Silent all night.

  As the saying goes, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, which is the truth.

  Only then did Lin Fan know why King Zhou was so infatuated with Daji!

  He suddenly remembered a poem.

  It should be this scene.

  The clouds and temples are beautiful and golden, and the hibiscus tent is warm for the spring night~.

  The spring night is short and the day is high, and the king does not go to court early from then on.

  Cheng Huan has no leisure to serve the banquet, and the spring is dedicated to the night from the spring tour.

  It is Bai Juyi's Song of Eternal Regret.

  In the poem, it is described that Emperor Xuanzong of Tang would not even want the country for the sake of beauty.

  Lin Fan didn't think this was a bad thing. He could use Bai Rou Rou's charming body to sharpen his Dao heart and bring his cultivation to a higher level.

  Bai Rourou has obtained her Yuanyang, and as long as she practices diligently in the future, it is not impossible for her to become a Celestial Master. Lin Fan's Yuanyin and enlightenment are also helpful.

  Both were happy too.

  Yin Xinyue also woke up at this time. After Lin Fan had breakfast, she rushed over.

  "Wow, Sister Bai, you are so beautiful today and your skin is so good. Do you have any secret recipe? Can you tell me?" Yin Xinyue looked at Bai Rourou in amazement and kept looking up and down.

  Women always know women best.

  Bai Rourou's pretty face flushed, how could she say such words.

  Lin Fan smiled and said nothing.

  Bai Rourou glared at Lin Fan and said to Yin Xinyue, "You are still young, you don't understand, you will understand later."

  "Sister Bai, I'm not too young!"

  Yin Xinyue straightened her chest.

  Bai Rourou glanced at Yin Xinyue, her tone condensed.

  This girl is really predictable.

  "Okay, come here, I have something to tell you!"

  Lin Fan came out to make a clearance and interrupted Yin Xinyue's inquiry.

  He smiled and said: "I observed yesterday that there is a strange power in your body, all of which will make your whole body burst into flames, here is a Scarlet Fire God Art, you can take it out and learn it, you can put it in your body. The energy is controlled like the heart.”

  Lin Fan took out a copy of Maoshan exercises from the Black Dragon Ring and gave it to Yin Xinyue.

  "Really? Can I cultivate too?"

  Yin Xinyue took over the exercises and was very happy.

  Lin Fan shook his head and smiled: "Don't be too happy, if you don't work hard, then things like this will continue, and they will get worse and worse, and no one will dare to approach you!"

  Lin Fan's words were half-truths, nothing more than to scare this girl and make Yin Xinyue practice hard.

  "So scary? Then I have to practice hard!"

  Yin Xinyue nodded again and again.

  What kind of change last night scared her.

  last night……

  Yin Xinyue secretly glanced at Lin Fan, her face flushed.

  She ran to Lin Fan's ear and whispered, "My mother has been with me before, and girls' bodies cannot be seen by others. You have seen my body, and you will be my husband in the future!!"

  Lin Fan: ...

  After Yin Xinyue finished speaking, her face flushed and she ran away in a hurry.

  "What are you talking about quietly?" Bai Rourou's eyes were full of curiosity.

  "I'm talking about why your skin is so good."

  Lin Fan smiled strangely.

  "You bastard!"

  Bai Rou Rou Fen punched over, but was grabbed by Lin Fan and hugged.

  "Senior brother, the carriage is ready! Fellow Daoist Ma is waiting!!"

  At this moment, No. [-] Mao hurried in. Seeing Lin Fan holding Bai Rou Rou, No. [-] Mao was stunned, but quickly turned his back and laughed dryly.

  "Senior brother, I didn't see anything, you continue."

  "Put me down!"

  Bai Rourou was already shy.

  In Lin Fan's eyes, the shy Bai Rou Rou seemed even more beautiful.

  Seeing that Lin Fan didn't let go, Bai Rou Rou bit on Lin Fan's shoulder, Lin Fan laughed, put Bai Rou Rou down, and then said to the first Mao: "Junior Brother, go and pack my things for me!"

