【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering the B-level item "General Guide to Alchemy", whether to pick it up! 】

  Pick up!

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering...]

  Pick up!

  Pick it all up! ! !

  Lin Fan felt that this time it was really a big hit, and he made a fortune. He opened the panel to check the merit value.

  Merit value: 74230 points

  Yin Virtue: 1460 points

  7 merit points is simply the law, and after the wind, Qimen is not far from Consummation! !

  Explosive! !


  Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief and calmed down his inner joy. Now he can't wait to go to retreat and practice to improve his strength.

  But looking at the dilapidated Yizhuang and the corpses all over the ground, it is estimated that it is not feasible now. It needs to be cleaned up before you can practice properly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  "Junior brother, this time you are cleaning up the door for Maoshan, and I am Maoshan's law and power. It is really a lot of merit!!!"

  Lin Zhengying sighed.

  Shi Jian has done a lot of evil, if not Lin Fan here.

  It's bound to cause disaster!

  "Senior brother, what are you talking about, all these criminals will be punished!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

  "Uncle Shi, your old man is simply too strong! This Shi Jian is just like playing in front of you, and he will kill him in two strokes! It's so awesome!!!" Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai showed admiration.

  "Yes, senior, you are really amazing!" The admiration in Ao Ningshuang's eyes grew even stronger.

  "Okay, you two don't flatter your uncle, hurry up and clean this place, condense, you go with me and burn those corpses!!"

0 ........................

  Lin Fan looked at the dilapidated hall and couldn't help shaking his head.

  The battle of the Celestial Master is too strong, it is simply a humanoid fighter, and destroying the house is an easy task.

  The house is long gone.

  Several people quickly got busy.

  I was busy until dawn, and then I cleaned up the place. Of course, if you want to repair the house, you can't do it without ten days and a half months.

  Everyone was so tired that they didn't even eat, so they all went back to their rooms to sleep.

  And when Lin Fan sent Ao Ningshuang into the room, he couldn't wait to go back to the room to take out this harvest.

  "Lightning Lightning Fist!"

  "Five Thunder God Curse!"

  Lin Fan was the first to come up with these two powerful exercises, which were the biggest gains this time.

  There are a total of nine lightning strikes.With the Thunder Technique, each level can add a Thunder Snake, and the Nine Levels are nine Thunder Snakes.

  Shi Jian cultivated this spell to the fourth level, and burst out with all his strength, so that the masters of the third level of the Celestial Master can avoid its edge, showing its power.


  It can also strengthen the physical body. Lin Fan's current physical strength has reached 12000 jins before strengthening, which is simply invincible.

  Lin Fan directly converted all the merits into comprehension time, a total of 74 seconds, and then began to comprehend these two spells.

  Inside an empty house.

  Lin Fan closed his eyes slightly, sat cross-legged, surrounded by a circle of magic.

  With the passage of time, one after another thunder flashed on the body, crackling and making a sound like firecrackers.

  Followed by.

  A terrifying aura filled Lin Fan's body! !

  [Work hard to code today and see if you can make 5 more changes! ! 】righteous.

Chapter 174

  In the room, Lin Fan arranged a magic circle to prevent his own power from blowing up the room, and thunder lights filled the entire room.

  Like a snake running around the room.

  Zizizi! !

  Thunder Snake made a crackling sound, and countless spiritual qi of heaven and earth rushed towards Lin Fan.

  Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist, and is raising the level at a crazy speed.

  The first level, the second level, the third level... One after another thunder snake strengthened around Lin Fan. These thunderbolts did not enter Lin Fan's body, tempering his cells and increasing his strength.

  However, when it reached the fifth level, the formation that Lin Fan arranged could not resist this force, and it suddenly collapsed. The table, chair, and bed in the room were blown to pieces.


  Lin Fan woke up from the epiphany and paused the epiphany time.

  He didn't expect that the power of Lightning Lightning Fist was still beyond his imagination, and it directly destroyed all the magic circles he arranged.


  Lin Fan let out a sigh of relief, and the fifth-layer Lightning Strike Thunder Fist increased his physical strength a lot. As for how much Lin Fan's eighty-seven is still unclear, he will have to test it later.

  "It seems that I have to find a place to practice!"

  Looking at the room full of people, Lin Fan couldn't help laughing and laughing. He probably didn't have a place to sleep tonight. When he went out, he found that it was noon.

  The slightly dazzling sunlight made his eyes narrow slightly.

  "Uncle Shi, are you demolishing the house?"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng heard the movement, stood at the door and looked in secretly.

  "I was cultivating just now, and my strength is a little bigger." Lin Fan coughed dryly.

  "A little more power..."

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other, if it was bigger, wouldn't the house collapse?

  Uncle Shi is indeed a celestial master!

  A little power is out of reach for them.

  "Senior, it's time to eat!"

  Ao Ningshuang came over.

  Lin Fan hugged her and said with a smile, "Look at how messy my room is, there's no place to sleep, I'm going to sleep with you tonight."

  "Stinky bastard, I don't want to sleep with you."

  Ao Ningshuang blushed.

  "Master, there is an empty bed in my room, you can sleep with me at night!" Wen Cai said.


  Lin Fan's face darkened when he heard it, and he kicked Wen Cai away with one kick.

  This fellow has no eyesight.

  Who wants to sleep with you.

  Looking at Wen Cai like this, Du Qiusheng couldn't help laughing: "Wen Cai, you deserve to be beaten by your uncle! I beat you too!!"

  "What did I do wrong again?" Wen Cai looked confused.

  Lin Fan came to the hall.

  The hall has been cleaned very well. Except for the ventilation of the roof and walls, it is basically not the same as usual.

  There are many delicacies on the table.

  They were all made by Ao Ningshuang, and there were many things outside the Great Wall.


  Hearing Lin Fan's praise, Ao Ningshuang was very happy.


  After lunch.

  Lin Fan was in an open space in Yizhuang, looking for a place to practice. Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng secretly followed and hid under a large rock.

  "What are you two doing?"

  Lin Zhengying appeared in front of the two with his hands behind his back.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were taken aback and stammered: "Master, let's watch Uncle practice cultivation!!"

  "Looking at your uncle's cultivation, it's like stealing chickens and dogs, this is not a shameful thing, just look at the master like this!!" Lin Zhengying taught.

  "Master, do you want to see too?"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked strange.

  Lin Zhengying glanced at the two of them: "What? You can watch it, but you can't watch it as a teacher? The teacher's current strength has reached the ninth level of Qi transformation, and being able to see the great benefits of cultivating a celestial master, maybe I can too. Feeling the opportunity, there is a chance to break through the Celestial Master."

  Speaking of the word Tianshi.

  The light in Lin Zhengying's eyes dimmed. Maoshan has been a talented person over the years, but there are very few people who can reach the Heavenly Master Realm.

  Among the eighteen generations of disciples, only Lin Fan and Shi Jian were in this situation.

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