
  However, the next moment, Yue Qiluo let out a scream, and then, she pushed Lin Fan away suddenly, her whole body was trembling, her face turned pale.

  "Who the hell are you?!"

  Yue Qiluo looked at Lin Fan in horror. She hurriedly used her skills to consolidate part of the power that was about to dissipate.

  She looked at Lin Fan suddenly, her eyes full of shock and fear: "How can you absorb my essence!!"

  "I told you before, you can't suck me, you're going to kill yourself."

  Lin Fan smiled coldly.

  He possesses eight extraordinary skills, and his qi body originates.

  It is already thankful not to absorb other people's strength, Yue Qiluo came over and absorbed his strength, isn't he courting death?

  After absorbing a part of Yue Qiluo's power, he immediately felt energetic. Although this was only a small part of Yue Qiluo's power, it also increased his mana.

  "Brother, you are so interesting. We will have an appointment in the future. You have to wait for me. I will come to you."

  Yue Qiluo suddenly smiled, and the smile was very bright and public.

  She just lifted the seal, and she was a little weak. Lin Fan's strange strength made her feel a little uneasy, and she immediately slipped away.

  "Want to escape? Are you qualified in front of me? Do you think you want to bind me with a few paper figures? In front of me, you are not enough to see!"

  Lin Fan said coldly.


  I saw the paper figurine on him ignite spontaneously out of thin air.

  As soon as Lin Fan stretched out his hand, the golden light condensed into a huge palm and grabbed it fiercely towards Yue Qiluo.

  "how is this possible?"

  Looking at the giant golden hand that came, Yue Qiluo was horrified. .

Chapter 259

  "how is this possible?"

  When Yue Qiluo saw that Lin Fan easily broke her immobilization spell, she exclaimed in surprise. The paper figurine attached to Lin Fan snorted a few times, and instantly burned and turned into ashes.

  "Nie Barrier, can you escape in front of me?"

  Lin Fan sneered, raised his hand, and a huge palm formed by condensed golden light came from the sky, sweeping everything like the god of the sky pushing the Buzhou Mountain horizontally.

  This palm has a clear texture and is like gold, like the giant hand of the Buddha, descending from the sky to suppress Yue Qiluo.


  Yue Qiluo's smile faded, Lin Fan's blow made her feel like her qi was all locked, as if she would be attacked if she fled to the ends of the earth.

  "Little brother, you are really ruthless in dealing with such a weak woman as the slave family!~"

  Yue Qiluo smiled charmingly.

  But the movements in her hands were very fierce, completely inconsistent with her appearance. I saw her quickly pinching the magic formula, and a ray of blood burst out.

  It turned into a blood-colored long sword that was two feet long, and stabbed heavily towards the golden giant palm.

  There was a loud bang of thunder.

  The golden light and the blood light exploded, and the powerful 17 power swept across all directions, and an invisible force fluctuated across the entire stone chamber, bang bang, the explosion sounded non-stop.

  On the wall in the stone room, cracks spread out in all directions.

  "Yue Qiluo, you really have some ability!"

  One hit failed.

  The light in Lin Fan's eyes became even hotter. When such a minion was subdued, he felt a sense of conquest. He laughed out loud, but he didn't show any movement.

  People have come to Yue Qiluo's side.

  Yue Qiluo was startled, and the magic formula in her hand moved again. Pieces of paper people flew out from behind her and turned into a huge cocoon to wrap her.


  Lin Fan sneered and punched out.

  A fist print made of golden light shook the sky and landed on Yue Qiluo's silkworm cocoon.


  The powerful force instantly defeated the paper figurines summoned by Yue Qiluo, Yue Qiluo also stepped back a few steps and slammed his body against the wall.

  "Little brother, you are really amazing, the slave family won't play with you anymore!~~" Yue Qiluo moved her red lips, gritted her teeth, and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

  With a wave of her hand, a powerful force slammed into the entrance of the entire cave. With a few bangs, the entrance of the cave cracked, and countless broken stones swarmed down, falling like rain, directly blocking the entrance of the cave.

  Yue Qiluo wanted to use this to stop Lin Fan.

  However, the golden light on Lin Fan's body transpired, forming a chicken egg. These gravel, boulders fell, and were immediately bounced off by the golden light, which could not hurt Lin Fan at all.

  Among these rubble, Lin Fan carried his hands on his back, as if walking on the ground.

