The three dodged one after another.

  Fortunately, this sky-reaching giant tree is rooted in the entire underground palace, even if it is a flood, it will be washed away in a while.

  The flood rose wildly and spread towards the big tree.

  Some remnants of the snake crawled around and fled, but Lin Fan didn't care about it, and now it was important to escape.

  In this huge underground palace, if someone is here, they can definitely see a strange picture.

  A big tree hundreds of meters high, hundreds of stories high, was submerged by the surging flood below, as if a drowning person was constantly exhausting the last chance of survival.

  On this tree, Lin Fan and the others were escaping rapidly, racing against time.

  Finally, the three of Lin Fan reached the top of the canopy. The canopy was like a giant umbrella, extremely flat, but there were chains on it.

  These iron chains connect the front and hold a huge sarcophagus, which is covered with moss and densely packed.


  In front of the sarcophagus, there were more than a dozen standing stone figures with weapons in hand, their whole bodies tied with iron chains and covered with moss.

  But it still gives people a sense of chill, making people dare not blaspheme.

  Lin Fan was shocked when he saw the sarcophagus and the stone man. This was the coffin he wanted to find the king of the ancient Shu Kingdom, Yu Fu! !

  In the illusion, he has seen this sarcophagus! !

  And these stone men, he has also seen soldiers who follow Yu Fu to fight! !

  "Master Lin, why is there a coffin here?" Dagui asked.

  "Don't worry about it, let's look for it! Look at the top of the dome, what openings lead to the outside!!" Lin Fan said.

  The three hurriedly began to look for it, but the dome was so large that it was impossible to find it for a while.

  what! !

  At this moment, Ao Ningshuang suddenly screamed, and then squatted on the ground. Lin Fan saw that Ao Ningshuang's fingers were slashed.

  "what happened?"

  "I didn't know what was going on just now, but suddenly my hand was injured." Ao Ningshuang looked a little flustered, "Blood seems to be dripping on this coffin..."

  She is a cultivator and knows that blood on the coffin is not a good sign.Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the coffin.

  However, a startling picture emerged.

  Ao Ningshuang's blood dripped onto the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus was like a living thing, absorbing the blood.

  The sarcophagus has changed, and the moss on it is slowly peeling off.

  On the lid of the coffin, there are traces of simple patterns and patterns, which are full of ancient atmosphere.

  These patterns are full of mystery, and the sarcophagus seems to have been wiped, and it looks brand new, as if it had just been built.

  Holy and solemn.

  Wait for the moss on the sarcophagus to peel off completely.

  All the appearance of the sarcophagus is revealed. In terms of craftsmanship, the carving level of this sarcophagus has reached the pinnacle of excellence.

  There are many inscriptions on the coffin lid, and a huge sacred tree is also engraved on it, covering the entire coffin lid.

  This tree is different from the big tree in this underground palace.

  On this tree, there is a huge trunk. There are three branches on the trunk, which are engraved with countless patterns, such as branches and leaves, flowers, fruits, birds, animals, hanging dragons, bells, etc.

  The patterns are clear and lifelike, as if they were real.

  Under this big tree, there is also a drawing of a spirit ape full of fairy energy, sitting there drinking tea.

  "White Ape!!"

  Lin Fan trembled when he saw this spirit ape. He was too familiar with it. He had seen it before under the underground palace of the General Temple.

  And beside the white ape, there are some characters, with a total of seven lines, a total of [-] characters.

  "What is this word?"

  Ao Ningshuang and Dagui looked at the words on the coffin with puzzled expressions.

  they don't know,

  Lin Fan knew the origin of these words.

  It is the text of the ancient Shu Kingdom.

  Lin Fan quickly took out cinnabar and a piece of gauze from the black dragon ring, and printed the words on it.

  This is likely to be the clue to the third volume of Yin Fu Jing! !


