Ao Ningshuang tossed in front of Lin Fan for a while.

  Lin Fan ran to the backyard to take a few cold showers.

  After calming down the restlessness in his heart, he went back to his room to sleep.

  "This girl's body of profound yin has such a great temptation as soon as it is opened, and then you can get it? It is indeed the best furnace!!"

  Lying on the bed, Lin Fan recited the meditation mantra several times to completely calm the distracting thoughts in his heart. Then he lay on the bed and rested, preparing to burn incense and take a bath tomorrow.

  The ancient book "The Complete Book of Divination" said at the beginning: "Everyone who has possessions must be sincere and respectful, wash the bath together, burn incense and pray, and then the gods can be moved and profound insights can be seen. If it is not the case, it is difficult to respond."

  It didn't matter if he was inactive or not, what Lin Fantu wanted was a comfort in his heart.

  The next day came quickly.

  Lin Fan cleaned the whole body with mugwort leaves, lit sandalwood incense again, and cast the body cleansing spell again, and then excitedly rubbed his hands and took out the turtle shell.

  There are words in the mouth:

  The Taoist ancestor of the Three Qing Dynasty is above.

  Please let the disciples come out with a magical skill! ! .

Chapter 153

  Lin Fan burned incense to bathe, lit sandalwood incense in the room, arranged the upside-down magic circle, and then took out the turtle shell obtained from the underground palace.

  The black tortoise shell was covered with tadpole-like words, secrets and secrets. When Lin Fan held it, the system's sweet voice sounded in his ears.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering a legendary item, a fragment of Yin Fu Jing, whether to study! 】


  Lin Fan said with excitement, but in his heart he was praying to the ancestors of Sanqing Daoist, asking for a good magic trick.

  As soon as he finished speaking, the tortoise shell turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Lin Fan's body.

  Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

  He remembered that the first volume of Yin Talisman seemed to turn into a streamer and flew into his body, and then it seemed to become the golden dharma seal engraved in his head.

  It is estimated that when the cultivation is completed, it will also become a golden seal. At this moment, the sweet voice sounded again, and Lin Fan's spirit was shocked.


  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining one of the eight strange skills, the Qimen after the wind! 】

  Qimen after the wind!

  Lin Fan breathed a suffocation, and there was a lot of information about Qimen after the wind in his mind.

  Although he didn't get the terrifying Eight Magical Skills he wanted, the Qimen Qimen after the wind was pretty good too.

  The Qimen after the wind is the pinnacle of the Qimen Dunjia technique.

  Why Qimen Dunjia?

  "Qi" refers to three odds, namely B, C, and D, and "door" refers to eight doors, namely "open, break, life, injury, Du, Jing, death, and shock"

  Dunjia refers to the six ceremonies of the six jia ten-days, namely "Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui".

  When "Qimen Dunjia" was first created, there were [-] innings, and it was later improved to [-] innings. In the Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Shang was reduced to [-] innings due to the need for marching troops. Zhang Liangde of the Han Dynasty After being taught by Huang Shigong, it was reformed again, and it became the nine innings of Yin Dun and the nine innings of Yangdun that are currently used, with a total of [-] innings.

  "Qimen Dunjia" includes astronomy, calendar, warfare, strategy, philosophy and so on.Now "Qimen Dunjia" is often referred to as "Qimen".

  Qimen after the wind included these, and at the same time used itself as a carrier to form a formation, and everyone who entered this formation would be affected by the caster.

  Among them, the two most powerful tricks, one is called Chaotic Gold Watchman, a spell that can control the speed of change of things.

  That is, as long as you enter the formed formation.

  Then your speed is controlled by me. If I make you fast, you will be fast. If I will make you slow, you will be slow. Even if the spells you cast here, the speed of the spells must be controlled by me.

  Unless your strength is stronger than mine, you can only be tortured and killed.

  The second trick is called Turtle Fly Flow, which increases his strength at the cost of burning his life. Under one person, Wang also increases his strength by 5 times at the cost of burning his life.

  This skill can only be used as a trump card, and it is not in a desperate situation. It is estimated that no one will use it. It takes money to buy things and spend money. It is estimated that it can only be used a few times in a lifetime.

  As for... how the increase is, we will only know after practice.

  "System, all merit points are exchanged, and the time for epiphany"."