  "Yue Qiluo, I advise you to take it easy. Do you know who you are facing? Master Lin of Maoshan is an invincible master of the contemporary era, a powerful presence in all directions. With your current ability, how can you be Lin's opponent?" Deacon Li Stop drinking.

  Yue Qiluo snorted coldly, and she didn't care so much, she fled directly towards the well.


  At this time, Gu Xuanwu, Bai Rourou, and Nielong were waiting in the yard. Gu Xuanwu waited for a while, bored, and people brought melon seeds, fruits, snacks, etc. Nielong said that he likes to drink.

  Gu Xuanwu arranged for him a fine wine.

  The three of them were eating and waiting in the yard, but before they waited long, the ground suddenly trembled, like an earthquake, and cracks extended from the wellhead and spread in all directions.

  "what happened?"

  Gu Xuanwu was frightened, and the watermelon in his hand splattered before he could finish eating it.

  "Master is coming out of the well! I seem to feel a powerful force, mistress, back up!" Nielong burped a wine burp, his eyes were drunk, and he was talking drunk.

  Bai Rourou heard the words, the soles of her feet were a little on the ground, she floated back, and retreated five or six feet. Gu Xuanwu also stepped back, booming, and a thunderbolt came from the well.

  Immediately after Gu Xuanwu, he saw a blood-red figure rising into the sky, and countless paper figures supported her like a huge white cloud, making Yue Qiluo fly into the sky.

  hold head high!

  A huge dragon roar resounded in the sky, and Gu Xuanwu was stunned when he heard it, only to see Lin Fan with his hands on his back, surrounded by a long golden dragon, majestic and domineering, ascending to the sky.

  This way, like a fairy Buddha.

  Lin Fan's figure was as fast as lightning, and he stopped Yue Qiluo in an instant.

  "I go!"

  The evil dragon was sharply clever, and the powerful dragon might of the five-clawed golden dragon made him sober up a lot, and he knew that something was wrong.

  "Master!" Nie Long shouted.


  There was another loud noise, and Deacon Li crawled out of the well in embarrassment.

  "what happened?"

  Gu Xuanwu asked, looking up at the sky curiously, a little loli in the sky appeared on it.

  "Is she Yue Qiluo?" Gu Xuanwu asked.


  Deacon Li nodded heavily, "That scoundrel of my sect! She knew that Master Lin was powerful, so she escaped from the well."

  "Little brother, can't you just let me go!" Yue Qiluo blinked, looking at Lin Fan, and a soft voice came, as if it could make people feel numb to the core.

  "Submit to me, and I'll let you go!"

  Lin Fan said lightly.

  He not only wanted to get the whereabouts of the Yin Fu Jing from Yue Qiluo's mouth, but also to recover Yue Qiluo for her use.

  This kind of crooked way, in some respects, can be used more easily than ordinary people.

  "Little brother, that means there is no negotiation?"

  Yue Qiluo smiled sweetly, but her eyes were already full of fierceness. Her hands were claws, like an angry tigress.

  "Discuss with me, are you qualified?"

  Lin Fan shook his head.

  "Then we will die!"

  Black smoke billowed from Yue Qiluo's body, and her jet-black hair fluttered wildly.

  She stepped on the paper man and rushed over.

  A pair of claws with a sharp light slashed towards Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan walked around, no matter how Yue Qiluo attacked, it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

  "How can this guy be so powerful? Compared to the Taoist priests who besieged me at the beginning, I don't know how much more powerful they are!!"

  Yue Qiluo and Lin Fan fought, and the more they fought, the more frightened they became.

  "It seems that I can only come up with a trick!!"

  Yue Qiluo clasped her hands together, and saw the paper figurine under her feet flowing rapidly, like a tide, and instantly condensed into a paper figurine.

  This paper figure is incomparably huge, with a height of more than ten feet, that is, the height of a dozen-story building. It looks like a mountain giant, very real.

  The giant punched Lin Fan, and the terrifying force exploded, colliding with the air, making a huge rumbling sound, like a thunder, and Gu Xuanwu's house was pushed horizontally by the giant like a toy.

  The astonishing sound of the explosion attracted soldiers and civilians to watch in front of them. They looked at the sky one by one and exclaimed in exclamations. They were obviously shocked by the scene in front of them.

  "My God, is this an immortal fight?"

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