was like a secret room. That was the most suitable resting place for that zombie.

Then, Rhodes decided to search the wardrobe. It seemed like the family had used this as a secret room. He found clean clothes for men and women. There was also drinking water. Most importantly, to Rhodes at least, he found a bottle of Coca-Cola. He could not help the excitement that bubbled up in him when he saw the bottle of soda.

He wasted no time in twisting the cap open before pouring the soda into his mouth. He exclaimed in delight, “That’s more like it!” For a moment, he felt as though his fatigue had been swept away.

Now that he was done exploring the second story of the duplex, he took the things he had found and made his way downstairs. It was high time he changed his clothing.

As soon as arrived on the ground floor, he went to the bedroom to check on Julie. He felt a pang of disappointment and sorrow. He could not help imagining what it would be like if the human Julie were here. At the very least, he would not feel so alone, right?

Rhodes shook his head, no longer indulging in his fantasy.

The end of the world had arrived, and a terrifying life awaited the survivors. Zombies were not the only threats in these times. Humans could be terrifying as well. In a lawless world, it was only inevitable that some humans would show their ugly nature without any reservation.

With these thoughts in mind, Rhodes made a promise to himself to be extremely cautious.

Now that he had calmed down, he looked at Julie who was lying on the bed. The state she was in was unexpectedly good. Perhaps, it was because she had not been bitten or mauled by other zombies, and she had not eaten human flesh. The only differences were her face was pale, her eyes were lifeless, her body was stiff, and her movements were slightly jerky.

After observing Julie, Rhodes heaved a sigh of relief. Up until then, he did not really dare to take a good look at Julie, for fear of ruining his memory of her. He counted himself lucky that she did not like the other zombies.

He approached her and lifted the leg of her pants and looked at her wound. The place where she was scratched had completely rotted over, and it emitted a horrific smell. Apart from that, blue liquid seemed to flow through countless tiny blood vessels.

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