【Ding!Congrats to the host for beheading Green Zombie, getting 2200 merit points and 3 Yin virtue points]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for beheading Bai Zong, obtaining 1000 merit points and 0 yin virtue points]


  A series of pleasant voices came, Lin Fan was overjoyed, he opened the attribute panel, and saw that the merit value was rising like a rocket.

  All of a sudden it reached [-] merit points.

  Really cool.

  The 120-meter range of Qimen after the wind almost covered the range of these people fighting.

  What is making a fortune while lying down, this is making a fortune while lying down.

  "Wencai, Qiusheng, and Daoyou Wang, you are too slow to kill zombies, evil dragon, go and help them." Lin Fan hugged Bai Rourou and said to the three with a smile.

  Bai Rourou was feeding Lin Fan grapes while walking.

  These grapes are all stored in the black dragon ring, frozen with cold spells, so they will not spoil, as if they have just been picked from the tree, they are extremely fresh.

  "Are grapes delicious?" Bai Rourou asked.

  "It's not as delicious as yours!" Lin Fan whispered in Bai Rourou's ear.

  "Disgusting! There is no formality!"

  Bai Rourou glared at Lin Fan, her face flushed.

  As soon as the evil dragon shot, the nearby zombies were easily killed, and a lot of merit was earned, and even the nearby houses were set on fire by him, turning into a raging fire.

  "What a powerful beast pet!"

  "No wonder this guy dares to fight alone, it turns out that he is relying on a powerful beast pet!!"

  "It looks like a lot of money, shouldn't it be the son of a family?"

  Although the evil dragon did not change its shape, the flames that spewed out had scared everyone, and it was too strong.

  Many people looked at Lin Fan in horror.

  In the inn, fortunately no one was gossiping. If Lin Fan was offended and a fire set them on fire, wouldn't they cry to death?

  Wang Ye and Zhang Lingyu were also taken aback. The flames spewed by the evil dragon made them feel a hint of threat, but it was not only a threat.

  If this evil dragon is full of firepower, the two of them may not be able to bear it.

  The two glanced at Lin Fan, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Foreign objects are foreign objects after all, and their own strength is king. No matter how strong Lin Fan's beast pet is, how can he gain their discernment?


  And this time.

  In a dark corner of Tengteng Town, seven or eight people looked at Lin Fan and his party coldly.

  "What a powerful beast pet, will this guy ruin our business, or should we kill them first??" A man said with a sinister smile.

  "Shen Chong, you know how to kill, can you use your brain? If you do this, you will startle the snake. If the king and Zhang Lingyu are on guard, won't our plan fall short?" A hot body and beautiful face the good woman said.

  "Xia He is right, our plan is about to succeed, and there is no room for failure. As long as Gao Ning introduces them into the formation, it will be their death period. Let them live for a while, so what?" Another young woman said.

  Hearing this, Shen Chong and Xia He both looked at Master Wuyou among the Taoist priests of the alliance.

  "Hey, Dou Mei, Xia He is still as thoughtful as you think. It's not easy for us to trick them into taking the bait. As long as the plan is [-]%, then we won't have to hide our heads and show our tails like this." Shen Chong said with a strange smile.

  "However, Xia He, your little lover Zhang Lingyu is here, you won't let it go!"

  "Fart, for the sake of the all-sex faction, what is a mere Zhang Lingyu?".

Chapter 235

  "Fart, for the sake of the all-sex faction, what is a mere Zhang Lingyu?"

  A sneer followed.

  If Lin Fan is here.

  When you hear the names of these four people, you must know that they are the four insolents of the omniscient faction.Bone scraping knife - Xia He, Bane seedling - Shen Chong, Lei Yanpao - Gao Ning, Chuanchang poison - Dou Mei.

  They are in charge of the four abilities of wine, sex, wealth, and gas, and these four abilities are also the most vulnerable weaknesses of human beings.

  Bone scraper - Xia He can control people's lust.

  It is said that even the little celestial master Zhang Lingyu has not escaped the temptation of Xia He, a bone scraping knife.

  lost in her.

  The seed of bane - Shen Chong can lend his abilities to others.

  Those who have acquired this ability can absorb the Qi of the other person by killing other aliens.And a certain percentage of the absorbed Qi Li will be transferred to Shen Chong himself as interest.

  Moreover, every time one more person was killed, the proportion of interest Shen Chong received would increase.Therefore, as the amount of Qi obtained became less and less, those who borrowed money from Shen Chong often fell into a state of murderous madness.

