Lin Fan hurried over with Ao Ningshuang, only to see Dagui pointing at a dark pool in front of him and waving at him.

  "what is this?"

  Lin Fan's eyes fell on the deep pool, and his eyebrows narrowed.

  In the middle of this pool, there is a large reef, about twenty square meters.

  On it stood a bronze coffin, covered with patina.

  There are a total of five huge chains, which descend vertically from the top of the coffin, connecting the four corners and the center respectively.

  There are two slightly thinner chains above the coffin, with both sides hanging straight into the deep pool.

  The water is very deep.

  It was impossible to see where the chain led.

  Under this deep valley, there is such a coffin, as weird as it is

  Fire Charm!

  Lin Fan flicked his fingers, and a fire talisman manifested in the void, flying directly towards the pool.

  A bang, illuminating the deep pool.

  The next moment, Ao Ningshuang took a breath.

  "My God! So many bones!!"

  The deep pool is more than ten meters deep, and under the illumination of the fire talisman, it emits a strange dim light, like a fierce beast that chooses and devours people.

  But under the pool, there were bones, which were messy and scattered all over the place, covering the entire pool.

  A piece of white flower.

  Lying under this pool, I don't know how many years.

  It can be said that this deep pool of more than ten meters in size is full of human bones.

  A little bit.

  At least tens of thousands of people.

  This is a mass grave! !

  Lin Fan looked at the bronze coffin.

  Before this thing was alive, it was buried with [-] people, and [-]% of it was not a good master.

  Moreover, there is no sun in this deep pool, and it is originally an extremely cold and extremely yin place.

  With such a large piece of human bones, how terrifying would the contents of the coffin be?

  How vicious is it after death?

  Lin Fan couldn't help frowning.

  at this time.

  Bang bang bang! !

  The bronze coffin suddenly vibrated, and the thick chain of the arm rattled and rattled, stirring the deep pool into waves.

  On the bones of the pool, green floating points slowly emerged one by one, more and more, more and more.

  Then moved closer to the coffin.

  In the end, it condensed on a weapon next to the coffin, and dyed the big knife into a bright green, like a huge green jade, which is indescribably strange.

  This knife is two meters long, like the bronze Yanyue knife of Guan Erye.Even after thousands of years, you can still feel the fierceness of this thing.


  Lin Fan was a little empty, and a corpse talisman flew towards the coffin.

  However, those green "ghost fires" actually started to "wow" with a gust of wind, circling in the air, forming a giant snake with a length of ten feet, rushing towards the corpse-suppressing talisman.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????


  The corpse-suppressing talisman collided with the giant snake, making a loud noise, and then the talisman dimmed and dissipated into nothingness.


  Lin Fan glanced at it and ignored it.

  Lin Fan's actions seemed to anger the owner in the coffin.

  The coffin vibrated wildly, as if something was about to get up from the coffin.


  A corner of the coffin was opened, and a burst of blood rushed out of nostrils.

  Dagui was shocked by this fierce aura, and took three steps back in a row, with a look of horror in his eyes.

  What a fierce lord! !

  "The soldiers of the blood evil are entangled with dead souls. This evil barrier should have been a general before his death. After death, he can still hold down so many dead souls without being attacked. I am afraid he has become a general evil!" Lin Fan glanced, Shen sound.

  "What? General Sha?!" When Da Gui heard this, his face turned pale.

0 ...... 0

  "What is General Sha?" Ao Ningshuang didn't understand.

  Lin Fan said in a loud voice: "For the general, the murderous nature is too fierce, and it is turned into a shaman, for the general's shackles!!"

  "The general evil sword likes blood, adding blood evil, killing too much, every time the blade adds dead souls, its own blood evil increases by three points, after a long time, its own evil spirit is like training, infiltrating blood, merging into one body, often entering the devil, the world is difficult to overcome So the emperor Chang couldn't suppress it with the dragon energy of the emperor, so he killed him."

  "Generally speaking, when a person dies, they often have grievances. After death, they have to be cremated, or ask Taoist priests to resolve their grievances. Otherwise, they will become ghosts among ghosts, kings of kings, and here, not only did they not resolve their grievances, but they also used mass graves to help them. , you said how terrifying the things in here!!"


  Ao Ningshuang sucked in a breath of cold air, Bingxue was smart, she understood as soon as Lin Fan said it, this thing is probably more powerful than the red-robed fire ghost.

  "You think this is the end?"

  Lin Fan smiled and looked at Ao Ningshuang, then pointed to the side of the coffin.

  "What did you see that thing? That's called a guillotine!"

  "There is not only a general here, but also a general whose head has been beheaded. That evil spirit is even more unimaginable, I am afraid it will become a devil!"


  Ao Ningshuang tightly hugged Lin Fan's arm.

  "Master Lin, how is this good!"

  After hearing Lin Fan's words, Dagui's face was heavy. The master here is simply terrifying.

  "It's okay, wait until I kill him!!"

  Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at the bronze coffin in the deep pool, and said lightly.

  The Master is here.

  Wan Xie retreated, even if this fellow had the means to reach the sky, Lin Fan would kill him!

  "This evil barrier is here, and under that deep pool, I am afraid it is the entrance to the underground palace. How can you go down without beheading you?!!" Lin Fan looked up at the sky.

  At this time the stars came out.

  From the astrological point of view, the feng shui here shows that it is the entrance.righteous.

Chapter 141

  The stars are dotted and dotted in the sky.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, the stars in the sky may be unremarkable, but in Lin Fan's eyes, there are many mysterious things.

  Although "Maoshan Astrology" cannot be said to be unique in the world, it is also very impressive.

  The stars in the sky in front of them are like guiding lights, and it is possible to speculate on the general trend of Feng Shui in this valley.

  "Book of Changes" has a cloud: "Look at the geography to check the changes of time."

  The water pool in front of you is the most critical place in the entire valley, known as the eye of feng shui.

  But now it has been suppressed by a bronze coffin, resulting in a change in the feng shui trend, making it impossible to perceive its existence.

  I want to try to bury the direction of the entrance to the underground palace.

  But what a character Lin Fan is.

  How can you not know?


  Bang bang!

  The lid of the coffin jumped slightly, and the General Sha inside seemed to come out at any time.

  A terrifying suffocating aura emanated from it, making Dagui's heart skip a beat.He could vaguely feel the master inside, even if his senior brother Ao Tianlong came, he would not necessarily be subdued.

  Only lost by zero and seventy.

  'With Master Lin here, there is nothing to fear! ' Dagui breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ao Ningshuang was a little nervous, she could feel that the contents in the coffin were terrifying!


  Lin Fan put his hands on his back and snorted coldly.

  "I don't care if you are a general Sha or what Sha, when I am a passerby, be a slash!"

  He looked at the bronze coffin with a cold glow in his eyes.

  He seemed to sense Lin Fan's killing intent.

  The bronze coffin suddenly fell silent.

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