"Why can science develop? That's a bold assumption and careful verification, so we cultivators should also take new steps, otherwise, we will be eliminated in the end!"

  Lin Fan only agrees with these words.

  Scientific development is true, but it has to be used with ideas.

  Taoism cannot be explained by science in the first place. For example, the method of thunder and the golden light magic spell cannot be explained clearly. If you force something to apply, it will put the cart before the horse.

  However, see Zhuge Kongping say so.

  Lin Fan didn't say anything.

  Since he obtained the magical transformation, Lin Fan's eyes have seen a lot of different things.

  For example, Zhuge Kongping's Yintang became black, and it looked like it was about to get moldy, and the moldy air rushed to the top, forming a black cloud.

  "This bronze armored corpse is indeed evil!"

  Lin Fan secretly said.

  Judging from this musty posture, Zhuge Kongping was afraid that he would not be able to hold it in a few days.

  Zhuge Kongping didn't notice at all, but smiled and said to Lin Fan: "Fellow Daoist Lin, today I am hosting a banquet at Huifeng Tower, you must come. I said yesterday that I want to treat you well, and today I will punish you with three drinks. ."

  Saying that, he patted his clothes and touched his face: "I'm going to change clothes, I'll call you later!"

  Then he smiled and left with Zhuge Xiaoming.

  Lin Fan put his hands behind his back, looked at the figure of the two leaving, shook his head, then glanced at Fengguiku, but smiled, and saw that he flicked his fingers, and a golden light entered it. .

Chapter 183

  Lin Fan flicked his finger and fell into a golden light. On the body of the bronze armor, he added some material to it, so that Zhuge Kongping's bad luck would come faster and stronger.

  It's like adding fuel to the fire.

  When Zhuge Kongping was afraid.

  When the time comes, he will break through it and use it to gain benefits. He will not be afraid at that time, he will not hand over the Zhuge Book of Heaven!

  Lin Fan returned to the room and closed his eyes to rest his mind, but he heard a faint voice, it was the voices of Zhuge Kongping and Wang Hui.

  "Wife borrow some money!"

  "How many times have you borrowed money?"

  "Isn't this Lin Daochang? I'll invite him and Ningshuang to dinner later, so give me some face!!"

  "Zhuge Kongping, let me tell you, I'll lend you the money again... I'm not going to do this next time!!"

  "Know, know-know! Wife is the best!"

  An image of a strict wife appeared in Lin Fan's mind, Lin Fan shook his head and smiled, and not long after, Zhuge Kongping came to him triumphantly, saying he was inviting him to dinner.

  Thinking of Zhuge Kongping's fearful appearance just now, Lin Fan couldn't help but want to laugh.

  "Senior, did you sleep well last night?" Ao Ningshuang walked with Lin Fan and asked in a low voice.

  "I didn't sleep well, you're not here, how could I sleep well!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

  "Disgusting, rascal!"

  Ao Ningshuang Xiaofan punched Lin Fan.Lin Fan hugged Ao Ningshuang, causing Zhuge Xiaoming, who was beside him, to break his heart! !

  Goddess, someone else's! !

  Huifeng Tower was not far from Zhuge Kongping's house, and it took about ten minutes to arrive.

  The scale of the restaurant is not bad, compared with the Wangfeng Tower in Jiuquan Town.

  After a few people went up, the boss seemed to be very familiar with Zhuge Kongping's family, and quickly said hello: "Zhuge Daoist, what wind is blowing you!!"

  "Today, my friends are here to entertain friends. This is Daoist Maoshan Lin!! You go and book a big private room for us!! I'll make up for Niubian Dunwangbatang later as the old rules!!" Zhuge Kongping laughed. road.

  "Look at your dead appearance, didn't you see Lin Daoyou and Ningshuang here? There is no formality!!" Wang Hui blushed and pinched Zhuge Kongping's hand.

  He cried out in pain.

  However, Zhuge Kongping's face showed a bit of pride: "Fellow Daoist Lin, sit down as you like, you're welcome!!" He said enthusiastically.

  Chika! !

  Zhuge Kongping sat down, the four legs of the chair suddenly broke, and he sat on the ground with a hoot, and his legs fell to the sky.

  "Uncle Kong Ping, are you alright!" Ao Ningshuang said quickly.

  "it's okay no problem!!"

  Zhuge Kongping waved his hands again and again, at the same time secretly wondering, this chair was specially made for him by Huifenglou, why did it suddenly break?

  He supported the old waist, looked at the chair that was fast, and smiled awkwardly: "It may be that the chair has not been changed for too long, and it is easy to break."

  "Be careful, it's so embarrassing in front of Ningshuang and Fellow Daoist Lin! I think you should lose weight!!" Wang Hui said angrily.

  Lin Fan looked at Zhuge Kongping, the bronze armored corpse was very powerful, Zhuge Kongping had already turned black, and bad luck was on the way!