  Shen Chong's ability brought him a lot of qi, and it is very likely that he is the one with the most qi among the four insane.

  Thunder Smoke Cannon - Gao Ning can control people's emotions at will.

  And as long as people are influenced by emotions, even the most powerful aliens can only be slaughtered by others.

  He himself is a fat monk with a benevolent face.But his temperament is very vicious. He once made a father and son turn against each other, and finally caused the father and son to kill each other!

  And now he has merged into the Taoist Alliance and has become Master Wuyou, bewitching these Taoists, secretly listening to his orders, and then cooperating inside and outside to kill everyone in one fell swoop.

  As for the last one to wear intestinal poison - Dou Mei.

  This man is also very scary.

  If Lei Yanpao Gao Ning's ability is to move people's three emotions and six desires, then Dou Mei's ability is to appease people's emotions.

  Although Dou Mei's shots are not many, her ability is very abnormal. As long as people who have been soothed by her will rely on this feeling until they are as docile as a dog.

  Dou Mei's ability can weaken the enemy's will to fight, and finally become a weak cripple.

  In the battle with Mr. Lu, the four-layer thunder talisman of the old man was defused. In order to stabilize his temper, Mr. Lu couldn't pull out his nails, and let himself fall into a state of complete madness.

  It can be seen that it is powerful.

  "I heard that at Longhu Mountain and Wudang there are several masters lurking in the dark, we have to be careful"."

  "What are you afraid of? We are not vegetarians. We also have a few experts from the Quanxing faction. If they dare to appear, it will be a dead end!"

  "These people really think that there are treasures in Tengteng Town... Hey, you see they have been fooled! They have entered the fierce formation! Gao Ning did a good job!!"

  "It's time for us to take action later!!"

  The three stared at the long street and let out a cruel sneer.

  at this time,

  Everyone came to a strange ancestral hall.

  There is no plaque in this ancestral hall, only a pair of couplets with mottled handwriting: Defend the people's things for the ages, and Xie manages the yin and yang obstacles.

  There is still a little bit of red paint left on the door, a large copper lock that has turned green, and the door knocker is also copper.

  The door has been opened.

  The situation in the ancestral hall made everyone feel disgusted.

  I saw a mouthful of coffins inside, a total of seven.

  The coffins are all made of bronze, with thunder patterns engraved on them, and strange beasts painted on them. These beasts seem to be eating human flesh and blood, and they are extremely hideous.

  The one in the middle is a black coffin with a simple-looking sword hanging on it, which is particularly eye-catching, with the word Xuanyuan written on it.

  The legendary Xuanyuan sword! !

  The Xuanyuan Baojian was the sabre of the Emperor Xuanyuan, the emperor of the generation. It once killed Chiyou, the ancient god of war, and had unpredictable power.

  Now this treasure lives here.

  Everyone was in a hurry, and many people's eyes turned red.


  Absolutely treasure!

  Maybe there is also the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyuan in it! ! !

  Emperor Xuanyuan is a great power in the ancient times, and his strength is at least at the level of a real person, but he is an existence at the level of a real monarch! !

  "Xuanyuan Sword!"

  Lin Fan's eyes fell on Xuanyuanjian, and golden light flashed in his eyes, but after a while, his eyes fell on the black coffin again.

  This black coffin was as black as ink, as if it could engulf everything, making people palpitate.

  "It's interesting!" Lin Fan sneered.

  "You guys, stand by my side later, don't move! Did you hear it?" Lin Fan ordered.

  "Got it, uncle!"

  Seeing Lin Fan's cautious face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng knew that something was going to happen.

  "Hehe, there is indeed a treasure in Tengteng Town, I don't know who this treasure is?" Master Wuyou looked kindly, looked at everyone, and said with a strange smile.

  "Mine. It's mine!"

  Suddenly seven or eight people screamed and rushed over.

  what are you doing?

  Before Zhang Lingyu could react, these people had already rushed into the ancestral hall to snatch the Xuanyuan Sword.

  what! !

  Before they could get close to Xuanyuanjian, there was a scream, and the Xuanyuanjian was shocked by the light, and these people turned into a pool of blood and died on the spot.

  And their blood kept flowing, forming a strange and strange formation on the ground, but the formation was still not formed.

  "."You guys are going to die for me!"

  Master Wuyou took off his disguise, turned into Gao Ning with a grim smile, and suddenly burst into a powerful aura, instantly killing five or six Taoist priests around him, and throwing the corpses into the ancestral hall.

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