  "Okay! Senior Brother!"

  Said, the first Mao also left quickly, he didn't want to be here as a light bulb.

  "Are you going to Ma's house?"

  Bai Rourou asked.

  Lin Fan nodded: "I have something important to do over there!! You can go with me!" He could see what Bai Rourou was thinking.

  Bai Rourou had just tasted the pure fruit, but at this moment, she could not wait to stick to Lin Fan every day.

  Seeing Lin Fan speak her heart out, she was naturally happy.

  After arranging the affairs of the Yin family clearly, and setting up a magic formation in the place where Ao Ningshuang practiced retreat, Lin Fan took Bai Rourou and Ma Yiyou to the Ma family.

  Ma's house is not far from the Guandong Tiger Forest. It is only about ten days and a half months away. In Heihe City, Guandong, if you ride a fast horse, it will only take three to five days.

  Almost the moment Lin Fan left, Ma Yiyou had already informed the Ma family.

  At this time, there were hundreds of people standing in a huge square in the Ma family, and it was dark.

  "Master Lin came to our Ma's house today, everyone is well prepared, don't lose face of our family. Besides, Master Lin has a distinguished status, so he must be treated politely!!" A coercive old man with white hair and beard , standing in front of hundreds of people, the sound is like a bell.

  The old man has a sturdy back, without the slightest bit of old age, wearing a black robe and jacket, his eyes are bright, and his breath is fiery. At first glance, he is a powerful cultivator.

  His name is Ma Buhui, and he is the patriarch of the Ma family.

  "Patriarch, don't worry, we won't embarrass the Ma family!!" Hundreds of people roared in unison.

  "Go!" Ma Buhui nodded.

  Hundreds of people were busy, and at the same time whispering voices sounded.

  "Who is this Master Lin? With such a big show, many of us are expected to greet him? Even the elders of the family have gone out." Some people were puzzled.

  "Haven't you heard that some time ago, a big man swept the five great masters of Kanto, and the entire Kanto was set off by a huge storm, like an earthquake. Haven't you heard?"

  "I've been in seclusion all the time. I was only pulled out by my father yesterday, saying that I want to welcome a big man and sweep the five great masters. My God, is this a monster?" The Ma disciple exclaimed.

  "That's not enough, I heard that this Master Lin is very young, he seems to be in his early 20s, he is my idol, I adore him..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  "What? Early 20s? Oh my god! This is too strong!" Exaggerated exclamations sounded.

  "Tell you, I have secretly watched the video that Uncle Ma Yiyou sent back. Master Lin is really invincible. He swept everything. I can't beat his old man with a single finger. He will come later. I have to take a good look at his old man's demeanor. "


  Ma Buhui stood on the high platform and looked at the disciples of the Ma family with satisfaction. These are the future of the Ma family.

  At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties wearing a cotton-padded coat hurried towards Ma Bugui.

  "Patriarch, something happened!"

  "What's wrong?" Ma Bugui asked.

  "The monster on Tianchi has come down to find the Kunlun ruler again! Several elders have passed by, but they can't stop it!!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

  "This evil obstacle, it's not too late, it's too early to come when Master Lin arrives, what a bastard!!" Ma Buhui was furious.

  "You send a few more people over, be sure to stop it, and don't let Master Lin's Dharma drive be disturbed!!"

. . 0

  "It's the patriarch!"

  The middle-aged man nodded.

  Leave in a hurry.


  The lights are brilliant, Lin Yeyouyou.

  In a bright light, five carriages drove the road. Some people scattered flowers on the side of the road. The middle one was driven by Ma Yiyou and surrounded by three carriages.



  "This Master Lin is here!!"

  When everyone saw this battle, they exclaimed one by one, and then, under the awe and curiosity of everyone, the carriage stopped at the entrance of the Ma family's mansion.

  In the car.

  Two figures walked down slowly, it was Lin Fan and Bai Rourou.


  A series of shocked voices sounded.

  "My God, what kind of immortal couple is this, so handsome, so beautiful!!"

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