Lin Fan patted Ao Ningshuang on the shoulder.

  "Senior, are you up?"

  Ao Ningshuang rubbed her eyes and hugged Lin Fan. Since her father Ao Tianlong died, this girl has become more and more attached to Lin Fan.

  "Have those ghosts been caught?" Ao Ningshuang asked.

  "Not yet, but I should be able to catch them all today. Our fellow brothers and sisters from Maoshan have all come here!" Lin Fan said lightly.

  "I have to get up now! I will arrange for them to set up the magic circle later!"

  Lin Fan hugged Ao Ningshuang away. With her strong muscles and perfect physique, she looked at Ao Ningshuang with a red face, but secretly glanced at it a few more times.

  "So handsome!!"

  After getting up, Lin Fan finished his breakfast, and his disciples from Maoshan also came.

  After collection.

  When everyone arrived at Renjia Town, they set up an innate gossip formation. The formation was divided into eight directions, and each side had a fellow from the fourth level of Qi Transformation or above.

  This formation can reverse yin and yang, and when activated, it can be turned into a gossip formation, forming a place of extreme yin, attracting a large number of ghosts and being fooled.

  At night, at midnight.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng continued to sell tofu, and they also had a few ghost charms pasted on their bodies.

  Lin Fan asked Xiaoli to secretly lure those ghosts out. Xiaoli, as a green demon and a half-step ghost king, still had some means to deal with ghosts.

  Lin Fan, Lin Zhengying and the others hid around the big formation, paying close attention to the surrounding situation.

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were walking down the street with their burdens on their shoulders. The two of them shivered and looked terrified. Especially Wen Cai swallowed several saliva, because they could feel the gloomy wind around them, and there were countless eyes staring at them like wolves.

  "Tofu! I want tofu!!"

  "Give me tofu!"

  A series of eerie voices rang in the ears of the two, and their scalps were numb.

  "Help... Master, help!"

  It didn't take long for Qiu Sheng Wencai's screams to be heard.

  Following closely, the two ran over in a panic, and behind them, there were three or four hundred evil ghosts.

  "You give me in!"

  Lin Fan appeared behind the two of them and mercilessly kicked the two of them.


  The two people's buttocks hurt, the whole person was kicked and flew in, and they fell into the big array, and there were countless ghosts and wolf howls in their ears.

  They both shivered with fright.

  Lin Fan quickly turned around and left.

  Posted a ghost charm.

  Again in the extremely yin gossip array.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were as dazzling as the sun in the dark night. These ghosts rushed towards them one after another.


  When the last ghost entered the great formation, Mao Shan, who was guarding the formation from all directions, pointed out abruptly.

  In all directions, with a bang, eight huge pillars rose up, and a rune appeared on the pillars, and the golden light shone.

  And above the sky, a huge innate gossip pattern appeared, the extreme yin was transformed into the extreme yang, and the golden light was falling, completely eliminating the possibility of these ghosts trying to escape.

  follow closely.

  The Taoist Maoshan next to him flew in, and one by one took out his own sacrificial instruments to collect these ghosts.

  These instruments are of various kinds, like what kind of umbrellas!Pagoda, bell!and many more.

  I saw that they took a photo of the magic weapon in the air.

  These ghosts are only at the level of white-shirted ghosts, how could they be the opponents of these qi transformation masters?

  Almost every Taoist waved, several or a dozen ghosts were put away.

  Lin Fan was a little empty.

  One after another, the ghost-killing talismans went out, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of evil ghosts were taken away.


  Yet at this moment.

  A few thunderous bangs appeared very harsh in the array, and then the lightning flashed again.

  Immediately after, Lin Fan saw Shi Jian beat dozens of ghosts with lightning bolts, and he couldn't help feeling furious.

  This is meritorious!

  With a single punch, thousands of merit points were scattered, how could Lin Fan not be annoyed?

  As the saying goes, being wealthy is like killing your parents.

  This Shi Jian is clearly unable to get along with him.

  Lin Fan's face sank, and a little bit under his feet, he appeared in front of Shi Jian like lightning, and said solemnly: "You have to spare people and forgive them. These are all lonely souls. You let them fly away, aren't you afraid of harming your wickedness?"

  Shi Jian narrowed his eyes and sneered: "What? Tai Xuan, do you want to be the master of these ghosts?"

  "Not bad! I'll call the shots for them today!"

  Lin Fan snorted coldly, golden light shone from his body, and surging mana roared out.

  "Consummation Grade Golden Light Divine Curse!!"

  Shi Jian's pupils shrank suddenly...  

  The attack and defense of the Vajra God Mantra is incomparably powerful. Compared with his Lightning Strike Thunder Fist, it is no less powerful. It is the most powerful Taoist technique in the talisman lineage.

  "Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

  Shi Jian shouted angrily, thunder flashed on his body, and thunder snakes rose up around him, making thunder sounds.

  "Okay! Just in time to meet the Thunder Fist of your Thunder Element!!"

  Lin Fan sneered, and a golden light condensed between his fingers and slashed towards Shi Jian.


  The thunder on Shi Jian's hand shone and collided with Lin Fan's golden light.

  Then a terrifying force erupted.

  The ground trembled.

  "Senior Brother Taixuan and Senior Brother are fighting!" Someone said.

  "Two Heavenly Masters!!"

  "A rare fight!!"

  Lin Zhengying, who was collecting ghosts, found that the two were fighting, and his expression changed, and he ran over quickly.

  After all, this is his dojo.

  If either of the two is injured, he cannot escape the blame.

  Lin Zhengying persuaded: "Junior brother, senior brother, everyone is in the same sect, why hurt the peace?"


  Lin Fan snorted coldly and stopped.

  Lin Fan still wanted to give Lin Zhengying's face.

  But for Shi Jian, he is not so polite: "Shi Jian, I have warned you, if you do it again, you can try! I will beat you to the ground!"

  After speaking, Lin Fan strode away.

  If Shi Jian messes up again, he doesn't mind giving Shi Jian a little color.Just now, he didn't even use [-]% of his strength.

  "Too Xuan!!!"

  Shi Jian's eyes sank, and the cold light was dense.

  But he couldn't detect Lin Fan's true strength until he was not sure how to deal with Lin Fan.

  He didn't dare to make a move rashly, for fear of a crushing defeat.Shi Jian still endured, snorted angrily, and left here with his sleeves thrown.

  Shi Shaojian glared at Lin Fan sullenly, and followed Shi Jian away quickly.

  Without Shi Jian to make trouble, thousands of ghosts were quickly collected.

  After the ghost took it away.

  There is no need to stay with Maoshan for a long time.

  After the group returned to Yizhuang, Lin Zhengying gave these ghosts to Lin Fan.

  Naturally, Lin Fan would not be polite. He saved these ghosts and obtained 72000 merit points and 300 yin virtue points. It was a huge fortune! !

  And with this amount of merit, Lin Fan felt that he could elevate Fenghou Qimen to the realm of great achievement.


  Big increase! .

Chapter 165

  [Grit value: 72460 points! 】

  [Yin virtue value: 475 points! 】

  Qimen after the wind: Xiaocheng [Progress 3/100]

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