1000 years of life, walking against the wind, these two things alone are enough to make people crazy.

  And more importantly, there is also the bonus of cultivation speed, although it is only [-]%, but what about in the future?

  Ten percent?

  Thirty percent?

  If you cultivate to the ninth level, and condense out nine soul grinding discs, how fast is the conversion of spiritual power into spiritual sense, how pure, and even how high is the speed bonus?

  Fifty percent?

  hundred percent?

  This is just perverted!

  Moreover, the more pure his spiritual sense, the later he will become a real monarch of refining gods, and he will condense the supreme primordial spirit in his body, that is the real power! !


  Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help suppressing the joy in his heart.

  His spiritual power extended to 160 meters, which also meant that the radius of Qimen after the wind reached 16 meters.


  Lin Fan's mental power suddenly felt a strange fluctuation, and it was from Xiao Li.

  "Master, your mental power is so powerful!" Xiao Li exclaimed, as if it sounded in Lin Fan's ear, knowing that Xiao Li is currently in the black dragon's ring.

  "Mental power also has the function of communication?"

  Lin Fan hurriedly communicated with Xiao Li as if he had discovered a new continent.

  After half a sound,

  With a hint of satisfaction, he walked out of the room.

  When he came to the hall, Lin Fan just happened to look at Lin Zhengying who was sitting there with a frown. If his color was getting brighter today, it meant that Lin Zhengying had been sitting here all night.

  Seeing Lin Fan come out, Lin Zhengying sighed: "Junior brother, I'm afraid that the ghosts will not be caught. Tomorrow is the day when the gate of ghosts will be closed. How can I explain to the emissary?"

  Lin Fan smiled: "Senior brother, don't worry too much, with me here, I can help you to delay going to the underworld for a few days. As long as these evil ghosts are caught within these few days, it will be fine!!"

  Lin Fan also hoped that all these evil spirits could be caught.

  after all,

  It's all a lot of merit and yin value! !

  Lin Zhengying nodded and looked at Lin Fan with a hint of helplessness in her eyes: "Then I'll have to trouble Junior Brother again! Now it seems that I can only call someone else, otherwise, with the help of the few of us, we won't be able to get it back in a short time."


  The sadness on Lin Zhengying's face increased a bit.

  Lin Fan knew what he was worried about.

  Lin Zhengying wanted to issue a summoning order to invite the disciples of Maoshan, but was very worried about calling the senior brother Shi Jian.

  Because Shi Jian has not dealt with him all the time.

  Maoshan is a great faction.

  The forces are also intricate. For example, Lin Fan and Lin Zhengying are in the same line, majoring in talisman, the four-eyed Taoist and Shi Jian are in the same line, majoring in Lei Fa, and the Qianhe Taoist is in the same line, majoring in swordsmanship.

  They are all disciples handed over by different masters.

  Therefore, the relationship between the disciples in the sect is also good and bad.

  For example, Simu, although in the same vein as Shi Jian, is close to Lin Fan, Lin Zhengying, and Qianhe.

  And there is another point, that is, Lin Fan and Shi Jian have never been against each other. The relationship between the two is like water and fire. As soon as they meet, sparks will collide.

  Because Shi Jian and Lin Fan were the most promising candidates for the Maoshan faction to succeed the head.

  In private, there are naturally many collisions.

  Shi Jian is ruthless and ruthless, acts in a style, and will do anything to achieve his goals.

  And Lin Fan is scheming, the city is as deep as the sea, no one knows what he is thinking.

  The surface is elegant and easy-going, but the ruthlessness of the means is no worse than that of Shi Jian, but it is even more frightening.

  Everyone was very afraid of the two of them.

  In the same way, only with such a hand can we control Maoshan and make Maoshan go to a more brilliant level.

  and so.

  The battle between Lin Fan and Shi Jian, the old man from the Maoshan faction also turned a blind eye.

  Whoever wins is the leader.

  Lin Zhengying was worried about this. If Shi Jian came, once the two met, it would be turned upside down.

  "Senior brother, you don't have to worry about me too much. If he wants to come, let him come! I haven't seen him for a long time, so I want to see if he has any skills!!"

  A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

  But the smile was chilling.

   "Then I will issue a summons order!"