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting 20 seconds of epiphany time, whether to use it! 】


  "Qi Men after cultivating wind!"

  Lin Fan sat down with his knees crossed.

  Fall into a state of epiphany and begin to practice.

  Time passed little by little.

  Feng Hou's proficiency is constantly increasing, from [Beginners] to [Beginners], and from [Beginners] to 3% of [Small Accomplishment].

  20 seconds of epiphany time, consumed.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for comprehending Fenghou Qimen to the entry level! 】

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for comprehending Fenghou Qimen to the realm of Xiaocheng, the progress is 3%! 】

  The pleasant sound of the system sounded.

  Lin Fan came back to his senses and checked the system panel.

  Tongtian Talisman: Consummation

  Qimen after the wind: Xiaocheng [Progress: 3/100]

  Merit value: points.

  poor again!

  Always walk on the road of poverty.

  " is the power of Qimen after the wind?!"

  Lin Fan's heart was full of anticipation, and his mind moved. A talisman formation similar to the eight innate formations stretched out from under his feet, and then rapidly expanded.

  Taking Lin Fan as the midpoint, a circle with a radius of 10 meters was finally formed.

  In this circle, Lin Fan felt that he could control everything.

  He waved his hand, and a kettle in the house flew over at lightning speed, but when it was approaching, the speed slowed down.

  This is the ability of chaotic gold watchman to control the speed of things.

  In the circle, the speed of your speed is up to me.

  For example, Lin Fan can increase his speed by 3 times his usual speed in his magic circle for 10 seconds.As a Celestial Master, how terrifying the triple speed is.

  Within 10 seconds, if it cooperates with the Heaven-reaching Talisman within this magic circle, it is an invincible existence. Within 10 seconds of the same realm, whoever comes will die.

  "It's a pity that the circle has only a radius of 14 meters now... But it doesn't matter. With the improvement of mental power, the radius of the circle will expand."

  The radius of the magic circle is related to mental power.

  The stronger the mental power, the larger the radius of the magic circle, and the conversion ratio is 10:1.

  100 meters of spiritual power = 10 meters of magic circle radius.

  Theoretically speaking, when your mental power reaches an infinite state, then the magic formation formed by Qimen after the wind can also reach an infinite state.

  Back then, the universe was yours to control.

  "If the enemy is in my circle, what about the speed?

  Lin Fan is not clear for the time being.

  He plans to find Dagui to try, this is a good living target!

  thought here.

  Lin Fan ran out excitedly.

  Dagui was doing business with the guests, and Shoubo was doing a disservice to the side, making Dagui confused.

  Mengmeng and Ao Ningshuang were helping to find things, because there was still a month and a half before the Mid-Autumn Festival, so everyone came to buy paper money and other things in advance.

  ". "Master Lin, have you come out of retreat?" Dagui greeted Lin Fan quickly when he saw him.

  "Fellow Daoist, I have something to do and need your help?" Lin Fan nodded slightly.

  "Master Lin, what can I help you with?"

  "It's nothing, it's just a small matter, let's discuss it." Lin Fan said with a smile.

  "Master Lin, aren't you kidding me?! My little power is not enough for your old man." Dagui exclaimed exaggeratedly.

  Dagui's cry also attracted the attention of Mengmeng and Ao Ningshuang.

  "Senior stinky, you are bullying people!!" Ao Ningshuang stuck out her tongue at Lin Fan playfully.

  Lin Fan shook his head, unable to smile bitterly: "I haven't finished yet, I will discuss with Daoist Daoist later, I won't shoot, let him attack, don't worry, it won't hurt him."

  Hearing what Lin Fan said, Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Dagui, go and discuss with Master Lin, and leave it to me here! Don't worry, Master Lin has his own measure!"

  "Okay, Master Lin, let's go to the backyard!"

  Dagui put down the lantern in his hand and accompanied Lin Fan to the backyard.Ao Ningshuang also followed curiously.

  "Fellow Daoist, let's do it!" Lin Fan put his hands on his back and raised a magic circle under his feet, instantly enveloping Dagui.

  This array can only be seen by Lin Fan, but not seen by others.

  At the moment when the magic circle rose, Dagui felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had fallen into a cage.

  He shook his head, discarded this distraction, and then looked at Lin Fan.

  "Master Lin is offended!"

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