after all,

  did one,

  He also didn't want to see Dong Xiaoyu being beaten to pieces by Lin Fan.


  Dong Xiaoyu looked at Qiusheng affectionately, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Lin Fan.

  "Master is merciful, I am willing to enter reincarnation!!"

  Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

  "If that's the case, then you can go!" After speaking, Lin Fansong recited one of the eight great mantras, the Pure Heaven and Earth Mantra.

  Wash the filth on Dong Xiaoyu's body, and then recite the transcendence mantra to send Dong Xiaoyu into reincarnation.

  Dark shadow ghosts like Dong Xiaoyu's strength are already comparable to ordinary Qi Transformation cultivators, and ordinary spells can no longer work.

  It needs to be transformed with the mantra of the God of Pure Heaven and Earth.

  to be sent into the cycle.

  Dong Xiaoyu's body was shrouded in a white light, and her figure gradually disappeared. She finally gave Qiusheng a reluctant look.

  "Qiusheng, if there is an afterlife, I must be with you!"

  Qiusheng watched Dong Xiaoyu disappear.

  Also sitting on the ground.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for overcoming the shadow female ghost and getting 1500 merit points! 】

  Hear a pleasant sound.

  Lin Fan showed a satisfied smile, but he was not busy at all.

  And then, Dong Xiaoyu disappeared.

  This big yard has no illusions to maintain, and it has become a broken house.

  Qiu Sheng looked at everything in front of him, and let out a sigh, everything seemed to be a dream.

  "Uncle Master, you must never tell Master about this! If he finds out, he will have to rip off my skin." Qiu Sheng suddenly begged to look at Lin Fan.

  "I can't promise you this matter. Your master already knows about it. You should figure out how to explain it to him when you go back!" Lin Fan shook his head.


  Qiusheng felt like he was finished.

  He glanced at Xiao Zhaizi as a memory and got on his bicycle.

  Lin Fan shook his head: "Cultivation well, if you can reach the sixth level of Qi Transformation Realm and live for two hundred years, you might still see her in the future!"

  "Uncle, is it true?" Qiu Sheng said happily.

  "Am I going to lie to you?"

  Lin Fan said angrily.

  Qiu Sheng's talent is actually pretty good, but he doesn't focus on his cultivation.

  And Lin Fan didn't expect that his words would change Qiu Sheng's life! !


  Go back to Yizhuang,

  Qiu Sheng honestly confessed this matter to Lin Zhengying.

  He was naturally greeted by Lin Zhengying's scolding and punishment.

  After a few people finished their meal.

  Lin Fan suddenly felt the abnormality of the tracer.

  Because he had entered a sensor in the tracking talisman, and now he sensed the approach of a huge ghost, presumably Mr. Feng Shui appeared.

  Then I told Lin Zhengying about it.

  "Junior brother, it's not too late, let's go now."

  Lin Zhengying said.

  The ghost monks and zombies are not eliminated for a day, and he is not at ease for a day.

  "Senior brother, don't be in a hurry. It may take two or three days for that guy to cure the old man. Let's prepare first, it's not too late."

  "it is good!"

  The two went to the town to buy something, and then went to find a Feng Shui master. Unexpectedly, Awei brought someone here.

  "Lin Daochang, Lin Daochang!"

  Lin Fan looked at Awei's fully armed appearance, and said with a brow, "I said Awei, what are you planning to do?"

  "Lin Daochang, I heard that you want to get rid of zombies, so you should count me a share!"

  PS: [Thank you for the 1000 VIP reward, Mozu Tianshenpu, thank you very much! ! ! ].

Chapter 28

  "Lin Daochang, I heard that you want to get rid of zombies, so you should count me a share!" How could Captain Awei let go of such an opportunity to show loyalty.

  "Everyone in the town is in danger because of zombies. As the security captain, it's my duty to eliminate zombies!!" Awei patted his chest, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

  Lin Zhengying gave Awei a strange look.

  When did this security captain become so enthusiastic?

  Captain Awei didn't notice Lin Zhengying's expression. Even if he did, he wouldn't say that he was beaten by Lin Fan, right? !

  Awei looked at Lin Fan flatteringly: "Lin Daochang, I'll find the herbs you want, and now there is only one wild ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum."

  "So fast?!"

  Lin Fan was also quite surprised. He didn't expect Awei's efficiency to be so fast. It's only been a day, and he's almost found all of them.

  "Good job!"

  Hearing Lin Fan's praise.

  Like a proud peacock, Awei looked proudly at his subordinates.


  "Senior brother, let's go with them. They have guns. Although Mr. Feng Shui is a ghost cultivator, he is still a person after all. After two shots, he probably won't have any good fruit to eat!!"

  Lin Fan said with a smile.

  Then take out a compass.

  The workmanship of this compass is very delicate. Awei glanced at it and asked curiously, "Lin Daochang, what is this thing for?"

  Several of their subordinates were also very curious and stared at the compass in Lin Fan's hand.

  "Looking for zombies!!!"

  Lin Fan said.

  I saw two fingers of his right hand together, in the void, drew a talisman, the white light lit up, and the talisman was formed in the void.

  "There is no limit to the universe, the heavens and the earth hear, and the thousands of miles follow!"


  A faint white light appeared from Lin Fan's fingertips, and then a little bit on the compass, the compass needle turned frantically, and finally pointed in one direction.

  "So you can find zombies?"

  Awei watched this scene, secretly amazed.

  "Go, on the east side!"

  Lin Fan said, and everyone followed.


  The group left Renjia Town, walked about four or five miles, and came to a barren mountain.

  "My darling, I actually arrived at Jiuyin Mountain! My aunt and grandfather really knew how to hide and escaped to this place." Awei glanced around and said in horror.

  "What Jiuyin Mountain?"

  Lin Fan glanced at Awei.

  Awei quickly said: "Jiuyin Mountain is our Renjia Town, the place with the most cemeteries. I heard that it is often haunted, and most people dare not come."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he changed his words.

  "However, with Ninth Uncle and Lin Daochang here today, I don't think any lonely ghost would dare to come out and be presumptuous!"

  Hearing Awei's flattery, Lin Zhengying twitched at the corner of his mouth. He felt that Awei was having a convulsion today!!

  "Junior Brother, are zombies not far from us!" Lin Zhengying asked, sensing the change in the compass pointer in Lin Fan's hand.

  Lin Fan nodded: "The compass shows that it is right in front!"

  "Awei, send a few people to the front to look for it and see if there is any hiding place nearby. The zombies are here!" Lin Fan said to Awei.

  Although the technique of tracking is powerful.

  However, it is impossible to accurately determine a certain position, only the approximate position can be known.


  "Master Lin, there is a cave ahead!" After a while, one of Ah Wei's men ran over.

  "Cave? Go, go and see!"

  The crowd came to the entrance of the cave.

  Lin Fan's compass turned frantically, faster than ever.

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