  Not long after Lin Fan expanded and printed the pattern and words, if he could stand outside Qifeng Mountain, he would definitely be able to see a strange and shocking celestial phenomenon.

  A big hole opened in the middle of the thick cloud layer, and a bright moon, like a vertical eye, fell on Qifeng Mountain, and the light fell down the moon hole on the dome of the underground palace.

  For an instant.

  The entire dome seemed to be ignited, with countless rays of light shining brightly, just like the stars in the starry sky, extremely magical.

  from afar,

  It seems that this place has really become another world, another sky.

  "What's the matter?"

  Lin Fan was stunned.

  "Supernatural work! Supernatural work!"

  Lin Fan looked at this scene and praised again and again.

  Such a magical construction, even the later generations cannot create it.

  Isn't it magic?

  Ao Ningshuang and Dagui were incoherent.


  Lin Fan reacted suddenly when he saw the moonlight shining on the sarcophagus.

  "The exit is there!!"

  Lin Fan saw the moon above the dome, but it was too high for him to go up.

  Just at this moment, the accident rose again, and suddenly countless vines were intertwined and pushed the sarcophagus, slowly ascending to the sky, about to feather and soar.

  "Good chance!!! Come to the sarcophagus!!"

  Lin Fan picked up Ao Ningshuang and stepped on the sarcophagus directly, following these vines.

  The three waited for a leap to the sky.

  Whizzing! !

  The speed of these vines is getting faster and faster, directly breaking through the zenith, and blasting the sky with a huge force.


  Lin Fan shouted, and the three of them jumped out of the moon hole one by one.


  Tengman directly penetrated the dome, and the sarcophagus also collided with it, making a loud noise, and the whole Tengman was blasted back. .

  At this time, the flood surged up, and the sarcophagus and stone figures fell into the boundless flood, bang bang bang, the boulders fell, and the underground palace completely collapsed.

  Lin Fan looked back.

  At this moment, he was vague, like an illusion.

  A sarcophagus was ups and downs in the endless torrent, and above the sarcophagus, a man wearing a bronze mask and holding a golden staff seemed to be bowing towards him...

  [PS: A lot of readers have made me update, not because I don’t want to update, but writing this kind of article is too brain-burning, this is the world I think of myself, all are original, and there can be no logical errors, 4 more , is already my biggest limit, and these chapters contain a lot of Taoist knowledge, exhausting my brain power! ].

Chapter 150


  The three of Lin Fan escaped from Ascension, but they couldn't help but take a deep breath of the long-lost air.

  The air in Qifeng Mountain is very fresh, taking a deep breath in the abdomen is refreshing from head to toe, and the whole person seems to be sublimated.

  And Lin Fan's mind was still stuck in the scene just now. In the end, the sarcophagus sank into the endless torrent. He seemed to see Yu Fu standing on the sarcophagus and bowing to him...


  Lin Fan didn't know.

  Why bow down to him?

  It's even more bizarre...

  Can't figure it out, Lin Fan wouldn't think about these things, and at this time, the hole they rushed out of was constantly collapsing.

  "Let's go! It's not safe here-!!"

  Lin Fan left with the two of them. Not long after they left, he saw a large tree on the top of the mountain, sinking one after another. The entire Qifeng Mountain collapsed in half, and then stopped the trend of collapse.

  "so close!"

  Watching this ferocious collapse, if it wasn't for Lin Fan's timely reminder, I'm afraid it would have been affected.


  Dagui sighed, this trip to Qifeng Mountain, although he found the remains of his master, but his senior brother Ao Tianlong died, and he didn't know how to go back and bring his wife Mengmeng.

  Ao Ningshuang was also in grief. The person who cared about her most died. For a while, she couldn't cope. Suddenly, she felt abandoned by the whole world, and her eyes collapsed.

  Lin Fan shook his head slightly.

  Before entering this mountain, one must have the consciousness of death. Even Lin Fan's trip to seal the mountain this time has the fear of his life.

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