  Lin Zhengying also nodded, and now it can only be like this.

  He cast a spell, took out a token, and threw it into the sky.

  Immediately, a hexagram soaring into the sky rose into the air.

  The summoning order from the same door was issued, and all the surrounding Maoshan colleagues would receive the news and rush towards this side quickly.


  And this time.

  In a densely forested mountain range, I saw a vulture-looking old man sitting cross-legged on a large rock, and beside him was a young man with slanted bangs.

  Lao Dao had two fierce eyebrows, and lightning flashed all over his body. Suddenly, his breath shook, a terrifying force erupted, and a thunderbolt flew out of his hand.

  With a bang, it directly smashed the thick tree in front of it into two pieces.


  The old man laughed loudly, with an indescribable smugness on his face.

  Several middle-aged Taoist priests came to hear the news and knelt on the ground one after another: "Congratulations, Senior Brother, Hexi Senior Brother, entering the Heavenly Master Realm, the great road can be expected."

  Lao Dao is none other than Shi Jian, the elder brother of Mao Shan.

  The young man next to him also had a look of joy: "Congratulations to Master, Master Hexi, you have finally succeeded, and now Maoshan who dares to oppose you?"

  The man's name is Shi Shaojian. On the surface, he and Shi Jian are master and apprentice, but he is actually Shi Jian's son.

  Shi Jian also looked happy.

  At this moment, the token of the same door in the hands of several people made a soft sound. When several people saw it, Shi Jian sneered: "It's Lin Fengjiao that has an accident! Let us go out!"

  "Elder Brother, can't we get through?"

  "Of course I have to go there. I heard that Taixuan is where he is. I will step on him this time, so that he will never turn over!!" Shi Jian had a sneer on his face. .

Chapter 162

  the next day.

  The surrounding Maoshan comrades arrived at Yizhuang one after another. These people were in groups of three and two, each with their apprentices.

  The four-eyed Taoist priest also rushed back from Jiuquan Town overnight. Seeing Lin Zhengying, he also asked, "Senior brother, what happened?"

  Lin Zhengying told the story of the future.

  The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at Wencai and Qiusheng: "It's your master who deserves it, scold you!!"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng bowed their heads and did not speak, knowing that they were wrong.

  As of [-]:[-] in the evening, all the comrades who received the summoning order and were able to rush over have all arrived, a total of thirteen people, including seven from Shi Jian's lineage and six from Lin Zhengying's side.

  The hall of Yizhuang was full of people, and there were two empty seats on the left and right of the top, so don't think it was reserved for Lin Fan and Shi Jian.

  Sitting on the lower left of Lin Zhengying, the four-eyed Taoist priest glanced at the people from Shi Jian's line with disdain, and asked Lin Zhengying in a low voice, "Senior Taixuan, why haven't you come yet?"

  "He said he would come later!!"

  Lin Zhengying said.

  The four-eyed Taoist nodded. Now that Lin Fangui is a Celestial Master, he naturally has this qualification.

  At this time, Lin Zhengying saw that everyone was almost there.He stood up and said, "Junior brothers, now all the ghosts have escaped. We must capture them all tonight and send them to the gate of hell, otherwise there will be a lot of haunted incidents."

  The voice fell, and a Taoist looked at Lin Zhengying with a slightly dignified look: "What are you going to do, brother?"

  Lin Zhengying's face sank: "I'm going to use the innate gossip array, but I can't figure it out myself, so I'm asking you all to help me today."

  After saying this, another Taoist opened his mouth and said, "Senior brother, I think this matter should wait for the senior brother to come before making a decision."

  As soon as the Taoist finished speaking, Qiu Sheng was unhappy: "Who is he? He is so good? There are so many of us waiting for him, how old does he think he is?"

  Lin Zhengying snorted coldly: "My senior brother is your uncle, no big or small!"

  At this moment, a Maoshan disciple at the door suddenly shouted: "Master Uncle is here!"


  Everyone's eyes turned towards the gate.

  At this time, the door opened.

  A Taoist who looked in his fifties walked in with a young man in his twenties with his head held high, and the mighty aura made people hold their breath.

  The people who came were Shi Jian, the elder brother of Maoshan, and his son Shi Shaojian.

  "Big Brother!!"

  "Big Brother!!"

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