Lin Fan couldn't help but be surprised and said, "."Ride the cloud, fly the dragon, don't eat grains, drink the wind and drink dew; I didn't expect that besides Kunlun Mountain and Sanshen Mountain, there are such wonderful places in the world..."

  When people release Buddha, they stand on the cloud.

  A high mountain in front of it, faintly visible, towers into the sky.

  Ao Ningshuang clapped her hands and shouted, "Wow, this place is like a fairyland on earth!! It's so beautiful!!"

  However, it didn't take long.

  Ao Ningshuang suddenly held her head, her face showing extreme pain.

  "Senior stinky, my head hurts!!" She was dripping with sweat.

  "what happened?"

  Lin Fan was slightly startled, his eyes were quick and his hands were fast, he quickly supported Ao Ningshuang, and when he touched her forehead, she saw that her forehead was extremely hot.

  A mana poured into her body, and nothing unusual was found.

  "Ningshuang, what's wrong with you?" Ao Tianlong was very anxious.

  "Father, my head hurts." Ao Ningshuang said in pain.

  Ao Tianlong stomped his feet in a hurry.


  Ao Ningshuang suddenly shouted, a white lotus imprint appeared between her eyebrows, her eyes became extremely cold.

  A powerful force emanated from her body, surging towards the surroundings, Ao Tianlong and Dagui were caught off guard and flew out directly.

 (Wang Zhao) The golden light surged up from Lin Fan's body, and he easily blocked it.

  Then he saw that the lotus mark between Ao Ningshuang's eyebrows disappeared, but the person closed his eyes and fell asleep.


  At the moment when Ao Ningshuang's power erupted, the thick fog in the canyon in front of him suddenly rolled, clattering, and then a huge sound of iron chains sounded, as if it was coming from the ground.

  Dagui stood up, the shock on his face hadn't dissipated, and suddenly pointed and shouted: "My God, look at you!!"

  In the depths of the canyon, the churning clouds and mists surged frantically on both sides, as if something was about to come out of it.

  Whoa! !

  The chain-like sound grew louder and louder, and suddenly there was a loud thunderous sound, like a piece of fog, like a torrent of rewinding, rushing straight up.

  In an instant.

  Lin Fan saw a group of figures like a giant dragon rise into the air, claws and claws, extremely terrifying, flying several dozen feet long.

  Gives an amazing sense of oppression.

  Yunlong is here! !

  [PS: Writing this kind of copy is brain-burning and time-consuming, and it hurts. It takes a long time to write a chapter, which makes me, who is handicapped, even worse! !Woohoo! ].

Chapter 139

  "My God! Is this really a dragon?!!"

  Dagui looked at the sky, dozens of meters long, with his teeth and claws, like a dragon-like cloud, he swallowed hard, and his eyes were full of shock.

  Dragon has a supreme status in China.

  The spring equinox ascends to the sky, the autumn equinox dives into the abyss, calls the wind and calls the rain...

  Above the sky, billowing clouds and mist, thick as ink, rose into the sky and turned into a cloud dragon, with a pair of wings on both sides of the cloud dragon.

  "Zhang Guoxing Jing" says: If there are auxiliary wings, it is a true dragon, and it is believed that the winged side is a true dragon.

  For example, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were a large number of utensils with winged dragon patterns, and even Qinglong also had wings in the pre-Qin decorations. It is said that Yinglong and Qinglong are ancestral dragons.

  In the feudal era, the dragon was a symbol of imperial power, and the utensils used in the palace were also decorated with dragons.

  However, unlike the widely circulated saying that the five-clawed golden dragon is the symbol of the emperor, ancient books record that the winged dragon is the image of the emperor.

  "Junior Brother, we read it right back then, it's not an illusion!!!"

  Ao Tianlong also said with a shocked expression.

  "Is it really a dragon?"

  Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  For thousands of years,

  Immortals do not exist.

  How can dragons exist?

  "Open your eyes!!"

  A dazzling golden light burst out from Lin Fan's eyes, and the mana flowed towards his eyes.

  Lin Fan saw the truth of Yunlong under his eyes. It wasn't a real dragon, it was just composed of clouds and mist, but there was a faint blue light shining in the clouds and mist, which made Lin Fan very puzzled.

  "Since Yunlong is here, what about the bridge of God leading the way?"

  Lin Fan looked at the sky.

  boom! !

  As if to confirm what he said, suddenly, a thunderbolt sounded, and an inexplicable thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, and then the thick fog rolled endlessly, and countless fogs rose into the sky.


  It was actually raining in the canyon in the distance, and Lin Fan and the others were still in the clear and clear waters.


  The dense fog all around was dissipating, and a rare streak of sunlight shone down from the sky, which caused a great change here.

  When the sun hit the clouds and mist, a gorgeous rainbow appeared, spanning the entire canyon.

  A god bridge appeared in the sky.

  At this moment, everyone is standing at the head of the bridge, and the other end leads to a valley in front.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Fan was stunned, as if a bolt of lightning split the fog in his mind, everything became clear...

  "Bridge of God!!!"

  Lin Fan's eyes widened, and his breathing became rapid.

  It turned out to be the case.

  Yunlong appears in the world, and the bridge of God leads the way.

  That's what it meant! !

  found it! !

  The place for Yin Fu Jing has been found! !

  Right in front of the valley! ! !

  Lin Fan was very excited.

  He looked at the unconscious Ao Ningshuang in his arms, if it wasn't for this girl's inexplicable appearance, I'm afraid that the so-called Yunlong would not have appeared in this world.

  There will be no such series of changes.

  This girl really hides a lot of secrets!

  Maybe it has something to do with the ancient Shu people.

  "Master Lin, is she alright!!"

  Ao Tianlong looked at Ao Ningshuang with a hint of worry in his eyes. Although it was not his own, in his heart, Ao Ningshuang was just like his biological daughter.

  "It's alright, her body can't take it anymore, the force just passed out just now. It'll be fine after a rest," Lin Fan said.

  Hearing what Lin Fan said, Ao Ningshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

  The sun slowly rose from the east, and the thick fog in the canyon rose and fell like waves.

  At this time, Ao Ningshuang also woke up faintly, opened her eyes, and looked at everyone with a confused expression.

  "Father, what happened to me just now?"

  Ao Tianlong didn't speak and looked at Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan smiled: "It's nothing, you fainted from a headache just now. I guess you caught a cold. There is a lot of fog on the mountain. You see, our clothes are all wet."

  Ao Ningshuang looked at Lin Fan suspiciously and was about to speak when Dagui exclaimed, "Look, the dragon, it's sinking!!"

  Lin Fan heard the sound and saw that after Yunlong rushed to the sky, something seemed to pull it back and plunged into the canyon.

  At the moment when Yunlong fell,

  The clouds and mists in the entire canyon were like stones submerged into the calm water. The clouds and mists roared more and more violently.

  In an instant, they were plunged into a vast white mist, unable to see each other, and could only distinguish by voice.

  And this time.

  In the cloud and mist, the sound of the huge iron chain crashing sounded again, as if something had been drilled out of the canyon.




  The sound of the chains was getting louder and louder, making the scalp numb, and it seemed to be coming towards them.

  Sound has infinite magic.

  When Dagui and Ao Tianlong heard this, cold sweat broke out on their faces.

  The sounds were like a sledgehammer hitting their hearts, making them miserable.

  Lin Fan felt a little annoyed when he heard it, and as soon as the mana in his body was running, this strange feeling was dissipated into the invisible.

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