  "Who told you not to borrow Zhuge Tianshu, let you suffer a little first!!"

  Lin Fan shook his head and smiled.

  "I want to think about it, do you miss your junior sister again?" Wang Hui said coldly when Zhuge Kongping didn't say a word.

  "Wife, what are you talking about? Who cares about her?" Zhuge Kongping came back to his senses and said quickly.

  "It's fine if you don't think about it, she is destined to be a lonely star! She will never be able to marry in this life!!"

  Wang Hui gave Zhuge Kongping an angry look.

  Not long after, the owner of the inn brought a bowl of soup, everyone was about to drink it, but saw the table vibrate violently.

  "Xiao Ming, are you shaking? What's wrong with learning, learn from your father and shake away all the good luck!" Wang Hui reprimanded.

  "Mother, I didn't tremble..." Zhuge Xiaoming looked aggrieved.

  "Someone is performing the Dafa of Faxing Thousands of Miles!!"

  Lin Fan glanced at it and found that the bowl on the table was shaking, and he immediately understood.

  Faxing Dafa for thousands of miles, where there is water, it can be manifested. It requires extremely high Taoism to perform this method.

  Lin Fan smiled and glanced at Zhuge Kongping.

  If it's all right, it should be the fat man's junior sister Bai Rou Rou here! !

  There is Wang Hui, a tigress.

  Bai Rourou is here, Zhuge Kongping will shed a layer of skin if he doesn't die today! !

  The fun is about to begin!

  Zhuge Kongping felt numb at the sight of Lin Fan, and the next moment, he looked at the soup bowl on the table.Seeing his junior sister Bai Rou Rou appear in the soup, Zhuge Kongping jumped up in shock, and sat down on the chair again! !

  "Kong Ping, what's wrong with you today? What are you doing?" Wang Hui said angrily.

  "No, nothing... I saw a fly in the soup just now, and I want to take it out..." Zhuge Kongping dared to tell the truth.

  "Are there flies? No!!" Wang Hui leaned closer.

  "Wife, there really is!" Zhuge Kongping picked up the soup bowl without saying a word.

  "Senior brother, you're still so afraid of your wife. I came here today to tell you that you caught the bronze-armored corpse and made a show of it, and the first one refused to accept it. I'm going to come to trouble you!" Bai Rourou's voice sounded in Zhuge Kongping's ear. .

  "I'm afraid of my wife? What a joke, if the first Mao dares to come, I will make him look good!" Zhuge Kongping said loudly.

  However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.Except for Lin Fan, everyone on the table looked at Zhuge Kongping, especially Wang Hui, with anger in his eyes.

  "Zhu, Ge, Kong, Ping!! Aren't you afraid of me? You're too bold!!" Wang Hui said word by word.

  "Wife I don't have..."

  "You have! We heard it!!" Zhuge Xiaoming, Zhuge Xiaohua, and Ao Ningshuang said one after another.

  "Zhuge Kongping, what the hell are you doing? Show my mother what's in the soup?" Wang Huifeng glared.

  "Wife, definitely not!" Zhuge Kongping picked up the bowl and drank directly under Lin Fan's strange gaze.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  After drinking, his stomach bulged.

  "Fortunate! Fortunately!!" Zhuge Kongping breathed a sigh of relief, if his wife knew that his junior sister was here, he would be finished.

  "Fellow Daoist Lin, I scared you, eat, eat!!" Zhuge Kongping quickly changed the subject.

  Lin Fan smiled lightly.

  Zhuge Kongping is in a bad mood, and the good show is probably still to come.

  as predicted.

  As soon as everyone started to eat, there was a thunderstorm outside, and suddenly there was a heavy rain, and the rain turned into beads. Wang Hui looked up and looked outside the door, only to see a beautiful figure walking out of the rain.

  This figure is just a mirror image, not a real person, she is not someone else, it is Zhuge Kongping's junior sister, Bai Rourou.

  Lin Fan also noticed that he had fallen and looked over.

  Bai Rourou has a beautiful appearance, a pair of winking eyes, a plump figure, snow-white skin, and a good temperament. She is indeed a rare beauty, looking like she is in her twenties.

0 ......... 0

  Bai Rourou glanced in the private room, and naturally saw Lin Fan, her eyes lit up: So handsome! !The handsome guy from there? ! !

  "What? Are you dead??"

  Wang Hui spoke coldly towards Bai Rourou who was behind Zhuge Kongping.

  Love rivals meet, especially jealous.

  "Wife, what are you talking about!!" Zhuge Kongping thought Wang Hui was scolding him.

  "Don't be so blackhearted, my trick is called Qianli Fax, where there is water, I can appear!" Bai Rourou's voice sounded.

  Hearing Bai Rourou's voice, Zhuge Kongping was startled and wanted to run away.

  When two tigers fight, one must be hurt! !

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